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Kira's POV

I hug Bucky tightly, trying to make him feel better. I think his dream frightened him too much.

I look up at him, smile, and rest my head on his chest. He looks down at me and gives me a small kiss on the head.

After a while of us just sitting there, enjoying each other's presence, he stood up and carried me to the kitchen.

"Hungry?" He watches for my reaction. I nod my head quickly, excited at the idea of food.

He sets me down in one of the chairs at the counter, giving me a glass of orange liquid. I stare at him in confusion.

"Drink it. It's healthy." Taking his word for it, I take a small sip of the liquid, grinning almost instantly.

"Mmm, what is it?" I take another sip of the delicious drink.

"It's called orange juice."

Steve walks in and stands behind me along with Tony and Nat.

"Hey kid, would you like some pancakes?" Tony asked, walking into the kitchen part of the room.

"I thought this was my breakfast?" I tell him confused, motioning at my orange juice.

"That's not breakfast, honey. That's just a drink." Nat tells me softly, kneeling beside me.

"Well can I have umm.. Cereal?" Bucky grabs a bowl and pours small round pieces of cereal with milk.

I cautiously take a small bite, making a noise of approval.

"Hey Bucky, can you do my hair? Please!!"

"Are you sure you don't want Nat to do that?"

I nod my head frantically. "You can do it all pretty."

Sam laughs out loud, enjoying the child taking control of their lives.

"Oh then maybe I can do yours and Nat's hair after?" I inquire, a puppy-dog look on my face.

Nat looks up and nods at me. "Of course Kira."

I finish my food quickly so Bucky can do my hair.

I got us as soon as I finished my last bite, shooting to the bathroom to grab my hairbrush and some hair ties.

I give Bucky the stuff and sit back down in my chair. Bucky walks up behind me and gently brushes my hair.

I try not to wince every time he pulls my hair a little.

"How do you want your hair?" I shrug cause I've never had my hair done except for its normal ponytail. "What if I made a bun?"

I nod my head with excitement. I feel him grab all my hair and put it through a hair tie and tie it into a bun.

Nat shows me a picture of my hair and I jump up and give Bucky a big hug. "I love it! Now it's your turn. Nat can you show me how to do a braid?" Nat nods her head and sets me on the counter so I can see what she's doing with Bucky's hair.

"Okay, you try." She says as she finishes with her demonstration. I try to copy what she did and it's almost as perfect, even with one hand.

I notice Bucky is hiding his face with his hand while Sam and Clint are laughing at him.

"Hey guys, no laughing! He looks pretty!" I yell, scolding the grown men. That seems to put them in more hysterics.

"Bucky, let's do Nat's hair."

He and Nat switch seats and I show him how to braid like Nat taught me to.

All of a sudden alarms go off and some voice says there's a breach. "FRIDAY show me the front cameras. Oh shit it's Rumlow and his team!" Tony yells. 

"Kira I need you to go to Bucky's room and hide, ok?" I nod and run to his room.

I quickly lock the door and hide in the closet.  I hear a crash through a window just outside the closet and hear a teen boy's voice. "Kira, Mr. Stark wants you to come with me. I'll keep you safe, okay? I'm Peter Parker by the way."

I stay where I am, not trusting 'Peter Parker'. The closet door opens, revealing a guy dressed up in a red and blue suit. The boy has brown, fluffy hair.

I stare at him as he picks me up. "I'm taking you to a safe house. The team will meet us there." I cling to the boy tightly.

Before I know it, we're swinging through the city with black SUV's following us. I see them start shooting at us.

I immediately hide my face in his neck and start crying.

"Mr. Stark, I need back up. They're shooting at us and it's a little hard to get away by holding a child with one hand." I hold onto him tighter as I see a shadow above us.

Once I realize it's Sam, I calm down. Sam grabs me from the guy Peter.

A little machine leaves his suit and starts shooting at the guys in the SUV's. I see the spider guy shooting webs at them below us. I spot Bucky on his motorcycle.

We fly past giant buildings, trying to get away from the HYDRA soldiers.

A helicopter started shooting at us from above. What is wrong with these guys and why are they so obsessed?

Peter was dodging and flinging webs. A second later Peter felt a sharp pain in his stomach, then looked down. Another bullet went through him. He fell over holding his stomach and chest. "Gah!" Peter yelped as he fell to the ground. "Mr. Stark...I don't feel so good." Peter said while gasping for air.

I watched him fall, hurdling towards the ground. Tony comes flying in an iron suit to catch Peter before he could touch the ground.

Peter's eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out from shock and pain.

Minutes later Sam drops me off at the safe house and leaves me to go help Steve and Bucky. Tony and Peter flew into the window after Sam left.

Peter was still unconscious so Tony laid him on the couch and seethed Peter's wounds with a foam spray. Peter winced and tried to turn away from Tony in his unconscious state.

Tony hands me a pill to give Peter when he wakes up. Then he leaves me with Peter to go help the others.

I awkwardly sit there and watch Peter's chest rise and fall with his even breaths. He stirs every few moments, but stays asleep nonetheless.


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