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Bucky's POV

I run towards a soldier and block his punches, throwing one back at him and nailing the guy in the gut.

"Kira's in the safe house with Peter!" Tony reported to me through my earpiece.

"Good now let's finish this." I throw the soldier into a group of other soldiers knocking them all over.

I spot Rumlow trying to get away so I run after him. He immediately starts trying to fight me.

"You have no idea what she can do, do you?" He laughs at me. I punch him in the face as hard as I can, knocking him out.

I talk into my earpiece, "I have Rumlow knocked out, now we can interrogate him when he wakes up."

Tony and Sam fly back to the safe house and bring Kira and Peter back.

As soon as Kira sees me she jumps from Sam's arms and runs to me. "BUCKY!!" She jumps into my arms and hugs me as tight as she could.

She pulls back to stare into my eyes, giggling.

"What's so funny?"

She points at my hair. Oh yeah, I forgot she braided it but now it was out of the hair ties and was super wavy.

I look at Sam with my 'don't think about it' look.


A few hours later, we are all hanging out in the living room.

"Captain Rogers, Rumlow is awake now." JARVIS reports to us. Steve and I stop our conversation and head down to the interrogation room.

"Bucky try not to kill the guy before we finish interrogating him."

We walk into the room with Rumlow staring at us. Steve sits in the seat across from him while I stay in the corner with my arms crossed.

"How did you find Kira here?" I ask from the corner, my voice gruff and serious.

Rumlow just laughs. "We have eyes and ears everywhere Barnes." I roll my eyes then stand next to him glaring. I get real close, hovering.

Rumlow gets a little angsty, fidgeting in his seat.

"Why is she so important to HYDRA?" Steve asks to get my attention.

"She was our replacement for Barnes here."

I lose it and punch him in the face. "She's a little girl! Why would you do that to a little girl?!" I elbow him in the head, knocking him out.

Fury walks in and tells me to leave. I walked past Tony before he could yell at me and into the living room to see Kira doing Nat and Clints makeup and Peter on the couch.

I laugh seeing Clint and Nat looking like clowns.

Kira immediately runs up to me and jumps into my arms. "Hey pumpkin, having fun?" I put her down. "Go play with Clint I need to talk to Nat, ok?"

Kira nods and runs back to Clint. Nat walks over and turns away from Kira and Clint.

"We need to get her to a safe place soon. They were trying to make her li..."

"Bucky you're gonna wanna see this!" Banner peaks out from his lab. Nat and I immediately walk into his lab to see what he has to show us.

We look at two holograms of DNA that look almost identical. "Banner, what is this?" Nat asks, staring at it.

"It's Kira's and Bucky's DNA beside each other."

I nod, "okay, but what does it have to do with me?"

"Bucky she has your bloo-" I interrupt him.

"Wait, are you saying she's my... daughter?" He nods. "How is that even possible?"

"I think they used a surrogate. Plus her readings are off the charts." Just then Tony and Steve walk in.

"Did I just hear you say Kira's readings are off the charts?" Banner nods.

"Banner thinks Bucky's her father and that HYDRA created her." Nat says sitting on the table. I hadn't noticed Clint was also in the room holding Kira sleeping until he shushed us.

Everyone looks at her then at me trying to see if she looks like me. "I mean other than the arm your eyes both have the same shade of blue." Steve says.

Fury walks in, "you guys can't stay here much longer. Gather your things, you're all going to a safe house where HYDRA won't know where you are."

I walk past Kira and Clint to gather our stuff while she sleeps. God why did this have to happen to her.

While I'm packing, Nat walks in. "You have to tell her soon."

"I know. I'm worried on how she'll react."

"Don't be, that little girl loves you."

"Thanks, Nat."

"Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Barnes. Mr. Stark would like you to meet with him in the kitchen now that Miss Kira is awake." JARVIS said through the intercom.

"Thanks, JARVIS." Me and Nat walked down the hallway slowly. I walk in to see Kira eating cookies with milk.

I pick her up and set her on my lap.

"Bucky, I missed you." I can't help but smile.

"So did I, kid." I look back at the team staring at me. I take a deep breath and say, "Kira I'm.... your father."

She stays silent for a couple minutes, not showing any reactions. When I become worried, she breaks her frigid actions, hugging me as tight as she can, crying. Everyone is smiling at Kira and I.

"Does that mean I can call you papa?"

I nod. "Of course, only if you want to."

"I want to."

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