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Kira's POV:

I woke up in sweat after having a nightmare. The time on the clock says 12:43.

I didn't want to wake up Daddy, so I headed downstairs. I see Peter playing with his suit while everyone else is asleep on the floor.

"Hey Kira, whatcha doing up so late?" He asks me as I head toward him.

"I had a nightmare and I don't want to wake up Daddy." He nods as I sit next to him on the couch.

"What are you doing to your suit?" I looked at him curiously, watching his hands work skillfully.

"Fixing it," he answers simply, not even looking up.

"Can I help?" He nods and places me on his lap to show me how.

After half an hour of helping him I fall asleep on his lap.

"Kira, baby, wake up." I groan, rolling into Peter's lap to hide.

"No Daddy." He starts tickling my sides. Laughing, I try to get away.

"Ahh stop stop!!" I'm wide awake now. I manage to escape and Daddy starts chasing me. I run into Tony and hide behind him. "Daddy can't get me now!"

I hear daddy sneak up behind me and grab me by the waist. "Ahh." He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead.

"You guys are so cute together," Tony says messing with my hair.

"Hey pumpkin, how come you were sleeping on the couch?" Daddy says, fixing my hair.

"I had a bad dream and didn't want to wake you. So I helped Peter with his suit."

Daddy looks at Peter, "thanks."

"No problem, Mr. Barnes. Oh Kira, show him what we were working on last night."

Daddy puts me down and I grab a picture Peter and I drew of the Avengers. "That's you, Steve, Nat, Banner, Clint, Tony, Peter and I."

Sam looks over my shoulder to look at it. "What about me?"

I run to grab markers to draw Sam. I hear Steve sneeze and Daddy says "God bless America". I laugh at that.

I show Sam the drawing again but with him in it this time.

I then walk into the kitchen and try to pour some orange juice, but accidentally spill it.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, kid." Steve says as he grabs the juice from me and pours me a cup. Clint hands me some paper towels and I clean up my mess.

After I'm done cleaning up, I walk upstairs to Daddy's room to get my stuffed animal, well... also, to see Nat and him kissing.

"Daddy!" I squeal loudly. They both turn around and look at me.

"Don't tell anyone about this... Please?" Nat says to me.

"Why not?"

"Because it's our little secret, okay, promise me?" I nodded my head, and hugged her.

My stomach growls loudly like a wolf. "Let's get you some food pumpkin." I take his hand and we head downstairs.

I grab my orange juice as I sit in a chair at the counter. Daddy puts a bowl of cereal in front of me. I wasn't really in the mood for cereal, but at least Daddy didn't give me broccoli right? "Thank you daddy." I said gratefully.

"You're welcome."

I quickly ate my food then ran to find Peter. I find him in the barn with Tony. "Peter!! Wanna play?" I asked, excited.

"Eh... No, kid." Peter said rudely.

"Dude. She's a little girl, she needs someone to play with her. Trust me, when you have kids, you're gonna have to do this all the time. Now go." Stark said.

"Okay Mr. Stark. Sorry Kid, I'm in a little funk today. Please forgive me." Peter apologized.

"I accept your apology, NOW LET'S PLAY!"

"Haha. Cute kid!" Peter said smiling.

So now I go to a field nearby to play catch with him. "Okay Peter, just letting you know before I destroy you at football, I have been practicing!" I said with self pride.

"Oh! Well I better watch out right?" Peter said to me.


"Haha! Okay kid!"

About 6 minutes later, I was throwing it LIKE A CHAMP! "Woah kid you really have been practicing!" Peter said.

Before I could respond, a glow surrounded him. The light looked like it came from the sky, and when I looked up I saw a spaceship.

A man with golden horns on his helmet teleported to the ground, grabbed Peter by the arm, and said, "remember me?"

I tried to save Peter, but then before I could, they both went into the spaceship, and flew away.

I flopped to my knees, and cried. Mr. Stark, and the others ran up behind me, and yelled "what happened!?"

I told them, "Peter was taken by a man with gold horns..." I said.

Stark whispered under his breath, looking at the sky. "Loki..."

Daddy picks me up as I'm crying and holds me close. "Who's Loki?"

"He's Thor's adopted brother." Tony says walking past us.

"Like the god of thunder." Daddy nods. "Do you know Thor?" Daddy nods his head again. Everyone heads inside to talk.

"What does he want for him to freaking kidnap Peter?" Tony asks angrily.

"Loki dropped this when he came for Peter." I take out a circular disk out of my pocket and hand it to Tony.

"Is Peter gonna come back?"

"Yes, baby Peter will be back soon."

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