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Bucky's POV:

I stood up and kissed Nat while putting the ring my mother had worn on her finger.

I pull Nat into a big hug, enjoying the embrace of my fiancé. I see Steve talking to Kira from the corner of my eye.

Kira runs up to us, "is Nat going to be my mama?"

Me and Nat both look at each other. I give her a tilt of my head, forwarding the question to her. She had that look in her eyes. We both nod at the same time.

"Yes, Nat is going to be your mama." I said, kneeling in front of Kira. She jumps into my arms and hugs me as tight as she can with her one arm.

"Congratulations, Buck." Steve gives me a big hug.

"Thanks, man." We all celebrated with dessert. After that we headed back to the compound.

I put Kira to bed after she took her bath. "Daddy, I'm happy Nat is going to be my Mama." I kiss her on the head.

"Me too." I walked out and closed her door. 

I walked back into the living room and sat at the bar with Nat and the team. I quickly give Nat a kiss on the cheek. "I can't wait for us to be a family soon." I whispered in her ear. She smiles softly, turning her head to look at me. Rhodes extends me a beer, and I take it with an appreciative nod.

"We already are a family." Nat and Steve speak at the same time. 

—— skip to Kira's birthday ——

I woke up to Kira jumping on my bed screaming, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!" Nat groaned next to me. I quickly grabbed Kira and started tickling her. She starts to thrash, screeching. "Daddy, stop!" I smile as she giggles. 

"Kira, wanna wake Steve up with me?" She quickly nods.

I pick her up and carry her to Steve's room and quietly sneak up to the bed. I set her down and she kneels next to Steve's face and yells, "GOOD MORNING!!" I watch as Steve jumps up and screams like a girl. I start laughing and he glares at me.

"Go scare Sam instead." He lays back in bed. I grab Kira and jump on his bed. We start yelling, "WAKE UP!"

"Okay, okay. I'm up now, shut up." We quickly run out and head to Sam's room. I gently grab Kira again and throw her onto Sam.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yells at me. I see Kira try to tickle him.

Sam quickly gets up and starts chasing us around the compound. We see Steve in the kitchen with Nat and hide behind them.

"What did you two do?" Nat says, looking at me.

"We woke up a grumpy Sam." Kira innocently says, smiling up at me.

Tony walks into the kitchen, smiling. "Why so happy, Tony?" I ask, seeing the wrapped box behind him.

"I'm about to be your daughter's favorite uncle." I look at him suspiciously.

"I doubt it," Steve scoffs. 

"Is that for me, Uncle Tony?" Kira asks, holding my hand. Tony nods and looks at me from the corner of his eye. I watch him closely as he hands her the box carefully. I watch as she sits down on the ground and holds down one end with her foot so she can open the other with her hand. Once she opens it I see a small back suit like Nat's but dark blue.

I watch as she stares at it for a moment and then looks at Tony. "THANK YOU, UNCLE TONY!" She yells as she jumps into his arms.

"No problem kid, it's my job to spoil you." I glare at him.

"Mr. Stark, King T'Challa has arrived." JARVIS announces. I look at him surprised.

"Tony, why is T'Challa here?" Steve asks. I see Kira run to her room probably to put on her new suit.

"He's here for Kira's birthday, dumb ass." Steve and I glare at him. I see Shuri and T'Challa walk in.

"Please don't try to kill him again." As Kira and Peter walk in she quickly hides behind Peter.

"Daddy, who are they?" T'Challa and Shuri walk up and kneel next to her and Peter moves to the side.

"Hello little one, you must be Kira Eve Barnes. I'm King T'Challa and this is my sister, Shuri. We are friends of Tony."

I smile as she makes new friends. "Does that mean you're a princess?" She asks Shuri.

"Yes, I'm a princess." Shuri says, flipping T'Challa off behind her back.

"What's it like to be a princess? Is it fun? Can I be a princess?" While Kira bombards Shuri with questions, I decide to go pick out an outfit for later.

I walk into Kira's room and see holes in the walls from what looks like blasts. I'll talk to her later after lunch.

I look through her closet for something nice. I grab the two dresses I can't decide on.

I see Nat looking at me from the doorway.

"T'Challa wants us all down stairs so Shuri can see what Kira does. He wants her to feel comfortable." I put the dresses down on the bed and follow her downstairs.

"Why do they need to see what she can do?"

"Shuri says that they need to know to make sure her present will withstand it." I nod only to see T'Challa walk in with a box.

"That better not be what I think it is."

He ignores me and continues to follow us. I see Kira blasting energy balls at targets. Once she sees me she stops and comes running.

"Daddy!!!" She jumps into my arms and hugs me. She glances at T'Challa in his suit. She giggles.

"Daddy, is he a super kitty?" I nod and he glares at me.

"Kira, we want you to throw an energy ball at T'challa for us. Can you do that?" Shuri asks, taking her from me. She looks at me and I nod.

Kira nods after I tell her it's okay.

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