TWO ✔︎

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Kira's POV

I hold on tight to Bucky with one hand as we head to Tony's workshop, me still on Bucky's back.

Once we enter the large room, I see a guy with a lab coat at one of the counters. Scared of the new and unknown man, I bury my face into Bucky's shoulder.

"You're okay, Kira. He's going to help Tony make sure you're as good as new."Bucky says with specific wording. Slowly sliding me off his back, he puts me back on the ground.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Bruce Banner. You're name is Kira, right?" The doctor asks, looking up at me. I nod slowly. He returns the gesture, sliding his glasses up his nose. "I'm going to need you to change into this hospital gown so we can see if you're healthy, alright?"

I give no verbal response, taking the gown from him gently. Changing, I pay no mind to the men in the room surrounding me. Back at Hydra, I was forced to always dress in front of the people around me, male or not.

The three men look away from me as I change into the hospital gown. I frown, confused of their behavior.

"Okay, now that you've changed, I need to do a physical exam. Is it okay if I touch you to do the exam?" Dr. Banner's words are soft, his hands up where I can see them at all times. He's tentative, cautious.

I noticed Bucky and Tony trying not to stare at my scars and bruises. I shrug and reply with, "I guess."

He moves me onto a counter, my legs dangling off the side. Dr. Banner rotates to the side of me without the arm. The only thing remaining of the limb is a nub on the shoulder. The stitching is carelessly done, blood still slowly oozing out of the wound. "How long ago did you lose your arm?" He touches the nub carefully with a gloved hand.

I think for a while before I respond with a "I dont know."

Banner takes out his stethoscope and listens to my heartbeat. I see Nat, Steve, and other people that I do not recognize walk in and watch from a distance. I didn't like this attention so I scoot down the counter so where Bucky stands in between me and the crowd.

"Why are they staring at me?" I ask, the question only audible to him. Bucky turns to face me, his face contorting with emotion.

"Because they wanna make sure you're okay." I nod my head, but still grasp tightly onto Bucky's metal hand. Bucky then moves to sit beside me on the countertop.

"Okay Kira, I'm going to have to take some blood samples if that's okay with you. You'll only feel a little pinch."

My eyes widen a fraction in fear. I don't like needles.

If they noticed my reaction, they didn't speak up about it.

As Banner touches my wrist, I wince in pain. "Does it hurt when i touch your wrist?"

I nod my head quickly. "Okay, I'm going to take an X-ray just to make sure nothing is broken or fractured. We can also find any other injuries that healed the wrong way that may need to be fixed."

I hop off the counter with the help of Dr. Banner, following after the man as he guides me over to the machine.

As I lay completely still in the machine I look down at my feet seeing Bucky, Banner, Tony, and Nat watch me through a window. I hear Banner's voice as he talks to me through a microphone in the machine. "We're almost done, Kira."

A few minutes later I'm sitting on Bucky's lap again while looking at my X-ray images.

"Kira, did you ever fall and hit your head or anyone ever hit your head? You seem to have had a head injury in the past." I nod my head slowly, not answering specifically.

"Do you ever get seizures?'' Dr. Banner continues to question. I look at him confused. He understands my confusion, continuing to show me what they look like on his small handheld screen. I nod my head after he shows me what they are.

"Wow, how could they break such a small girl?" Tony whispers to Nat, astonished. I stare at him and Natasha, picking up on the words easily. When they notice me looking at them is when I look away.

"She's not broken," Bucky comes to my defense quickly.

We all make our way back into Dr. Banner's lab and I see a change of clothes fit for a tiny person's. I grab the clothes, assuming they are for me. Nat takes me from Bucky, I reluctantly letting her do so, and we walk up the stairs to a bathroom.

As Nat gives me a bath, I play with the fluffy soap. I attempt to form an arm with the bubbles while Natasha washes my hair. I take notice of the sad looks Nat gives as she tries to ignore my bruises and scars so in an attempt to lighten the mood, I splash her.

"Hey!!" She shrieks, a smile instantly sketched across her beautiful face. The red head woman splashes me back and we play like that for a while until she's soaked in the bubble-bath water.

Giggling, I form a hat made of bubbles on the top of her head.

She pauses, staring at me with a graceful smile on her face and a warm look in her eyes. The serious moment is ruined when I splash water on her clothes once again.

After she helps me change and brush my hair we walk back down the stairs. I try not to laugh at her appearance. She has yet to remove the bubble hat and she is still drenched.

As soon as we get into the line of sight of the guys, they immediately notice Nat. They all are trying not to laugh, fearing the consequences.

"Looks like Nat got a bath too!"A guy in a flannel teases the woman, a glare immediately being thrown his way.

"Shut up Clint!" She grumbles, rolling her green eyes.

As soon as I see Bucky, I let go of Nat's hand and run to him.

"Bucky!" I shriek in excitement. I run up to him, spontaneously jumping in his arms. But he was already expecting it.

Nat joins us, standing beside the man holding me in his grasp. I grab some of the bubbles off Nat's head and place it on Bucky's head.

He smiles brightly, holding me close. "Hey Kira, I see you're having fun." He observes happily.

I nod quickly, returning the smile. The urge to yawn is sudden, the noise loud. I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

I force myself away as the supposed 'Clint' walks up to me.

"Hi kid, I'm Clint." He holds his arms out, wanting to hold me. I reach my left hand over, granting him permission to do so. He then takes me from Bucky, smiling to himself at the accomplishment.

After getting comfortable in Clint's arms, I drift asleep.

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