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Bucky's POV:

I immediately run to Kira after she falls.

I turn her onto her side and grab the pillow from Banner. Her seizure lasted about 3 minutes.

Once it stops, she tries catching her breath. I wipe her drool off of her face and move her hair out of her face.

Nathaniel is crying in Clint's arms and Nat is kneeling next to me.

"You're okay, shh." I reassure Kira. I hug her close then gently pick her up and take her inside.

She's still unresponsive as I carry her and put her on the couch.

Peter walks in, "what happened to her?"

"Seizure caused by a head trauma HYDRA gave her." Banner hands me a pill to give her.

I gently sit her up and put the pill in her mouth and she swallows it. Within minutes she's fast asleep. 

I gently place her head on my lap and stroke her hair.

"Nat, how long was she in her animal form?" I ask, trying not to sound annoyed. 

"I don't know, maybe half an hour or so." 

"Mr. Barnes, I can watch her for the night if you want." Peter asks me as he sits down next to me.

I nod. "That's be great, thanks kid." I silently head to the kitchen to talk to Steve.

"We need to be more careful of what she does," I hear Steve say as I walk in.

"I know, I should have been watching her more carefully." I say, disappointed in myself.

"It's not your fault, Buck." Steve reassures as I stand next to him.

I shake my head. "She's my daughter. I need to take care of her better."

"Bucky, you just found out today that you were her father." Nat says as she sits on the table.

I put my head in my hands. "I'm going to go take a shower." I walk out and head upstairs.

Half an hour later**

I head back downstairs to see Kira awake and Nat braiding her hair. She gets up and runs to me when she spots me.

"Daddy!!" I pick her up and hug her tight.

"You scared me, pumpkin." I muttered into her hair, kissing the top of her head.

She looks at me with a sad face, "sorry daddy."

I can't help but smile at the name.

"I love you, daddy." I hold her closer.

"I love you too, pumpkin." I carry her into the kitchen and set her on the counter. I grab her a glass of milk and give it to her. I catch everyone smiling at me.

"What are you staring at? I'm just giving her a glass of milk." I shake my head at their silliness.

"Daddy, can I go play with Nathaniel please?" I nod and help her off the counter.

She runs upstairs to his room. "Bucky you're going to be a great father to her." Laura compliments me.

I nod in appreciation. "Thanks. Oh, do you have any clothes that Kira can wear while we are here?"

Laura nods and grabs a bag from the porch. "It's Lila's old clothes, they should fit her."

I grab the bag from her and head upstairs to give Kira a bath.

"Kira, time for a bath." She comes out of Nathaniel's room and follows me to the bathroom. I grab pj's from the bag and set it on the counter.

Then Nat walks in, "I'll help." I nod. She starts the bath and takes out Kira's braids. I take her socks and shoes off. Then Nat takes off Kira's clothes and places her in the bathtub.

I grab a cup and scoop water and pour it over her hair. Nat leaves the bathroom to grab an extra towel for her.

"Daddy, will I ever get an arm like yours?" I stare at her for a second, not knowing how to respond at first.

"Yes baby, someday." I scrub her hair then Nat walks back in with a towel.

"Bucky, is Nat my mommy?" I look at her surprised. I shake my head no.

I wrap Kira in a towel and dry her hair. I then help her put on her pj's and head downstairs.

Kira yawns as we head into the kitchen with Nat behind us. Within minutes, Kira is asleep on my shoulder.

"Awwww, she's so cute." Steve says, touching her cheek.

I yawn, "I'm gonna head to bed see you in the morning."

I head to the guess bedroom down the hall and gently place Kira down under the covers. Getting in next to her, I fall asleep quickly after.

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