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Bucky's POV:

I take Kira's hand and head towards Vision.

"Hello, little child." Vision says, meeting us in the middle.

"This is Kira, my daughter. Kira, this is Vision." She lets go of my hand and Vision kneels down. She gently touches the stone on his head.

"Is that the mind stone?" I look at her surprised that she knows what it is.

"Wait, Kira, how do you know what stone that is?" Wanda asks the little girl.

"I remember seeing it in a scepter once when I was very little." Kira explains, looking up at me. I notice everyone staring at Wanda and Kira.

I noticed Kira tense up as she surveys all of the eyes on her. She escapes, running to her room.

I walk up to her room with everyone else behind me.

I enter the room, telling everyone to wait outside. I sit on her bed in the spot next to her. "What's wrong doll?" I ask her while pulling her into a hug.

She pulls away, "I just want to be left alone. I don't like thinking about what they did to me.''

I look to the others for advice or help. Nat walks in, siting next to me and Kira moves farther away from us to the corner of her bed. I nod at Wanda to her Kira's mind.

I see Kira stop and look up at Wanda. Wanda had a scared look on her face as she looked into Kira's thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Pietro stares at Wanda, wondering what she was thinking.

"I can't see her thoughts. It's never happened before."

I stare at Kira, wondering how she could block her thoughts, then it hits me. She can also read thoughts.

"Oh yeah, she can also read minds and shapeshift." Nat says what I was thinking.

"Daddy, I don't want to talk about it. Please leave me alone." I see blue energy start to surround her. I set my hand on her to see if that can calm her down.

Next thing I know I am thrown against the wall.

I see Kira shaking uncontrollably as she tries to get up and see if I'm okay. I quickly get up, ignoring the pain in my chest.

I realize she's having a seizure, which she hasn't had in weeks because of her new medication.

Nat and I quickly put her on her side. Within a minute it stops.

"What just happened to her?" Wanda asks, looking at us with a worried expression.

"It appears that she had a seizure." Vision announces, standing next to Wanda. I hand Kira one of her meds and glare at him.

"Daddy, my hands are glowing!"

"Just stay calm and focus on making it disappear." Wanda kneels next to her and shows her how.

After a few tries Kira makes her hands stop glowing. "You did it sweetheart. We'll practice more tomorrow."

I put Kira to bed and headed to my room with Nat. I sit down on the end of the bed and take off my shirt to see a bruise on my lower ribs.

Nat comes out of the restroom, observing this as well. She walks to my nightstand, handing me some pills to help with the pain.

"Thanks sweetheart." I gratefully take the pills, kissing her on the cheek. She nods and heads back into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I take off my shoes and socks and get under the covers.

—— the next morning ——

I wake up, sitting up slowly as I take in my surroundings. I turn beside me, kissing Nat on the forehead before standing up.

I quietly head to the kitchen to make breakfast for the team. I walk in, being surprised by Wanda sitting at the counter, lost in thought.

"You're up early." I get orange juice and pour myself a glass.

"I couldn't stop thinking about Kira and how I was not able to see her thoughts." Wanda says, looking up at me.

"I mean, she kinda has the same powers." I get the eggs and pancake mix out.

"Morning Buck, morning Wanda." Steve greets, walking into the kitchen. I nod.

"Morning Steve." I say as I turn on the stove.

"Nice bruise there Buck." I ignore him completely.

"Sergeant Barnes, Kira has awoken." JARVIS reports.

"Thanks for letting me know. Can you guys keep an eye on the eggs and pancakes?" Steve and Wanda both nod. I head towards Kira's room.

"Morning, doll." I announce my presence from the door, leaning on the frame with one shoulder.

"Morning, daddy." She gets up and hugs me.

"Guess what, Wanda is gonna help you with your powers today." I say as I pick her up. She nods and lays her head on me.

I walked back into the kitchen and sat her in a chair next to where Wanda was sitting. "Morning Stevie. Morning Wanda."

"Morning, Kira." I put some of the cooked eggs and pancakes on the plate in front of Kira.

"Thank you, daddy." She says, taking a big bite.

"You're welcome, doll." I say as I kiss her on the top of the head.

"Morning." I heard Nat say as she walked in.

"Morning." I smile, kissing her quickly before she sat down next to Kira.

"Ewwww." Kira sticks her tongue out, staring at us. I kiss Nat again, this time lingering longer on her lips.

Kira does a pretend gag, covering her face with her hands. We all laugh at the little girl's disgust to the public display of affection.

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