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Maybe it was a good thing I stayed.

Though, it wasn't like I had much of a choice.

It was either, the only time he leaves my side is when we use the bathroom, or I get sent off to a psych ward where I had even less privacy and no access to the internet. I'd say the first is, by far, my favorite option.

It had been a few months after the, well, 'incident', and Wilbur had been giving me a lot more space. We still share a room, but instead of changing while he was in the room and facing the other way, he would now let me go upstairs by myself.

He was still skeptical of the kitchen, though.

I understood where he was coming from, considering that the kitchen had all the knives, medicine, lighters, etc. I couldn't blame him for not wanting to leave me alone in there.

As I pulled my shirt off I heard a knock on my door,


"Ah, sorry. Let me know when you're done." Wilbur spoke.

I tugged the other one over my head, adjusting the cotton before practically jumping into my bed.


Almost immediately Will stepped in, a small smile on his lips.

"I feel like a toddler." I smiled back.

"And I feel like a babysitter."

"Hey, you don't HAVE to watch me all the time."

"Yeah, but I'd like to get paid for it," He laughed lightly.

"I could make you breakfast."

An immediate tense silence formed in the air, an unsure look on his face.

"With your observation, of course," I added, laughing awkwardly.

"Um, yeah. Sure. Just, make sure I'm awake, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah."

He cleared his throat as he got into the bed on the other side of our room, giving me a quiet 'Good night' before leaning over and flicking off the lights.



313 words

began- 3/24/2021

published- 4/29/2021

estimated time worked on- 12 minutes


Jubilee Line- Wilbur SootxMale readerWhere stories live. Discover now