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TO ALL NATIONS BY HOLY CHRIST OF JEHOVAH, 30TH APRIL 2021.Beloveds of the Holy Christ read if you please the image wrotten in english, Amen. God Bless you children. "My children I Love you too". To all Ireland, Britain, United Kingdom, Melbourne, Australia and New Zeland. "Repent on abortion and be rescued in the UFOS the Lord the Christ has prepared to the rescued of His beloved children". Amen.Given by the Holy Spirit from the Real Christ of God Omnipotent Father Jehovah of the Celestial Armies. Say three time "Who as God no one as God" and be rescued by the Elohim Archangels from now on, check if you please near a standby place and be rescued. Amen Amen Amen. Text of the image: Message from His Holy Crucified Christ for what they are doing to His children. Amen Amen Amen.

April 16, 2021Irani ans in filtrated into the British police are stealing children for child pros titution all over Europe, today Ireland, tomorrow everyone, today they are France Belgium Holland Luxembourg, UK in general Germany, Paris, Greece, Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc, because Malta, Greece already knew it from behind, that is Is lam: war they call holy, pe do phi lia in general, child pros titution business, se xual vio lence against children. They take them to hotels to put pros titution clie nts on them. They start with the sheltered centers for minors in the state then with all the rest, deaf and blind first so that they cannot report, scream or declare. Girls and especially boys from zero to seven are his favorites. people of b-oko ha ram Is-la-mic blacks, Turks, Iraqis, Pa-kistani kebabs -food- Ban-gladeshi, damn Mo-ors all Morocco are also the same. Amen. Remove them from Spain or we will regret it the most. Zero rental assistance or anything as of today. Amen Amen Amen. Of his Holy Risen Christ. They have tra-fficked half of Ireland already to the Sau-di A-rab E-mi-rates, they are looking for virgin children from behind. In hotels, I repeat, they are already pros-ti-tuting them all over Europe, Belgium, the Netherlands, red light district, all children hotels receiving clie-nts on a daily basis. Stop them, stop this in-va-sion of all of Africa, te-rro-rist armies are coming, which is what they all really are. Amen. -Message from His Holy Crucified Christ for what they are doing to His children. Amen Amen Amen.

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