| First Date |

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This oneshot is inspired by 'When He Sees Me' from the Waitress musical soundtrack. Enjoy!

Warning(s): none


Steve and Sam stood at a distance as they watched Bucky pummel a punching bag in the training room. The two shared a look of concern. 

Bucky wasn't one to get nervous. Years of being an assassin, and now as a part of the Avengers, nerves really didn't have a place in his life. But he finally found the courage to ask you on a date and he'd been a nervous wreck since.

Steve broke the silence, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder, "Alright, Buck, give the punching bag a break." Bucky huffed walking over to a bench, reaching for a bottle of water. As he sat down, his leg began to bounce nervously.

"Damn, you really are stressed out about this date, huh?" Sam asked, half shocked.

"Shut up, Wilson," Bucky retorted, rolling his eyes, "It's just a dumb date. I've been on loads of dates before."

Steve let out a laugh, "Yeah, back in the 40s." Steve sat next to Bucky on the bench, "But I've never seen you this nervous to take a dame out. What's going on?"

"I don't know," Bucky sighed and put his face in his hands, rubbing his forehead, "It's just... I really like her. And this is the first date that I've been on in ages... not to mention this is the first date I've been on since this happened." Bucky jesters at his metal arm, letting out a sigh.

"Okay, fair..." Steve began, "But you've been dying to take Y/N out for ages now. You found the courage to ask her out and she said yes. Clearly, she must like you at least a little bit."

Bucky nodded but then frowned, "But so much could go wrong. What if she asks questions that I'm not comfortable answering... or I overshare and scare her away? What if she starts to get to know me and she realizes that I'm an asshole-"

Sam interjected, "While I agree with the asshole comment," Steve nudged his friend with a scowl, "aren't you being just a little defensive?"

Bucky stood up, his thoughts getting the best of him. He began to collect his things and head towards the door, "It's just... what if she realizes all the horrible things I've done and she runs away?"

Steve spoke, stopping Bucky in his tracks, "Buck, you like this girl, right?"

Bucky sighed and turned to face his old friend, "Of course."

"Well, you're nervous because you want her to like you too. But no matter what, you have to go on this date to see what happens," Steve walked towards Bucky, Sam in tow. "You don't want to miss this opportunity."

Sam cut Steve off with a chuckle, "Alright, alright, we don't need a Captain America speech right now. We need to get this dude ready to get some!"

Steve and Bucky gave Sam a look of confusion. "It means to get- you know what, forget it. Go shower, James."


You groan as you stood in front of your closet, "Guys, I have nothing to wear. I should just cancel."

Seated on your bed, Natasha and Wanda look at each other in confusion. "Woah, wait a minute," Wanda started, "what happened to the Y/N that was all giggly and excited a few hours ago."

You turn around to face them, "That was before I started to freak out about this date."

You sigh, rubbing your forehead. You had a crush on Bucky for as long as you could remember. You weren't sure if he finally picked up on your hints or if Steve and Sam pushed him to ask you out, but you immediately said yes without a second thought. But now the date was hours away and you began to worry.

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