| Angel Eyes / 40s Bucky |

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Hey, lovelies! This one is slightly inspired by the song 'Angel Eyes' by ABBA. Just thought it was fitting for Bucky! Hope you enjoy :)

Warning(s): aggressive behaviour, mentions of blood


The speakeasy was filled with people, as it was every Friday night. You were working the bar, serving drinks to patrons. Being a barmaid prompted a lot of flirtatious comments from drunk men looking to get lucky, but working alongside your best friend made it bearable.

Loud big band music filled the room as couples flooded to the dance floor, giving you a breather at the bar.

Your friend tapped your shoulder and nodded towards the door, "Angel eyes is here."

Your attention shot towards the entrance door and there stood the womanizer himself: James Bucky Barnes. At least, he was known in the area as such. He had a way with the ladies; his charming smile and suave nature made it easy for him to grab the attention of any dame he set his eyes on. And damn those eyes. The perfect shade of blue lit up even in the dim light of the speakeasy. His gaze was enough to make anyone melt, including yourself.

Bucky locked his eyes onto yours, flashing a smile in your direction. You blushed and immediately pretended to make yourself busy. You picked up an abandoned glass, as your best friend bumped their hip against yours, "It seems that Barnes has found his next target," your friend joked.

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "As if." Bucky could have his pick of any girl in the speakeasy tonight. The last person he'd want to talk to was the girl behind the barㅡ unless it was to order drinks.

You had to admit, Bucky was a charmer. You'd be a liar if you said that you hadn't daydreamed about his angel eyes or the way he could cut a rug. But you knew better; all he was interested in was to lead women on. He wanted to flirt a little and make a girl feel like they're the only one, that they're in paradise. But the minute things got serious, he'd gone without a trace. You had heard far too many stories from girls lamenting the romantic tragedy that was Bucky Barnes.

"I don't know, Y/N. That was a pretty intense staring contest between you too," your friend joked.

"Excuse me, ladies," a voice called from the end of the bar, breaking your laughter. You turned and you were met with Bucky's gaze once again, "A couple of beers from myself and this lovely lady."

You nodded in response, all words failing to come out. Your friend shoved two pints in your direction and winked, attending to another patron at the bar. You made a mental note to get mad at your friend later.

You turned towards the area Bucky had been sitting. He had his arm around the shoulders of a blonde who was giggling at something he had whispered in her ear. You felt a twinge of... jealousy? But how could you be jealous... he hadn't said more than five words to you.

You placed the drinks in front of Bucky, his eyes shifting from the girl on his arm to your eyes. You thought you had stopped breathing for a moment. His eyes were just as stunning this close.

"Thanks, doll," Bucky's smile grew, "I'm sure I'll be back for more, so just keep a tab for me."

"Sure thing," you were able to muster miraculously. The longer you held his gaze the more you felt flush. The room suddenly getting warmer.

The blonde girl gave you a small smile before drawing Bucky's attention onto her. You walked back towards your friend, "I'm going outside to take my break."

Your friend cocked an eyebrow, "What? James got you all hot and bothered?"

"Shut up," you muttered. You took your jacket and headed out through the front entrance. As the door closed behind you, the loud music became muffled. In its place, the quiet streets that were dimly lit by street lights. You walked towards the alleyway next to the speakeasy, leaning against the wall. You took in some of the cool air as a slight breeze began to pick up.

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