| What are we? |

550 11 0

Warning(s): implied sexual activity but nothing explicit :)


You laid on your back next to Bucky after an evening of debauchery. You giggle as you think about the absolute sin that the four walls of his bedroom witnessed. You glanced over towards Bucky, whose eyes were searching your face with a nervous look on his face.

You turned to your side with a smirk growing across your face. You take his dog tags between your fingers, "What's on your mind, Buck?"

"[Y/N]," Bucky stopped himself, clearly thinking through his next words. Taking his bottom lip between his teeth, Bucky furrowed his eyebrows in contemplation. He breathed, "[Y/N], what are we? What do I call us?"

Your mouth fell open slightly, taken aback by the question. The typically bold and charismatic super soldier was now meek and shy, waiting patiently for your answer. You hadn't really given it any thought. What was the relationship between you too? You had been hooking up for a while with no labels attached.

Bucky noticed the deep silence between you two and spoke again, "I'm sorry, that was a dumb question... especially after sex一"

"Bucky," you placed a hand on his chest in an attempt to reassure him, "It's fine... I'm just not sure." You sighed, sitting up in his bed as you thought over your next words. "I do like this," you said, gesturing between the two of you. "I like you. I think you're amazing. I just haven't given us that much thought."

Bucky nodded slowly, a look of disappointment falling over his features. You began to wonder what he had hoped your answer to be. Did he hope that you would want something more? You did care for Bucky, but were you ready for that change in the relationship?

"Hey, listen," you said, "I think I'll just go back to my place... to think things through a bit."

"You don't have to, [Y/N]," Bucky croaked, his voice sounding worn and distant.

You shook your head, "No... I think it's for the best. I'll talk to you tomorrow." With that, you promptly got dressed and went to Bucky's door. Bucky didn't stop you as you shut his door behind you, despite his desire to. You let out a sigh as you ventured back to your room in the compound, thinking over what Bucky had asked: what were you two?

Sleep was scarce that night and the sun crept into your room far too soon. You groaned as you realized you had to get out of bed. Natasha was expecting you to train with you this morning, despite your hesitations to spar with the ex-spy.

You dragged yourself out of bed and you dressed in your favourite workout outfit. Lacing up your sneakers, you left your room, shutting your door as you left. You walked towards the gym within the compound, passing the common room on your way. As you passed the opening, you noticed Steve and Bucky walking towards the elevators, probably heading out for their morning run. Bucky turned to see who was passing. Realizing it was you, he gave you a small wave. You walked faster in hopes to avoid an awkward situation first thing in the morning.

You let out a breath that you hadn't realized you were holding once you reached the door to the gym. Natasha was inside, cocking an eyebrow in your direction as you walked in. "I almost thought I'd have to show up to your room and drag you out of bed" Nat joked, handing you the gauze to wrap your hands.

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't sleep the best last night," you muttered, wrapping your hands.

Natasha chuckled, "Did Barnes keep you up again last night?" Your eyes shot wide, causing Nat to laugh, "Seriously, [Y/N]? You think we can't hear you and Bucky throughout the compound?"

Your face grew warm, but you shook it off, focusing on wrapping your hands, "It did have to do with Bucky, but not in that way necessarily."

"Uh oh," Natasha's face contorted in concern, "did he propose or something?"

You sighed and set down the gauze, "He asked what we were."

Natasha stopped, leaving the room fill with silence. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, Nat," you threw your hands up in exhaustion, sitting on one of the benches. "I hadn't really given it any thought, and so I just told him I needed to think about it. And then I left his room to go to mine."

Natasha nodded slowly, "Well, I guess the only real question there is to ask is: do you want there to be something more between you two?"

Your eyebrows furrowed as you focussed on a spot on the floor in front of you, thinking over her question. You eventually stood up, gesturing Nat towards the ring. "I think I do."

After your session with Natasha, you raced to shower and get changed. Before you could chicken out, you sent Bucky a text asking if you two could talk.

You: I'm ready to talk about things if you are. Meet me on the roof?

Your heart rate immediately went wild, beating rapidly. But there was no going back now. As you stepped onto the elevator, a notification came up on your phone.

Buck🖤: On my way, doll.

The familiar nickname made your heart flutter in a way you hadn't noticed before. You began to take in slow breaths in hopes to steady your nerves. The cool breeze of the compound rooftop whipped around you as you stepped off the elevator. The morning sun still getting familiar with the sky.

As you stared at the horizon, you eventually heard the sound of the elevator doors open again followed by footsteps. You turn and there was Bucky with a gentle yet nervous smile on his face. He looked to have gotten just as much sleep as you did, his eyes slightly bloodshot and a tired gaze. A hoodie hung from Bucky's torso and he was still wearing his gym shorts from his run this morning.

"Hi," you spoke softly. You felt the corners of your mouth grow as he walked closer to you.

Bucky's smile grew wider, "Hi, [Y/N]." He stood about a foot away from you. Bucky then let out a sigh. His smile faded as his head dropping towards the ground, "Look, I'm really sorry for springing that question on you last night. It wasn't fair and I-"

You stepped forward and put your hand on his chest, "Bucky." Your voice was enough for him to meet your eyes, stopping his rambling in its tracks. Bucky's eyes desperately searched your face. "Bucky, I want to see where this goes... where we go."

Bucky grinned, but his eyebrows were knitted together, "A-are you serious, [Y/N]?"

"That would be a pretty cruel prank if I wasn't, Buck," you joked, shoving him playfully. He began to chuckle. "But, yes, I am serious. We have a pretty great thing going on."

Suddenly, Bucky threw his arms around your shoulders, enveloping you in his arms. You snaked your arms around his torso, holding him closer. Bucky placed a kiss on the top of your head. He then took a step back, placing his forehead against yours.

"How about I take you on a date tomorrow night?" Bucky proposed.

You tilted your head slightly, pretending to think it over. "I'll double-check my schedule, but that should be alright.

Bucky threw his head back in laughter, "You're going to be the death of me, doll."

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled him, your lips connected to his. You had kissed many times before in the midst of a hookup... but this one was different. Sweeter even. You deepened the kiss, knowing that you had already started falling for Bucky Barnes. 

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