Chapter Eighty-Five

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 85

"Justin, when are we going to be there?" I complained.

"A few more minutes," he said calmly.

I sighed. We'd been trapped on this plane for more than nine hours, and I was about ready to break a window and jump out of the plane. But that's what happens when you get on a plane from Atlanta and go all the way to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said the flight attendant over the intercom. "We are making our final decent into the Hawaii area. Please turn off all electronic devices, and put your tray table, and seat backs up-right."

Yes, she said Hawaii. I know, running away to Hawaii is such a bad thing. Note the sarcasm. I did, however, think Justin was being ridiculous.

"See?" Justin said, referring to the landing preparations.

I smirked and rolled my eyes at him.

The last fifteen minutes of the flight flew by, no pun intended. After we landed and taxied to the gate, Justin and I gathered up our stuff and made our way off the plane.

We had changed before the flight left in Atlanta. We both had sweatpants and hoodies on. Mine was just because they were comfortable, but Justin's was so that he could pull his hood up so no one would recognize him. Which he had.

We both turned our phones on, and immediately they blew up with missed calls and texts. They were all from Scooter, Pattie, Carin, and my parents.

I sent a nervous glance at Justin. "They don't know where we are?"

He shook his head. "No. That would kind of ruin the 'running away' thing."

I faked a small smile, and turned my attention to my phone again. I ignored the voicemails, and skimmed the texts. They were all like, 'Where r u guys?! Pls answer!' or, 'U need to come home right now!' and, 'U need to answer ur phones!'

I sighed, and slipped my phone back my pocket, ignoring all the frantic texts and calls.

I glance at Justin, and he had done the same thing.

"We just need to avoid them, as well as the paparazzi," he said. "If the paps find out where we are, then the whole world knows."

"Okay." I guess.


"Justin, where are we staying?" I asked in the rental car on the way... somewhere.

He shrugged from behind the steering wheel. "We left in such a rush that I didn't really look, or even plan to look, for a place to stay."

I let out a breath of air. "Justin, was this even the right thing to do?" I asked doubtfully.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, running away," I said quietly. "It won't fix the problem. And, like, with the baby and all, and the doctor not being here, and if I need to do anything for the baby within the next few months-"

"Stop being so self centered!" Justin shouted, making me jump. "It's not all about you all the time!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. How was I being self centered? All I really asked was about OUR baby.

The car fell awkwardly silent, and stayed that way for ten minutes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Justin sigh.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you," he said softly, glancing at me. "I shouldn't have."

I just shrugged. I wasn't going to say it was okay, because yelling at me for no reason wasn't okay. I was just asking if it was the right thing to do because I was really doubting it right now.

"I just don't get how you could even think of going back there," he continued. "They want to take you away from me, and you seem totally okay with them doing that."

"Trust me," I said, realizing that he needed a little convincing. "It's not okay, and I'm not okay with it. I'd rather be with you then anywhere else."

Justin smiled, but didn't say anything.

After a few minutes, I asked a question that'd been bugging me for a while now: "Justin, what were you and Scooter arguing about earlier?"

He hesitated. "It's um, well... it's nothing."

I sighed. "Justin, I want you to be able to trust me, and-"

"Landry, I do trust you. Don't ever question that. The thing Scooter and I were arguing about was something I did for us. You and me. It was suppose to be a surprise for you, and I was going to show you today, but we kind of left Atlanta."

"Well, what was it?" I asked in a kidish tone.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Justin muttered.

"Tell me! Trust me, I'm good at keeping secrets," I said with a wink.

Justin let out a laugh. "No, I won't tell you."

I made a pouty face. "Please? It's not like you'll be able to show me anytime soon, so what's the point of not telling me?"

He sighed as we pulled up to a hotel.

"I bought something for us," he said. Then he got out of the car, and this time, I didn't wait for him to come around to open my door. I opened mine quickly, and hopped out. I met him near the trunk.

"You bought something," I repeated. "That's all I get?"

Justin smirked. "It's really not a big deal. I don't know why you want to know so bad."

"I want to know because you're not telling me!"

Justin cracked a smile, and opened the trunk. "I bought us a house."

I froze. "You WHAT?!"

Justin laughed. "I bought us a house." He positioned himself so that he was standing right in front of me, and then gently put his hand in my stomach. "That way, when the baby comes, we have our own. Plus, we're getting married. We needed a house anyways."

I smiled. "You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah I did," he countered. "I'm not living at my moms house when we're married. That's just weird."

I laughed. "Yeah."

Justin kissed my cheek. "You'll like it. I promise."

I nodded. "I know I will." I kissed him briefly. "Thank you."

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