Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

*Justin’s POV*

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was look across the room to check on Landry.

She was still asleep, so I got up off the couch and walked over to where she was.  I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her. I looked at all the places where this Cameron kid stuck some broken piece of mirror into her skin and then ripped it down, creating the cuts she has now. I looked at the bruises covering her.  Each one caused her pain because that little son of a bitch dared to slap, punch, and kick my baby. 

Landry was laying on her right side, surprisingly.  Even though it was the side with only one broken rib, she hadn’t slept on her side since the incident occurred.  But right now, even though her back was to me, I could still see over her.

I slowly touched the hem of her shirt and rolled it up so I could see her back. 

The gash that she had went down the left side of her back, between her spine and the side of her body.  It had turned into a scab that was a half an inch wide, and a foot and a half long.  The skin around it was all red and irritated.  There were also a few bruises on her back, but those were actually fading faster than anything else. 

I sighed and rolled her shirt back down.  All her bruises and gashes on her arms and shoulders and legs were fading- all except the bruise on her jaw. 

She said that Cameron had punched her there, and that drove me crazy.  No guy should ever hit a girl, and especially not in the face! 

I pulled out my phone, and went on Twitter.  I smiled when I saw that #getbetterLandry was trending.  I was so glad that my fans cared. 

I opened a new tweet, and wrote:
    *Thanks for the love.  I hope she’s doing okay . . .
I sent that, and immediately people started asking questions.  How was she?  What happened?  Who was she?  And so on.

I looked back at Landry. She was so cute when she was sleeping. My eyes drifted to the nightstand, and I caught a glimpse of Landry's phone.  Then I got an idea. 

I took her phone and set it so that it received all my tweets. 

I quickly went back to my phone and typed another tweet, saying:
    *@LandryBraun your really cute when your sleeping . . . 

After that I got off.  I put Landry's phone back where I found it.  Then I kissed the top of Landry's head softly and went to take a shower. 

*Landry's POV*

I woke to the sounds of a shower running.  'It's probably Justin,' I thought. 

I tried moving around a little just to see how much I could.  I figured out that I could move pretty much everything, and the pain that remained was more a full soreness.  More so in some places than others. 

I sat up slowly and leaned against the headboard. And then my phone buzzed out of nowhere. 

I reached over carefully, and picked it up. 

New tweet. 

What?  A new tweet?  I haven't been on my Twitter in forever!

I opened the message and saw that the one and only @justinbieber had mentioned me. I smiled as I saw what he wrote: 

    *@justinbieber --> @LandryBraun your really cute when your sleeping . . . 

I looked through some of the other recent ones he had tweeted, because for some reason, the more recent ones had been sent to my phone. 

One said something along the lines of thanks for the love, and he hoped that she was doing okay. 

I assume that she is me.  

I looked at another one and it said:

    *Sorry I haven't been on in a while guys. I've been going through a hard time with someone who means a lot to me. @LandryBraun I hope you get better soon, baby girl. <3

I laughed a little.  Justin would be the one to creep until he found my Twitter. 

I decided that I should post something since Justin had posted a bunch of things about me.  His fans were probably going nuts.  And maybe not in a good way.  

I opened Twitter on my phone, and saw that I had over ten thousand followers now.  I laughed knowing it was all because of Justin, and started a new tweet.  I tried to sound somewhat happy. 

    *hey guys. just wanted to post something new. Not feeling the greatest but it's okay . . . I hope.  I have @justinbieber here to help me :)

I sent it and then closed the application. 

I rolled out of bed, and a string of pain shot through my left ribs as soon as my feet hit the floor and I was standing.  I let out a gasp and grabbed the nearest thing for support- a wall.  

I breathed in and out deeply, waiting for the pain to pass.  It took a few minutes, but it finally did. 

I heard the shower cut off as I released myself from the wall. 

Justin walked out of the bathroom right as I sat down on the couch that he's been sleeping on for the past few days.  It's funny, because even though it's only been a few days, the couch smelled like him.  It was a good smell. 

"Landry?" he called out, not seeing that I had moved to the couch. 

I turned around slowly and painfully.  He had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair was sticking up in every direction.  There were a few drops of water still on his chest that were running down the outline of his abs.  The tips of his hair were wet as well.  

He still didn't see me because he was looking around the room frantically. 

"Justin," I said. 

He snapped his head in my direction and let out a sigh- one that looked like a sigh if relief. 

"Why'd you move?" he asked softly.  He walked over to me, and sat down on the couch next to me. 

I smiled weakly at him. 

"I just wanted to get off that bed," I said. "I've been on it for days now."

He smiled at me. "Okay."

"Justin? Landry?" Jeremy's voice came from outside the closed bedroom door, followed by a slight knock. 

"Come in!" Justin called. 

The door opened slowly, and Jeremy came in. 

"Nice towel, Justin," he said unenthusiastically as he walked over towards us. 

"I know! Sexy, right?" Justin said, laughing. 

I rolled my eyes, holding in a laugh.  Jeremy, on the other hand, was looking at Justin in a weird way. 

"Oo-kay," Jeremy said awkwardly. "Anyways.  Landry, how are you feeling today?"

Why does everybody keep asking me that? 

"Um, better, actually.  The only thing that really hurts still is my shoulder and my ribs.  Everything else is almost like it never happened."

"That's good!  Making improvement," he said.

I nodded. 

Justin leaned back against the couch and asked in an annoyed tone, "Did you need something, dad?"

I looked at Justin weirdly.  What was he trying to get rid of his dad or something?

"Yeah, I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to the park with Jazmyn and Jaxon in about twenty minutes.  It's right across the street."

Justin looked at me.  "Do you want to go?"

I smiled and nodded which made Justin get a surprised look on his face. 

Jeremy told us to get ready, and then we would go.  Not the whole crew was going, and Scooter would probably be one of the ones who wouldn't go.  No one knew that he had hired Cameron.  Justin and I just didn't tell anybody else yet.  We had been avoiding Scooter for a while now.  

Jeremy said that we all would come back around one- it was eleven now- so we could pack for the flight tonight. 

Jeremy left, and Justin helped me up off the couch.  After that, he went to go put clothes on since he was still in just a towel. 

I found my hairbrush and used only my right arm to brush through my tangled hair.  My left arm was still in a lot of pain, since it was dislocated and all.  Actually, I honestly didn’t even know if it was still dislocated.  If it wasn’t, then I had strained my muscles far too much. 

Justin came out of the bathroom in dark jeans, a red T-shirt, and black Supra's.  He smiled at me and came to stand in front of me. 

"Are you sure you want to go?" he asked softly.  "We don't have to if you don't want to."

I nodded.  "I think I should start doing things again or I might not . . . heal, I guess, for a while.  Sometimes moving around helps your body."

Justin studied me.  "Okay. But if at any point you don't feel good, or just want to come back, we can.  Okay?"

I smiled.  "Justin, I'll be fine."

He hesitated, but slowly nodded. 


"Daddy, where has Lwandwy been?" I heard Jazzy say from the living area.  Justin and I were walking down the hallway, and we still had twenty feet to go before we got to the living area, but Jazzy's just loud. 

"She's been . . . sick, honey," Jeremy told her.  "And when you see her, do not touch her. Okay?"

"Why?" Jazzy asked. 

"Because . . . Jazzy, just don't," Jeremy said. 

Justin had helped me get ready, get dressed, pull my hair into a ponytail, get shoes on, and put my sling back on.  I put a little bit of makeup on- eyeliner and mascara- but left the bruise alone because nothing would cover something that dark.  Justin was a sweetheart because he cared so much about me and wanted to make sure I'd be comfortable. 

Justin and I walked out of our bedroom and found everybody waiting for us. Carin, Kenny, Ry Good, Pattie, and Jeremy.  Jeremy was holding Jazzy, and Carin was holding Jaxon. 

"You guys ready to go?" Jeremy asked. 

We nodded. 

"Okay, let's go," he said. 

We all rode the elevator down.  So far, so good for me. Justin made me use my right arm and link it through his left because he wanted to make sure I had some sort of support.  I think it was his excuse to touch me again, as well as the support thing. 

When we reached the lobby, we were greeted almost immediately by someone no one was really prepared for . . .

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