Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

I sat in shock for a minute. I was vaguely aware that Carin was in the front seat trying to talk to me, but I wasn't paying her any attention. I couldn’t physically bring myself to focus on her while my mind was somewhere else.

Why was Scooter making me leave?! I didn't understand why! Technically I've done nothing wrong! And I-

"Landry!" Carin yelled, making me jump. I realized that I was hyperventilating. I had stopped crying, but I was breathing very heavily. 

"What?" I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. 

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Your hyperventilating."

I took a deep breath and shook my head no. 

"Why do we have to leave?" I asked in a whisper. 

"It's for Justin's own good," Carin said, facing the front again. 

"You're in on this, too?!" I yelled. 

Carin sighed and looked at me again. "Landry, maybe it's time for a break. It's been over two months- almost three- since we first came on tour, and all you've done is hang out with Justin. Did you ever consider that there could be more to what you're missing out on?"

I stared at her. That was not Carin talking. "Scooter told you to say that, didn't he?"

She got a guilty look on her face and turned to face the front again. That gave me my answer.

"Carin!" I yelled. "Why do you have to agree with everything he says?! Have you ever thought that he could be wrong?!"

Carin snapped her head back around to face me. "I do not agree with everything he says! But this one I do! And so just leave it!" 

"Why?! I bet you don't like this, and Scooter just made you say that when I asks about it," I said. 

Carin fell silent again, and looked back out the front windshield. 

The ride to the airport was completely silent after that. The driver said nothing the whole time. 

When we got to the airport, Carin got out of the front seat, shut her door, and opened mine. 

"Come on," she said, just the way Scooter had. 

I whimpered. 

Carin left my door open and went around to the trunk. I assumed she pulled out the suitcases, and when she was finished, she came back to stand in the door. I didn't get out of the car though. I just stared at the seat in from of me. 

"Landry, I'm sorry," she said. Her tone was much calmer now, even though that didn’t make me feel any better. "I don't want to do this either, but we have to."

I took a deep breath. "No, we don't have to."

Carin nodded. "Yes, we do. And besides, you'll see Justin again."

I looked at her. "How long?" I whispered. 

She didn't reply. 

"How long?!" I yelled. 

"Maybe a month. Nothing more than that though," she said. Then she walked back behind the car, leaving me in the seat to process that I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend for about thirty days. 

“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked in a whisper.

“Honestly? Because I can’t see you hurt again. What happens if Cameron comes back? What happens if you and Justin break up? In both scenarios you will wind up hurt again, and I can’t sit back and watch it happen. So I’m doing what I can to fix this situation, which is taking you back to Atlanta.”


When we landed in Atlanta, Carin and I got in the car that was going to take us back to her house. Well, mine too, I guess. It was now, anyways. 

I hadn't said a word the entire flight. Carin tried to get me to talk, but I ignored her. She meant nothing to me right now because she agreed with Scooter for separating me and Justin. And not only that, but it was right after we told her that Scooter was the one who hired Cameron! What is wrong with that picture?!

When we got to the house, I grabbed my suitcases from the car, threw the front door open, and stormed up to my room, slamming my door when I got there. 

I dropped my bags on the floor in my room, and immediately went to lay down on the bed. I buried my face into a pillow and immediately started crying again. It hurt my ribs, but I didn't care. 

What I cared about was the fact that I was halfway across the globe from where Justin was. 

I cried into the pillow, soaking it. After a few minutes, a soft knock came from the door. 

"Landry?" Carin's voice said. She didn't open the door. She waited for my permission to come in. 

"Go away!" I yelled. 

Instead, the door flew open, and Carin walked in. 

"Landry," Carin said again. 

I ignored her. I didn't want to see her right now. I didn't want to see anybody. 

Unless they were Justin. 

"Landry, you were right in the car. I didn't want to leave, but it is the only way I know I can keep you safe. Scooter did tell me to say all that before, and I didn't want to, but I was being honest when I said that I don’t want you hurt again. So, I'm sorry."

I picked my head up from the pillow and looked at her with squinted eyes. Some of my hair was glued against my face because it got wet from my tears that had previously and still were falling. I moved the strands of hair out of my face and sat up to face Carin. 

As I did, a string of pain shot through my left ribs, and I let out a little scream. I fell back against the bed, landing uncomfortably on my left side, just hurting me more. 

I brought my arm around to hold my side. It added pressure, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing because it only added more pain to my side- so it was probably a bad thing. 

I heard Carin sigh. "Be careful," was she said before walking out of my room. 

If Justin were here, he would have freaked out and made sure I was okay. He'd make sure I was comfortable. He would be the only one who cares anymore. 

But he wasn't here.  

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