Chapter Sixty

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You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 60

"Hey!" Justin screamed as soon as he saw Ryan and Chaz in the airport in Canada. His screaming brought a little attention to us from other people, but no one really cared, I guess. Plus, he was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie, so we were more or less safe. 

Justin took my hand- something he's been wanting to do all day- and dragged me across the Baggage Claim area to where they were waiting.  

They shot up from the chairs they were waiting in, and tackled Justin in a man hug. Thankfully he let go of me before they did that. I laughed at them. They were like brothers, I swear. 

Once they untangled themselves, Ryan came over to me and gave me a hug. "Hey! How've you been?"

I smiled at him. "Pretty good, I guess."

Chaz came and gave me a hug, too. "We missed you guys!" he said to both Justin and me. 

"Yeah, we missed y'all, too," Justin said. He glanced at me once, then at my hand which was by my side, and then returned his focus to Ryan and Chaz. 

I rolled my eyes at how childish Justin could be. If he wanted to hold my hand, he could. It's not that big of a deal. Yes, I was still a little distant from him, and I was still a little upset, but not nearly as much. 

I noticed Ryan and Chaz studding Justin and me. And I also noticed that there was now an awkward silence. 

"Well, I see there is still awkwardness between y'all," Ryan said. "Still from what happened in the Bahamas?" 

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, and turned to Justin. "You told him?"

He hesitantly nodded and then looked away, ashamed. 

"Wait, what happened?" Chaz asked, innocently. 

I rolled my eyes again, and walked across the terminal to the carousel where the bags were coming out of. 

He told Ryan? How many other people has he told? For all I know, he could have told his fanbase, and now the whole would would know that he played me for sex. 

Yeah. Might make him lose some fans here and there. 

I sighed. 

But does it really matter? I mean, Ryan's a good guy, and he wouldn't tell anyone else. Was I overreacting? Or not? Should I be mad that Justin told Ryan? 

My head started to spin with all the questions, and I got dizzy again. It happened quickly, too. So fast that I thought I might fall over. But somebody showed up next to me, grabbed my arm with one hand, and used their other to and steady me around my back.

"Whoa, there," Justin said quietly as his grip on me tightened slightly. "Landry, are you okay? You... you almost fell over just standing there..."

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