Chapter Eighty-Two

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I'm so sorry this has taken me so long!! There's been so much going on in my life right now. My life has taken a huge turn downhill and it's just made everything really hard. So I'm so sorry again!!


You Light Up the Sky Like Lightning 82

We walked down the hall to the media room, and took a seat on one of the two couches. Chaz and Skylar were on the other, and Ryan sat in a recliner chair.

"So, what movie are we watching?" I asked.

"We don't know yet," Skylar answered. "We were going to let you and Justin pick."

"That's... unnaturally thoughtful of you," I said with a laugh.

"Actually, it was my idea," Chaz chimed in. He threw a little smile at Skylar, and she smiled back at him.

We stared at him. What happened at the food-loving, not-give-a-shit-about-anything, fun Chaz we used to know? I'm not used to this trying-to-get-Skylar-to-like-me-so-don't-act-like-a-douche Chaz.

"Well, it's unnaturally thoughtful of you, too. But, thanks," Justin said, just as suspicious as I was. Then he turned to me. "Lay-baby, what do you want to watch?"

"'Lay-baby?'" Skylar questioned. "What is that?"

My cheeks reddened, but I still smiled.

"Yeah, that's what Justin calls her," Chaz threw in.

"Aw, cute," she said. Then she asked Justin, "How did you come up with that?"

"Well, I took the first two letters of her name, and the last, and put 'baby' on the end," he answered.

Skylar made that face that all girls do when they see something cute - like a puppy.

"That's so cute," she said.

Justin and I just smiled at her.

"So," Justin said to me. "Any suggestions?"

I shrugged. "Pick one. I don't care what we watch."

He got a sly smile on his face, and I immediately regretted saying that.

"Okay," he said. He got up from next to me, and went to his DVD cabinet. He pulled one out, and popped it in the player and then returned to sit next to me.

"Don't kill me," he whispered, and my nervousness spiked up even more.

I glanced at Skylar, and she seemed just as confused as I was. But Chaz, on the other hand, had a smile on his face - like he knew what movie Justin picked.

Then there was Ryan. He was already sleeping.

"Lazy ass," I muttered in a sarcastic sense.

Justin laughed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He pulled me so that we were literally right next to each other.

"Justin, what movie did you pick?" I asked as previews started.

"Just a movie called 'Insidious,'" he said with a sly smile.

"What?!" Skylar and I shrieked at the same time.

"Isn't that a horror movie?!" I screamed.

"We don't want to watch this!" Skylar yelled, and I immediately agreed with her.

Chaz and Justin laughed at Skylar and me.

"What's so funny?" Skylar asked.

"Nothing," they said simultaneously. Then they turned back to the tv where the movie was starting.

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