First Day Of School

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Robin's POV:
"Robinn!!" Yelled my professor. As i woke up. He was there. "Heya Professor." I said. "Today is your first day of school." He said. I then hesistated. "S-School?" I asked as I then shaked in fear. "Robin? Is anything the matter?" "Professor! But.. everyone.. they hate me! They think that I'm weird! T-They think that I'm a freak.." I said. "Come on now, Robin, just because you ate a beautiful devil fruit doesn't mean you're a monster.. everyone eats one on purpose or accidents.. sometimes their powers are useful too, and sometimes used for the good." Said Professor. "Come on now, get going my dear Robin, this is no excuse for you to skip school, you're a 13, you skipped school through 1-6 grade just because of how smart you are.. but I gurantee you that you'll have to learn now, come on, let's go, I'll take you there if you want to... I'll be your guardian for you replacement of your mother."

As I then took my backpack that he brought me and walked me to school. I then walked in the hallway. Everyone then spread rumours about me. I can hear it through their whispers. "Hey have you heard about that girl? Her name is Nico Robin." "Yeah? What about her?" "She doesn't have a mom anymore, I heard that her mom abandon her when she was a baby." "Of course, she probably even noticed how of a freak her daughter really is, I feel bad for her mom, being the mother of the devil." I then ran away with a book on my hand.

"Hey, Nico Freak!" Said one of the kids. "W-What do you want?" I growled. "Oh nothing, just curious about what a monster like you doing here in school." "Yeah, you're a little trouble-maker aren't you? You're not very lady-like for a girl." "Yes I am! I like dresses!" I yelled back. "Whatever you freak." Yelled the bullies as he then slapped my book off my hands. "No! Stop it! That's professor's book!" I yelled. They didn't stop. Afterwards, I didn't know what to do and ran away to class. As soon as I made it. I then heard a loud explosion, and the bullies then ran into the same classroom with me.

"Nico Robin! Leonardo Vick, Swifty Taylor, and Purry Kitty, you're late for class!" Said the teacher. "Sorry teach..." said one of the bullies. "We got scared because some guy in his panties decided to blow something up! But we were also trying to teach this freak a lesson!" They said while pulling my hair. "Ow-!" I yelled. "That's enough, sit down." Said teacher. As a blue hair boy then came in. "Yo wassup teach, it's ya boy Franky, you feeling it, yow!"  Said Franky as he poses. He doesn't have any pants just wearing his underwear. What a pervert. He then got punched in the face by someone else with purple-ish blue-ish hair.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR STUPID-BERG!?" Asked Franky. "You idiot! Don't go to school with just your dumb underwear on! Wear some pants, Moronky!" Said stupidberg. Everyone then pointed and laugh at Franky.

"Ah yes, Franky and Iceberg... Tom-San's desciples... I see one's a trouble-maker." Said the teacher.

"Don't mind my brother, that's just how he is." Said Iceberg. "Anyways get to your seats, all of you." Said the teacher as we all then sat down.

"My name is Miss Katya, and I'll be your teacher from now on, we won't do much stuff since this is the first day of school, we'll just be telling you what to do and that's it, is that clear?" Asked Miss Katya. Everyone then raised their hand.

After for about half and hour. I then finally returned home to professor. "Ah, Nico Robin, how is your first day of school?" Asked professor. "I-I hate it! I wish to never return there again!" I yelled. "Robin.. come on, I swear that everyone will like you eventually, you just have to-" "They won't! They won't! They won't!" I yelled back as I then went in my room. As I then sat on my bed knowing that I lost professor's book, I know that he'll be very upset at me and probably disown me...

As I then heard a rock tapping on my window. I then opened my window to see panty guy. I screeched. "Woah chill! Heya girlie! It's me!" Said Franky. "Huh? What are you doing here?! What's with this ladder?! How'd you find me?!" I asked. "I followed you because I believe this belongs to you." Said Franky as he then returned my book. I then gasped "M-My book!" "Yeah? Figured it was yours, you ran away before I beat up those bullies and returned it to you." Said Franky. "T-Thank you!" I said. "N-No problem I guess." Said Franky. "Robin.. I just wanna say that you don- What the?! Who's that?!" Said professor as he then took out his gun. "W-W-Wait! I'm not here to-" but he was almost shot by professor and Franky and his ladder fell down, and ran away. "Phew.. that's that.. anyways.. I was thinking that I should sign you off sch-" "No professor.. I want to give school a seconr chance." I said, since I wanted to see Franky again. "Huh? But didn't you say you never wanna return there ever again?" He asked me. "Yeah.. but I'm making a new friend here." I said. "Alright then, whatever you say, Robin." Said Professor.

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