Because I loved her/him

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Sorry if it took so long to write a chapter, I am currently working on other stories too but I'm focusing on this rn. This'll be way longer and a feel extra words :}

Franky's POV:
I can't believe it. It's him again. That admirable that ruined Robin's life! "Looks like you're fine now little miss Robin" said Aokiji. "I should've killed you when I got the chance to, but at the same time, You're not exactly a bad person as everyone desribed you."

Robin was frozen in fear. No words came out of her mouth. She was too afraid to talk. "Admirable Aokiji?!" Asked Paulie. "Hey! If you're here to take Robin away from me! I'll kick your ass!" I hissed turning my arm into a gun, I didn't care what gun it was, I was ready to shoot him when it comes to taking Robin away from me.

"Franky! That's no way to talk to a Ad..." "Shut up-! I DON'T CARE IF HE'S AN ADMIRABLE, A PLESANT, A KID OR A LADY!" I yelled.
"I'll kill you if you dare lay a finger on her!"

"I see, a brat like you actually do like Robin after all, isn't that great Miss Robin? You really did make a friend after all."

"Why.. why are you here?" Asked Robin with a scared voice as I can clearly hear her. The truama she had because of him. I was aiming towards his head.

"You're a sweetheart you know, I already like you... but it is my duty.. a duty to get rid of you forever..." he said.

"What's the point then?!" Asked Paulie. "If you like her so much, why don't you just spare her?"
"What's the point of sparing.. if they're gonna cause more problems?" Asked Aokiji, as he then raises a fist at her. I shot bullets at him. Breaking him into bit of pieces of ice. Of course, it didn't hurt him or kill him.

Robin tried to use her powers on him, but once he froze her other hands. Her main one would be frozen too. She was feeling cold because of him. "Quit trying boy." Aokiji told me. "She's going to perish anyways, so don't bother trying to save her, you won't make it in time." He said as he kicked me. "Franky!" Robin yelled. Paulie didn't do anything as he was too scared to fight against an admirable.
"Aokiji! Stop your madness this instance-!" Yelled a female voice. As I flew, I crashed into a tall lady. She didn't get pushed and held me. Aokiji looked confuse. The woman had white hair, with blue eyes. She was similiar to Robin.

"O-Olivia..." Aokiji said as he stared at her chest.

"Wowie, you got some big bahonkers there! Are you free tonight?!" Asked Aokiji.

"Jeez. He's more of a pervert more than you are, Franky...." Paulie mentioned to me.

"M-Mom?" Asked Robin. "MOOMMMM!?" Me and Paulie yelled.
*switches to Olvia's POV:*
"It's okay sweetie. I promise I'll save you!" Said I told her. "Professor told me everything! Everyone's been treating you bad! I'm sorry that I left you here! I wished... I wished that you had a good life!"

"Mom. I did have a good life! I loved it here!" She mentioned to me. "But.. you didn't want to go to school! You saw everything bad that happened to you! You got bullied! You got called a demon! You... you got hurt....."
"I know I did, but he changed my life, mom! I want to be with him! Please take me to him! I want to be with him! Because I love him!" Robin cried.

H-Him? She.. wants to be with him? She wants to be with someone? But who is someone?! Who is she talking about? Who does she love?

" me... please.. I don't want to die.." begged Robin.

"Nico Olivia..." said Aokiji. "You came to turn yourself in too haven't you? You're responsible for the creation of this demon." "She's not a demon!" I yelled in anger. "She's a gift... a gift that I made! She's a miracle to me! So shut your mouth!"

"Heh.. no worries, I have nothing to do with you, just your child, Nico Olivia." He said. "After I finish her off, you'll finally be free.. free of her punishment.. think about it, no one's ever gonna try to kidnap you again and ask you where your sweet daughter is."

"As if I'd turn her in to the like of you!" I yelled. She hates the world government-! And so do I!

"Heh heh. I'd knew you'd say that... no worries. It doesn't matter if you chose or not. After this, you'll just be a widow anyways."

He then touched my baby girl with his hands, and she's freezing! Her skin, her hair! Her everything! She was turning into ice! Ice, as white as clean teeth. She didn't move anymore! She's like a a human statue.

"What did you do to her?!" Asked the blue haired boy. "Oh nothing really, turned her into ice and that's it..." said Aokiji. "I didn't kill her yet... but if you want to know how to kill her.. let me demonstrate it to you.." He said as he pulled a fist up. "Robin!" I yelled in fear. But as he lets the hit go. She dropped, but didn't smash her face into the floor. She was being held by ropes. As I looked at the other boy. He was releasing ropes out of his jacket.

"Don't worry! I got her!" He yelled to the other boy with no pants.
I then hear Aokiji's den den mushi [Transponder snail]

Aokiji: Hello? Admirable Aokiji speaking.

Spadam: What are you doing?! We weren't suppose to kill her like you're trying to do right now! Bring her into Enies Lobby so we'll execute her!

Aokiji: I see, it's not time yet.

Aokiji then closes his den den mushi and carries Robin's body.

"Hey! Where do you think you're taking my baby girl?!" I yelled.

"Enies Lobby, all day mornin'." Sakd Aokiji. That's all the hint he gave me  as he then makes himself an ice trail as he walks into the distance.

*back to Franky's POV:
As I can tell.. Robin is gone... she's no longer with me... but I am going to get her back! No matter how far we are! I know that she'll come back.

"You boys..." said Olivia. Me and Paulie then looked at her as she tried to punch us. "Are you the one who bullied her?! She said with an angry look on her face. I stuttered.

"No ma'am! I'm Nico Robin's friend! Frankyyyy!!! And this is my brother's friend, Paulie!" Introduced. "F-Friend? You're her friend?" She asked me.

I told her everything about us and what I did together with Robin, and how we met... "Thank you.. thank you for being her friend..." Olivia said

"I can't talk for long boys! I have to get to Robin!" "But.. you don't even know what to do." Said Paulie.

I was thinking very hard..... we have to get to Enies Lobby! I had an idea. "Paulie! Miss Nico! Follow me please! I have an idea!" I yelled as they both followed me.

Running as fast as a racecar, I then made it to my house. I opened the door and  saw grandma Kokoro. "Kokoro!" I yelled. "Franky! Where is your brother!? He hasn't returned for 4 hours!" "I'll explain later! First we need to board on the train to Enies Lobby!" I yelled as she then saw Olivia and Paulie behind me.

"Olivia?" Kokoro asked. "Y-You're her.. mother..."

"Okay, I'll get the train ready for Enies Lobby! All aboard!" Said Kokoro as she got dressed.

"Thank you once again for doing this boy." Said Olivia.

"But.. why?" She asked. "Why are you willing to save Nico Robin?" "Everyone seen my daughter as a demon..."

I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked.
"Because I love her"

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