Escape Enies Lobby!🔥🏢

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Flasback 2 weeks ago, when Aokiji didn't appear

Robin was going Franky's house the second time. It was Monday, Robin decided to go to Franky's house to pick up him to go walk to school together

After knocking on the door, Franky then opened it, "Robin !! Heyy!! do you want to see my battleship again?" Franky asked.
Robin then forgot about the school stuff, and instead said,
"Sure! I'd love to! I loved your battleships!" Robin stated. Franky then paused at that sentence. "You.. do?" He asked. "Yeah! I think that they're neat! Are you gonna build a cool pirate ship someday?" Robin asked. "That's my dream, Robin, but... do you really think that I can do it?" "Of course !" Robin said. "I think you'll build a beautiful ship!, maybe we'll ride on it together! You will build it for me, right?" "Of course I will, I'll build anything for you, Robin!" Said Franky.

"Cut it out with the battleships, Lovebirds!," Said Iceburg as he then threw Franky's backpack at his back. "YYYOwww!!! Can you stop being mean to me for about one second IN FRONT OF A GIRL, STUPID-BURG!?" yelled Franky. "Whatever, we're late because you're talking with her about your ship thingies, Moronky!"
Said Iceburg. "Anyways, race ya! Last one is a rotten egg!"
"Oh, you're so on!" Said Franky as he already started running faster than the speed of light. Robin tried to run too, but she then tripped over Iceburg's legs again. Iceburg then chased after Franky, leaving Robin behind. Robin flipped out a tounge, and blew a raspberry at Iceburg, continuing to run.

A/N's Note
Robin was the rotten egg

Present time:
After Franky drank the whole barrel of cola, he opened his stomach to reveal.. the Blueprint Of Pluton!
Everyone gasped in the sight of it...

"Pluton... YOU HAD IT ALL ALONG?!" Spanda asked.

"Tom-san had it, he gave it to Iceberg, and then, me!" Franky yelled.


"Pluton... the machine of destruction... was right here.. in your.. stomach..." Olivia thoughted to herself. "He's such a strange boy,... I like him."

Spanda yelled.


"Kaku... give him the girl."
Kaku then pushed Robin to Franky. Robin couldn't stand very much, she was kinda dozing off, Franky held her.
Franky then tossed Pluton's Blueprint to Spanda.

"Robin!! I'm glad to hold you it my arms.. I promised that this'll be all over soon..." Franky said as he caressed her.

"Too bad you'll have to break that promise, Cutty-Flam!" Spanda said while laughing.

Everyone then had their eyes on him.
"What do you mean...?" Franky asked.
As Spanda continued to laugh maniacingly.

"Did you really think that I'll hand you over the Devil's child over!? No! I'll destroy her and become a hero! And I also have Pluton in my hands! Even if you do escape with her! I'll build this thing, and.. DESTROY EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!"

"No! You promised him that you wouldn't hurt me, you slime-ball!" Robin yelled.

"Breaking promises?" Franky asked again. "No, I wouldn't break a promise... not even to a girl I love.. but, you? Spanda.. breaking promises is like a hobby for you to do, isn't it?"

"What about it?! As long as it benefit me, I'm cool with it, Robot boy!"

"I won't let you kill him, me, or anyone with Pluton!" Robin yelled.

"Shut your mouth! I will kill you! That way, You can go to hell and die for the things you did!" Spanda yelled.

"I'm not dying," Franky stated. "You don't get to choose if you're dying or not, ROBOT-BOY!" Spanda yelled again. "I told you I'm not dying, I haven't build the ship I promised Robin yet,"

"Giving you Pluton would hurt her promise..." Said Franky. "There's only one thing I have to do, then."

Franky then blew out fire.
The room was burned, and fire started to spread. Pluton... it's blueprint started to burn...

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Yelled Spanda.
"O-Our 5 year mission!!" Kalfia yelled. "Robot boy burnt it!" Kaku added.
"Get out! The room is on fire!"

Franky then grabbed the random keys on the desk,

He grabbed them, and unlocked Robin's cuffs first, he then unlocked Paulie's, and Olivia.

"We have to get out of here too, kids!" Olivia yelled. As Olivia then grabbed Robin's hands. Robin then went back inside, releasing the hands of her mother. "Robin! What are you-?" "I can't let Franky's brother die, Mom!!"

"Robin! I'll go get him ! You have to get out !" Franky yelled. "You'll get burnt !!"

"You'll get burnt too! I'll save him along with you, Franky! He's my friend !" Robin yelled. "Even if Iceburg was mean to me ! He's your brother ! He's important to you !" Robin then looked at Olivia. "Mom! Go on without me ! Go jump out with Paulie !"

"Will you be okay ?" Olivia asked.
"Don't worry mom! I have my friends who'll protect me !" Said Robin.

Paulie then took off with Robin's mom. "Save Iceburg, guys !" He was last seen, jumping off the building with Olivia. As Robin and Franky looked back together in the burning building, it was covered in flames, the smell of the black smoke was everywhere.

"We'll go save him now, Franky! Will you be okay?" Robin asked.

"I could ask the same for you, Robin, but I'll protect you with my life!"

Franky and Robin headed in there together, running inside. Flames touched on Robin's skin. She got burnted a bit, showing her red flesh, but she doesn't mind it.

They then saw Iceburg. Iceburg was still chained. "Hey ! Iceburg! I'm glad that you're okay !" Said Robin.
"Moron-ky! And.. Robin-chan! I didn't expect you to see you here... Why did you come along to save me, Nico Robin?!  I.. I thought you'd leave me because I treated you badly !"

"Of course I'll save you, Iceburg! You're my tomadachii! [Friend]," Robin yelled as she then took Franky's keys and unlocked Iceburg's cuffs. They then ran out together, on the balcony. "We got out now !" Said Iceburg. "Paulie's ropes will save us when we jump !" Said Robin.

"Come on, guys ! On the count of three! We'll jump ou- !"
But as Iceburg didn't get to finish his sentence, Franky pushed him off.


"Franky !" Robin then went and look down. "Why'd you push him ?!"

"He's ruining our moments, Robin." Said Franky. As Franky and Robin then looked out to Enies Lobby on the balcony.

"Robin... out of everything.. what did you really wanted to do the most ?" Franky asked Robin.

"All I ever wanted was to do was to live," Robin admitted,. "It's a wish that a late friend of mine wanted me to do, but even we do escape, I'll have big bounties, I won't be safe from them, Franky...  the bad people.. the evil people who'd tried to hunt me down for my bounty. I'm just worth money, I don't even feel safe, will I ever fufill his wish at all, Franky? What if.. What if I died ?"

Franky then stood besides Robin.
"Robin, I see it now, you're afraid of dying, right?" He asked her.
"Dying is something to be afraid of, but don't worry, Robin, you have me now, I'll protect you,"
"No one's gonna hurt you anymore, as long as I'm here,"
He said as he then pecked her on her cheeks.

As he then held her hand, and stood on top of the balcony, along with Robin,

"Let's go now, Robie! We have to get out of here! Let's leave Enies Lobby, Together !" Franky yelled.

"Mmhm!" Said Robin.

Robin and Franky then jumped off, as the building continued to break down in flames.

No one's gonna hurt you anymore as Long As I'm Here [One Piece ship 💙Frobin💜Where stories live. Discover now