Back to the Bully Days

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Robin's POV:
As I woke up. My skin felt warm again. I was dripping in wet water. I must've thawed out of Aokiji's ice.
I then heard laughing.. I was in a jail cell, but I was cuffed, and as it seems, Sea Prism Stones. I won't be making my way with my devil fruit powers then. I stared besides me to see Iceberg.

"Iceberg!" I yelled.

He looked away at me, having no interested to talk to me at all.

"Looks like you've awoken, sleepy beauty." Said Aokiji. With that voice.. I knew it was him.

"Aokiji... Where am I? What is this place?! Where did you take me you moron-!?" I yelled. He then punched me through the jail-cells holes. I fell down on my bottom.

"Robin, it is un-lady-like to insult and cuss at someone, I don't know where you got that language from, you are only 13 you know. Who taught you that?" Asked Aokiji tryna act like my parent.

"Fra-" I was about to tell him but no. That'd be too risky. "Nobody...." i said while whistling, looking away. I sounded like a bad liar.

"You know that it's obviously that you're lying, right?"

"Look, It's none of your business to know about me and my life. Take me back right this instance! I don't want to be here! I want to go back to him!"

"Him huh? That blue haired boy you meant?"

I stayed silent.

"Aokiji, who are you talking to?" Asked a voice.

"Someone I caught."

As someone came by, he had messy lavender-ish purple hair, with a weird nose thing. He looked high on drugs, and had a sword-elephant thingy? He then stared at me, as the jail-cell opened. I got on my legs and walked towards him, having no where else to go, or didn't like being in the jail cell. He looked down at me.

"Bwhahaha, Nico Robin, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said.

"Who are you?" I asked 

He stared at me angirly. He then kicked me in the stomach. I could feel the blood coming out of my mouth. I lost balanced, as I felt my head, clanking against the sea-prismed, Iron cell. I was panting heavily.

"You bastard, that is no way to ask who they are in CP9 you got that you spoiled little girl!?" He yelled at me.

I started to cry a bit, but tried not to make a noise. I can see Iceberg looking at me. After clanking my head against the cell making a loud noise, who wouldn't look?

"My name is Spadam."

Spadam...? It's familiar to... him.. the one who called Buster Call... on Ohara...

"Bwahahaha, anyways, my name won't matter to you anymore, since you won't be living to hear it, little girl." He laughed.

"L-Living?! What are you talking about?!"

"Bwhaahaha, you bitch, can't you see?! I captured you! After 5 years, did you really think that anyone'd forget about your bounty?!" Asked Spadam as he held up a poster of me when I was 8. I was a young girl, with short bob cut. Is he.....

"no... No... NO!" I yelled. "I'm not dying! I don't want to die! Don't kill me! Please! I see him" I begged as I started to throw a tantrum.

Spadam punched me, knocking me down onto the ground, blood coming from my nose, bruises on my face.

"Idiot, it's not for you to decide either you'll live or not! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Spadam yells as he stomps on me. As for the last stupid, he kicks me, making me roll. I left a trail of blood from my nose. He was about to use his sword thing, to slice me into pieces. I could feel him aiming for my neck, getting ready to behead me.

"God you're annoying, I've never wanted to end a child's life so much until now..." he said as he raises his sword.

I could feel it coming down towards' my neck. I closed my eyes in fear, tears coming off my face, until I didn't feel any further pain. When I looked up, Aokiji stopped him.
Spadam looked at him.

"Admirable Aokiji, what has gotten into you?"

"Spadam, do not finish her off... we are supposed to be here for Pluton, she's reading it, remember?"

"Oh yeah... is he still not talking?!?"

"Iceberg isn't spilling anything out of his mouth, he's been quiet for a while, espeically after being betrayed on what he thought were his 'friends'" said Aokiji.

"Keep him for a while, he'll talk sooner or later." Said Spadam. "Now young lady, listen up, your life doesm't matter so you'll end up dead, so you might as well tell us about Pluton when Tom-san's purple-haired son finally talks." He tried to pursue me for talkint more about pluton.
I don't know much about it.
I can't read this "blueprint" if Iceberg doesn't show it or tell us where it is. But at the same time, he really looks like he doesn't have it.

"Screw you! You ain't got nothing from me hose-nose!" I yelled. He became angry. "Dammit you little shit! You're stubborn as hell, aren't you?!" He asked. As he then raises his sword thing elephant again, he didn't chop me in half or anything, but he stabbed me in the middle of my chest. I was suffocating a bit, losing a lot of blood. I lost balance and fell down. It didn't hurt my organs tho.

"Robin!" Iceburg yelled.

I could hear Aokiji slapping Spadam on his face.

"Stupid, did you not hear me? I told you not to cause any other harm to her." Said Aokiji.

He raises a fist at Spadam.

"Do you wanna end up like Robin?"

Spadam hesitated.
"N-no! Okay, so if we don't get the blueprint from stupid-berg here! We'll- no.. I'll simply kill Robin and become a hero! Bwahahahaahahah!"

"NO! NO YOU WON'T-!" Yelled Iceburg as he tried to talk back. "Don't call me stupid-burg! Only he can call me tha-" "SHUT UP!" yelled the boy with the pigeon as he kicked Iceburg. Clearly he was hurt, but his damage was no worse than mine.

God.. this.. man... he's a real pain in the ass....

It reminds me of my first day of school.. kids punching me.. telling me Mom abandon me... Calling me a freak because I have a devil fruit.. even wouldn't let me get on a ship to Ohara because I was the problem.. I was a monster...

But.. I don't care of what people think of me anymore..

I want to live...

I just... want to go home...

I want to go back to where I was..

I want to go back to my mom..

Franky.. save me...

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