Missing: Iceberg

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*2 hour timeskip, Iceberg's POV*

The CP9s that Iceberg are with are also 13 (or 14 year old) btw. Just like how Lucci was already strong and murdered people at age 13.

After yesterday that happened, can't believe that Moron-ky messed with an admirable, and he's Aokiji! That's crazy. I know that the devil, Nico Robin is his friend, but at the same time, he was trying to do his job, get rid of the demon once and for all, bit Franky just had to be in his way. I swear, me and my brother, Franky just keep hanging out with each other lesser and lesser everyday. Robin is basically stealing him away from me. I then groaned in frustration.

"Yo! Ice! Are y'all building or what?!"

As I turned my head. There was my main friend, Paulieeee. "Wassup." I said as I then high-fived him. Out of all of my shipwright friends, Paulie was my best buddy. I mean, the others are fine too, but I gotta say, They don't really act like humans unlike Paulie.

Kaflia: [She's beautiful and attractive, but she likes to talk about her looks and beauty a lot than actually build ships. ]

Lucci: [He's cool and all, but overall, he's really weird sometimes. He has a white piegon and it talks by itself. He's a vana-something because he' controls what the bird says. It's pretty darn cool.

Kaku: [He's really friendly and looks friendly too, but with that weird nose of his? I don't really wanna take a look of him]

Blueno: [He's not a shipwright at all, he's just there to serve us some drinks when we're thristy]

I guess these are all of my shipwright friends, they're good shipwrights too! As good as I am. Franky? Well, I gotta say, his battle frankies ships were.. well, good I guess. But I'll never forgive him for what he did with his ships.

"So ya building or what?" Asked Paulie. "We're waiting..." I then looked at him. "Oh- Sorry, I was off-guard." I then gave out a big frustration groan.

"Hey, ya still thinking about that darn brother of yours?" He asked. "Yeah, I kinda.. miss him." I said back. "I know he's not my real brother, but ever since Tom-san brought him in that day, I feel like he was. But I'll never forgive him about that incident... I've always acted like I hate him a lot.. is that way he wanted a new friend? Someone to talk to and have fun with him? Someone like.. Nico Robin?" I asked.

Everyone in my shipwright crew looked at me. But I tried to ingore him. "Hey, who says they'll be friends, they won't be anymore." Said Paulie. "But they are fri-" "They won't be friends anymore because they'll be boyfriend and girlfriends!" "Bwahahahahhaha!!" Laughed Paulie.

I hit him on the face. "Don't even think of that!" I yelled. "As if he'd fall in love with a monster like her!"

As me and Paulie continued to agrue. I then got punched by Lucci. I flew to the tree. "Hey! What was that for?!" Asked Paulie as he grew protective of me and brought out his ropes, but he lost to our lady shipwright. Kaflia.

"Looks like you know who Nico Robin is, don't you?" Asked the pigeon on Lucci. "Yeah? What about it? I don't even talk to her or like her much." I said. "In that case, how'd you like to turn her in?" Asked Kaflia. "Turn her in?! Where? I have no idea what you're talking about. You're crazy! And I don't even know where she is, probably with Moron-ky or something." I said.

"Give it up, Kalfia, Lucci, Kaku." Said Blueno. "He doesn't seem to know where Robin is, but the admirals will find her soon, all he has is the blueprint, come on, take him to CP9." "Blueprints?! You mean pluton?! Why would you want that?!" I asked. They didn't answer me. They then left Paulie behind, as They then took an ice path. "Thank God Aokiji left us this ice path, right?" Asked Kaku. "Some of some of us are devil fruit users after all." Said Kalfia which two of them weren't. Lucci and Blueno then stared at them. "Really? Some of them.. ate.. devil fruits?!"

Robin's POV:
After I woke up from the hosptial along with Franky. Franky and I got out and he really did brought ice cream for the both of us. Mine was strawberry flavoured and his was chocolate. We took a walk for a while.

"Are you still okay from yesterday?" He asked me. "About Aokiji?" I smiled. "Well, yeah I guess.. even if he did haunt me at 8 year old, now I have you don't I, you made me feel better, thank you" I said, trying to make him feel better. After for about an hour, we been talking, and made it to a huge ship, but it looks like it's been abandoned, it wasn't finished. "Woah, a ship?" I asked. Franky looked away. Is there something bad I said? What was so bad between Franky and ships? A person then woke up. It looks like he was laying down flat on his face on the grass. "Hey? Whatcha doing down there, chump?" Asked Franky as he then starts kicking the person.

He then got up to reveal his face. "Paulie?" Franky asked. "You know him?" "Yeah, He's one of Iceberg's shipwright mates." "Franky! And.. you're.. Nico Robin, looks like Iceberg was true about you and Franky being together." Said Paulie. Paulie then looked at my legs. "Gah-! You nasty girl!" He yelled. "What?! What is it?!" I asked.

Is.. is it true? Does everyone see me as a monster after all?

"How dare you?! You're showing your legs too much! Do you even know what leggings are?!"

I slapped him. "Then don't look you pervert!" "Hey! Since when are you doing this to girls?" Asked Franky. "I show my legs all the same since I don't wear pants!" "You're a boy, you're fine." Said Paulie.

"Oh yeah! Paulie! Why are you taking a nap?! Where's the shipcrew?! Where's Iceberg?!" Franky asked.

"I dunno.. they were talking about this CP9 stuff, and about Iceberg, Blue something Pluton, and lastly, About Nico Robin." Said Paulie. "I don't remember much, but I got beat up by Kaflia, and when I woke up, everyone's gone and I saw you and Robin."

I was then shock. I've always disliked Iceberg, but he's important to Franky since he's his brother... why?? Pluton? The blueprint?? Does... does Iceberg has it? Is it my fault that.. he got.. abducted?

"Don't worry! I'll look for that stupid-berg!" Yelled Franky. "I'll help!" I yelled. "Woah, you?" Asked Paulie. "Of course I'm helping, Paulie! Iceberg is Franky's brother!"

"Don't you see, they're CP9s! I've heard of them! They're secret organization, and they're looking for you! If you're with us! You could get us all in trouble!"

"No-! He's Franky's brother! I'll help him! I'll look along with you and that's that!" I yelled, agurging with Paulie.

"Robin! You're a monster! They know who you are-!"

"I. Don't. Care. I don't care about who I am anymore! Someone's gone because of me! It's my fault, so I must help him! Even if I don't like him!"

"Of course it's your fault, but you can't do anything! Can't you see that you're usless!?"

"Shut u-"

"There's no point in fighting, Robin, he's right you know..."

I then heard a familiar voice behind me..

oh no...

It's him...

As I then looked behind. Aokiji approaches me.

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