Another day

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Robin's POV:
As I got up again. Walking to school on my own without professor. Everyone was avoiding me. It was time for my real school day. As I walked to class. When I walked to Miss Katya's class. Every student was standing up and didn't sit down. She told me "Nico Robin, you're early today. Well in that case, feel free to sit anywhere you want. It's gonna be for  permtament seat for the whole year,  so choose carefully~" I saw that everyon was waiting for me to make a move. So I choose one all the way to the back. Everyone then walked and tried to sit anywhere not next to me. Man.. I really am gonna be lonely for the rest of the year am I?

Franky and Iceberg then walked in. "Yoooo! It's Franky! YOW!" Said Franky as he pose. Iceberg then hitted him. "Stop that! Stupid-berg!" Said Franky. "Come on, choose your seats now, it'll be for the whole year." Said Miss Katya. "Well, I know! Me and Franky will sit next to the cool kids! Won't we Franky?!" Asked Iceberg.

Franky didn't reply and went to my table. I stared at his eyes. "You mind if I sit here with you?" He asked. "No, not at all." I said. Then he sitted next to me. He kinda blushed a bit.

"Franky?! Why are you sitting next to that fr-" "SHUT UP! STUPID-BERG!!" yelled Franky before Iceberg could call me anything. "It's my seat, so I get to sit wherever I want." Iceberg then groaned and sit with a group.
I giggled as his relationship with his brother is funny. Franky blushed a bit again after hearing my laugh.

After for about an hour an a half, it was lunchtime. When I was walking with a tray. Someone tripped me and I fell down as everyone laughed at me. "Nico Robin, you are such a clumsy girl! You're just wasting food so no lunch for you! Sit down young lady!" Said the Lunch lady. As I then sat at the cafeteria alone at a table. I then looked to see that Franky was sitting next to me again. I shriek cause I didn't expect to see him there. "Hey chill gurlie, it's me! FRANNNKKKKYYY!" He said as he poses again. "What do you want? Why do you keep following me around?" I groaned. I didn't mean to groan. I was having a bad day. "Excuse me? I'm following you? You're following me! It's not like I wanna see if you wanna be my friend or anything, dummy." Said Franky. I then paused for a moment. Does he want to be my friend tho? For real? With a freak like me? "Anyways, want my other burger and cola? Sorry if it's Junk Food, I like to eat it alot." Asked Franky. I gave him a smile. "Sure." I said as I then took it off his hands and eat it along with him. He then looked at everyone. "What are you starring at you dummies?! It's my food so I get to share it! This is none of ya business!" He yelled. After lunchtime. Franky then groaned. I then asked him. "Franky? Are you okay?" "R-Robin..." he said as he then fell on my body. "A-Ah!?" I shriek. "I have... to tell you... something..." "W-Wha? What!? What is it?" I asked. "I... I... I.." said Franky as he said 3 words and let out a huge fart. Everyone then ran away. So did I. Man, He's weird as hell. But I also ran away laughing. Afterwards was just another class, but after that class, I finally get to go home.

After when school was done. I was walking alone towards home till I saw Franky catching up to me, and Iceberg chasing him. "Hey there gurlie!" I then looked away. "Look, for the fart, I'm  sorry okay?! I just..-" "It's okay Franky, that's just what boys do right?" I asked. Franky then blushed in embarassed, but afterwards, replied with "right." I was paying full close attention to Franky. But I swear I can feel Iceberg's eye grazing upon me, giving me that evil look. "Robin? Helllooo? Earth to Robin~" I then looked at Franky. "Anyways, uh.. I was wondering after school, could we hang out together? I'm making you a friend present and I want to give it to you for being my first friend after school tomorrow! Okay?" He asked. I then smiled. "Okay then! See ya!" I said as I then ran home. Wow.. a present for me? I've never gotten a present from anyone except from professor before... *squeeeeeeeeeeeeee* This'll toatally be exciting! Anyways, after that, I did the usual thing, reading for a bit and then head off to sleep. Can't wait for tomorrow then I guess ^u^

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