🌸💜On My Way💙🌠

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Franky's POV:
It took us a while for the train to start, but now we're on our way to save my love, Robin. She was the first friend I had in school since all I did was follow her. Iceburg was mean and rude to me, so I decided that I want a new friend. I don't care if she's a monster. She's unique, and that's what I like about her. But now she's being taken away from me. I won't let them get away with it! She was my friend, but now that I have feelings for her, I love her, so I have to get her back! I won't let anything stop me!

They also have my brother too! Brother kidnapper! What could they want with him?! What could they want with her?!

"Oi, Franky! Can you stop day-dreaming?!" Yelled a voice. It was Paulie's.
"Did you even know instead of saving your brother or Robin, we've wasted 40 minutes packing up cola cans in the train!?!"

"Of course we did." I said.

"What was the point of that you idiot?!  There's clearly no time to drink when we're saving someone!"

"Don't worry, you don't have to drink them, Paulie, Robin's mom and Kokoro. They're for me." I said.

"So you're gonna hog it for yourself?!"


"Stop it! Boys!" Yelled Olivia as she hitted me and Paulie on our head.

"Heheheh, y'know, Olivia, you do realized this is CP9 y'know, one of the most deadliest groups for the World Government." Said Kokoro.

"I don't care! They have my daughter so I have to go! For years I've left her, for her to get bullied, pain, and sorrow, and now that I returned, just to see her get kidnapped! I feel like a bad mother, but I left her to do some researches."

"Oh? You like research, Olivia?" I asked.

"Yes, Me, Robin and her professor were born on an Island, Our Hometown, Ohara." "It was a peaceful place, until a disaster happened, and now it's gone, I left her with Professor, because I thought that I'll die, no longer taking care of her.. but... me, Professor, and Robin were the only suriviors on Ohara, we parted ways for years, and now I came back... I just want to see how she's doing again... and it seems like she's doing fine now thanks to you.. it's nice to know that she became friends with you, blue-boy." She told me.

"Call me Franky!" I smiled. She chuckled.
"You know.. Robin does research too!" I blabbed out to Olivia.


"You see, she can read these things called poneglyphs! I gave her a story book written in ponegylphs, and she can read a few pages, isn't that neat, Olivia?!"

"S-She can read.. poneglyphs?" Asked Olivia. "I'm proud of my baby girl.. but she's putting herself in danger now!"

"How many longer?! Where is this train going anyways?!" Asked Paulie.

"From what you guys told me, Aokiji took a train with Robin, these train roads would lead to Enies Lobby!" Yelled Kokoro.

"Enies Lobby... the daytime area, where there's no night at all..." Paulie murmured to himself.

"Yeah, it'll take us another hour to get there!"

"This is nonsense!" I yelled. "We have to be there as soon as possible!" I have an idea!
As I drank a barrel of cola. Olivia and Paulie looked at me.
I went outside of the train, holding it real tight, trying to not fall in the water. I went on top of it, I traveled all the way to the back of the train. I let out of hands.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Paulie asked me while looking outside of the window.

"I'm doing coup da burst!"

"Coup da wha-?"

"Coup da bursssssstttttttt!!!" I yelled as I can feel the full power of force pushing me towards the sea. I pushed the train too since I was right behind it and the door was close.

"What the-?!" "THE TRAIN'S SUDDENDLY FASTER CONDUCTER?!" Yelled Olivia. I could hear her voice from here.

The train went faster and faster. Until at our next stop, Enies Lobby. We went suuuppppeeeerr fast tho, so we broke the train, but I didn't care much about it. Robin is all I care about. *sighs* fine, Iceburg too.

"Guys? Olivia?! Paulie! Kokoro?! Are you guys okay?!" I yelled.

Paulie came out of the train carrying 2 cola barrels, dropping them on the floor, but they didn't break, and punched me in the face.

"Yow!" I yelled. "What was that for?!"

"You almost killed us you stupid ass Robot!" Yelled Paulie back at me.

"I. AM. NOT. A. ROBOT.!" "A cyborg to be infact :>"

Olivia and Kokoro came out of the train.

"Poor Rocket, looks like I'm gonna need to rebuild her later."

"Rocket?" Asked Olivia.

"Rocket is the train's name." Said Kokoro. "She's a beauty, but now, she's just a broken." "We'll just have to hijack a new train to get back." Said Kokoro as she chuckles drunkly again.

"So... Franky... this is the place, right? The place where they took Robin away from us?" Asked Olivia.

"Yep... this is the area alright, Enies Lobby.. as you can see..." I said, looking around. The area's white buildings. Their flags with seagulls, Blue and White paint around the area. Looking at the sky, morning bright, sun shining.
"Paulie, Olivia, come with me." I said. "Kokoro, can you find another train?"

"Hehahh... sure, Franky." She said as she walks off, drunkly.

"Will... she be alright?" Asked Olivia.

"She'll be fine, ma'am." Said Paulie. "Iceburg told me everything about her."

"Who's Iceburg?"

"His friend, my brother." I said.

"Anyways, Paulie! Grab on the barrels!" I yelled. "Hang onto me!" Paulie grabbed on the barrels as I wrapped my arms around him and Olivia. She was holding onto one too.
I then stretched my arm onto a pillar to get close to the main Lobby. I don't stretch my arms much, just a cyborg ability that I can use. I flung us into the air.

"Woah! You can stretch you arms!" Yelled Olivia. "Are you a devil fruit user?!"

"No, just a cyborg, miss." I said.

As we made it on top of the pillar. It was really high. Looking down almost made me lost balance.

"Uhh.. Paulie, can you..."

"Sure thing." He said. He then used his rope power to make a net for us below just in case we fell down. He then stretched the ropes all the way to the window of the Main Gates of Enies Lobby. Looks like everything is going as planned.

We all stood on top of the pillar, looking above us at the tall, tall building. Nothing seemed to scare us tho. I didn't came here just to be scared by some Marines. I only came here because they have Robin..

I let out a big smile... finally, it's about time.. time that I'll rescue her!

I then let out my voice.

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