Visitng Franky's home

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[Timeskip school 2 hours, straight to Franky]

Today, After school instead of coming home like I usually do, I followed Franky.. well, wherever we are. "Where are we?" I asked. "This is-" "This is where Franky and I live together now with our grandma, Kokoro." Said Iceberg sarcastically to me. "HEY! DON'T INTERUPT ME, STUPID-BERG!" Yelled Franky as he then hits Iceberg. They then started to fight. I chuckled. A door then opened and A lady then appeared in the house and hits them both on the head. "YOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!" yelled Franky again. "What was that for, Kororo?!"

"Boys, could you two stop fighting for at least a day!?" Asked Kororo. "No! Iceberg just interupted me on a line I was about to say, and I don't like his attitude towards my new friend I brought over!" Said Franky. "She's not a friend of mine! Ever! She's weird and she's a freak!" Yelled Iceberg.

Franky's POV:
After hearing Iceberg calling Robin a freak. I felt rage in my body, and blew fire out of my body. "AHHHHhH!!!" Yelled Iceberg as he then ran away. Iceberg deserved that for insulting Robin! When I looked back, she was surprised. "Woah! How did you do that, Franky?! Are you a devil-fruit user like I am?" Asked Robin. Wow, Robin's a devil fruit user?! That's really neat, but alas, I told her "Nope, sorry, I'm a half-robot half-man, a cyborg really. I fixed myself after I got hit by my master's train." I said truthfully. She looked even more surprised.

"I-It's okay tho! See? I'm a cyborg!" I said as I then proceed to make clanking noises. She giggled. "Ah, she's a guest isn't she? Welcome to Franky's and Iceberg's home." Said Kokoro to Robin. "Wait.. guest? Franky! Is that really appropriate to dress like that when there's a guest around?! Put on some damn pants!" Said Kokoro as she tosses them to me. Damn, it was embarassing since I changed in front of Robin.

"What would your name be, young lady?" Asked Kokoro. "Ah, my name ks Nico Robin" said Robin. "Ah, I see, what a beautiful name, well anyways, since you're a guest, feel free to make yourself at home, okay?" Asked Kokoro as we all went inside, Iceberg came in last.

As we were all sitting around the dinner table, Kokoro was making some food for us to eat before I get to show Robin around my area. Iceberg was telling us some random stories about how much he liked marines. "So basically, Marines are pretty cool don't you think so? I heard that they placed the Sea Prism stones under their ships so monsters doesn't come for them. Have you even heard of their rankings?!" said Iceberg. "Rankings?" Robin asked. "Yeah, basically, there's fleet admirable the one that controls a team, vice admirable, second strongest, and the first one! Admirable!" "Meh.. this is boring, the marines are corrupted, and not all of them are good as people think they're actually are." I said.

Iceberg then ingoring me again. "There's a bunch of Admirables, but which one is your favourite?" "I'm not sure, Iceberg..." she said awkwardly. "I dunno much about them..." "In that case.. my favourite is Admirable Aojiki!"  Robin then looked terrified. I could feel that she probably wouldn't like answering that question. There's something bad about that admirable, and she knows something about him, doesn't she?

"Food's ready!" Said Kokoro as she then places down the soup she made. "Bon appetíte! It's carrot-soup!" Bleh! I hate vegatables! But thank Eneru [God] she came in time. If she didn't, Stupid-berg could've kept talking about Aojiki to Robin. Robin obviously doesn't like Aojiki for whatever reason. Me and Iceberg finished before Robin. "Franky, may I speak to you in your room?" Asked Iceberg. I then followed him in my room.

Robin's POV:
Iceberg then left with Franky. I had to evasdrop on them so I used my devil fruit power to summon my hands on hands, and popped out a ear so I can hear them.

Franky: What is this about?

Iceberg: Franky, I hate to say this, bit you have to stop hanging around with that freak.

Franky: For the last tkme, sbe's not a freak, she's a friend! Don't judge someone before you know them, Stupid-berg!

Iceberg: Of course I know about her! Have you seen her bounty! She's a wanted criminal, the devil's child with a 80,000,000 berries on her head! She had that ever since she was 8-year old!

Franky: What about it? She's in middle school now, the marines probably forgot abour her or something, that was years ago!

Iceberg: Yeah, it kinda stopped, but look, she sinked 6 marines ship as a child, and a real trouble-maker. If you hang out with her any longer, you'll be her victim! She's no friend! She's a fjend!

Franky: Shut up! She's not a monster! She's my friend, and she's gonna be my first friend instead of you! You're not my friend or my real brother! You're not related by blood! You're the real monster for assuming, stupid-berg!

Franky then left his room. As he walked out of it. I made my hands and eyes disapeared. I then gave my food to Kokoro. "Thank you ma'am for feeding me." I said as Franky saw me. "Hey Robin! Do you wanna see the friend gift I got you?" Asked Franky as he pretended nothing happened between Iceberg and him. I pretended not to hear anything happened to and I said. "Sure!" As I followed him into the backyard.

His backyard was filled with junk till he showed me his ship. "Ta-da! What do you think? I call her, Battle-Franky 9! All of the rest of my Battle-Frankies broke!" Said Franky. "So Robin, wanna ride on her to see if she sets sail?" "Oh.. erm.. sorry, I can't swim, I have devil fruit power." I said. I then demonstrae it by showing my hands popped out of nowhere. Franky looked amazed at my powers. "Yoowww!! Your powers are sick! But don't worry, I promise that she won't sink! I'll rescue you if she does, cause I can swim." I said. Robin then smiled and got on with me on Battle Franky.

As Battle Franky got on the water, she then moved by herself with the engines I installed for her pushing the water. I was amazed at his invention. I didn't noticed, but it was Afternoon. So the sun was setting. Franky and I then stared at it

It was really beautiful. Franky and I were amazed. "Oh! I almost forgot! Here's your friend-ship present I got for you!" Said Franky as he hands it to me. It was something hard, but it's wrapped. "What's in it?" I asked. "Wait! Um.. I know it's your present but can you open it tomorrow? I want it to be a real surprise!" "Suuuuuuupppper promise me that you won't open it till tomorrow, okay?" Asked Franky. I smiled. "Okay then!"

"Robiiinnn! Your old man came looking for you!" Said Kokoro as I then saw Professor. "Professor!" I said. "Hey! It's that man from 2 days ago when I came by your house!" Said Franky. "Looks like he's your guardian, right?" "Yeah, I'll have to head home now, but thanks for the present!" I said.

Franky's POV:
As Battle-Franky then landed at the shore. Robin left with professor. After a few hours, It was nighttime, so I went to bed. As I laided down. Iceberg was sleeping on the top bunk bed as I was bottom. "I hope you find what I tell you a warning." Said Iceberg. "She's not dangerous." I said as I then ingored him and went to bed.

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