002 | Aiden

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You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I love my mom with everything inside of me, but she is really pushing it. Mom decided it would be a great idea to move houses.

I didn't think much of it, because I thought it would be in the same city. obviously, mom had another idea. I don't have a problem with moving, but I would have to transfer the gang to another house near me.

My name is Aiden Nova Winters. I am the leader of the Ravens, the most powerful gang in the United States. The gang was handed over to me by the piece of shit of a father I have.

Back home, they think I am a god. Everyone kissed the floor I walked on, and the girls threw themselves at me. I find that it is a cliché that people look at someone and decide their own destiny.

My whole life revolved around gangs and mom. I was called the mysterious bad boy from school. A guy who will be attracted to a pair of tits and ass. The boy that every boy hates, the boy that every girl loves.

Although every hook-up mentioned is a rumor, I can't seem to decide what I want to do. Most of the time, I feel like a robot on autopilot. There is no way to escape this unpleasant world.

I want to be a calm child, sit in a corner of the room and read his favorite novel; I can do anything. Since I am always at school and in the office, I rarely have time to read a good book.

I have read millions of books in my life. All of them saying that love was the best thing on earth. Love can heal any damage. But the same love can hurt you because you can love whoever you want, but so can they.

I have become a reserved person in this world. People who only love his mother. I don't know if I have the ability to be loved, I want to think so. The problem is that in the world of guns and murder, it's much harder to find this kind of love.

So here I am sitting in my office, in a house full of space. A home to create new memories. we live in a bigger house on top of a hill.

I have noticed that most of the houses lately are white with bright lights. I guess most of the luxury rich people live lately. I also noticed that it was rare for anyone to walk on the street. I guess it has rained this week as the street still looks a bit wet.

We live in a modern villa. The house's theme seems to be gray and white unlike all other houses. giant glass panels decorate the house. we also have an underground basement large enough to contain the gang's belongings.

My office has gray walls with black shelves and brown faux leather sofas. My desk is dark brown where the files are already in place.

I decided that I had done enough work and wanted to take a shower. I go to my bedroom that is no different from my office. everything is gray.

I find black too dark and white too bright.

I went to the bathroom in hopes of relieving my stress after moving. I let the hot water run down my back. I felt my tense shoulders loosen. Pouring a little shampoo on my hand, I gently massage my head. After conditioning my hair and washing my body, I stepped out of the bathroom.

I quickly dried myself and put on some gray sweatpants. I don't even want to look at myself now, knowing that maybe I have bags under my eyes.

I go to the kitchen. Mom is standing at the counter cutting vegetables.

Mom lifted her head from the vegetables and looked at me. "Dinner is going to be ready, honey, sit down." she said with a soft smile on her face. I followed her instructions and sat down at the table.

A minute later, Mom brought dinner to the table. "So how do you like the new home?" she asked, sitting down.

"It's very nice, different," I replied.

"Try to make friends at school, you know a little more open-minded."

But I like being by myself

"I will try mom, no promises."

"Maybe a girlfriend." She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Gosh, mother." I laughed lightly.

I finished dinner and waited for Mom to finish dinner. When she's done, I go up to my room.

I don't really want to go to school, it means being around people. I guess I don't like people because I'm a teenager. I'm not obligated to put up with them. sometimes I want to throw some bricks at them.

They try to get into my business where they don't belong. They pretend to care about you until they fuck you over.

That's how life works.

You can take the risk of letting people screw you over and possibly be able to find your person. Or you build really tall and thick walls to protect yourself.

I went the easy way.

My walls are higher than the ceiling and as thick as the Harry Potter books. I don't understand why people expect me to be kind and loving when I'm generally cold and emotionless.

I have been so disappointed so many times in my life that I block everything. That's how I work. There is no way to stop it. I guess I can't blame the others since I set myself up for disappointment.

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts. I brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

Today was very tiring.

I had to sign documents for shipments and weapons. I hate days like this. They seem longer, just sitting in a damn chair all day signing. Reading and replying to emails isn't fun either.

I like the days when I have to come to the dock to check on my shipments or the days when I have to go on business.

Not on an office day.

I still miss my bed these days. I stayed there reading until I fell asleep. Some days I barely sleep, and others, I get enough sleep.

My insomnia is also not the best. I was diagnosed with this while my dad was living with us. I gradually felt my eyelids grow heavy with every second.

I don't want to fall asleep. I don't want my nightmares to come back. Before I could wake up, I fell asleep, hoping I wouldn't have nightmares.


Heyyy (Debby Ryan thingy)

So...how was it. 😅

I kinda bribed my dad to buy me some books because I have good grades. Right. It took some convincing and a puppy face but I got it. Their in the bag.

Chile anyways... 😙

I'm not the best at writing guy point of views. Or writing in general but I think I'm getting there. 🤠

Please let me know if the chapter was shit or not.

Please let me know if the chapter was shit or not

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