Chapter 27:Tick-tock

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Leias pov

Henry and I were standing at the well deep in the woods of Storybrooke. I reached into my backpack and gently pulled out the vial with true love in it. "You're sure this'll work," Henry questioned. "Worth a try," I said. Stepping up to the well we both looked down into the well that seemed to go on forever. Taking a deep breath I dropped the vial into the water. Purple lightning shot out of it, throwing the two of us back. "Dang it," I said running my hands through my hair. "What happened," Henry asked standing up. "You need magic to bring back magic apparently," I said wiping dirt off my jeans. "Gold didn't when he brought it back after the first curse broke," he argued. "Yes but he made the curse, probably made it to where he could," I explained. "We need something that can use magic without there actually being magic," I continued. "Like the rings they have," Henry suggested. "No, to difficult to get. Your girlfriends locket, it got us out of the cell," I said. "It's past midnight," he complained. "And she's not my girlfriend," he said defensively. "That may be so but she will be so call her," I fired back. "Ok, ok," he said pulling his phone out of his pocket and walking a little farther into the woods.

Henrys pov

After a few ring Jamie answered. "Hello," she said yawning. "Were you sleeping," I asked. "No Henry I was off slaying a dragon," she said sarcastically. "Why did you call it's 12:30 in the morning," she said more serious. "I kind of need your help," I said as if it were a question. "Where are you," she questioned. "Out in the woods, by the old well," I said. "How fast can you get here," I added. "15 minutes," she said. "That long," I asked. "Well considering the fact I will have to climb out my bedroom window to avoid waking my mom yes 15 minutes," she joked. "Ok, be careful," I said. "I will," she said hanging up. "Did you tell her to bring it," Leia asked from behind me. "No, but she will," I said. "Ok," she said doubtfully. Almost 20 minutes had passed- no sign of Jamie. I'd called her but had gotten sent to voice mail. All of a sudden a twig snapped from behind us. Leia and I both turned at the noise that had broken the silence. "Jeez calm down it's just me," Jamie said stepping out of the woods. "Now are you going to tell me why I'm here," she said stepping closer. "We need your necklace," Leia blurted. "My what," she asked shocked. "You called me to the middle of the woods, for a necklace," she continued. "Look-" I started but she interrupted me by taking the necklace off and handing it to me. "Must be pretty important," she said. "Thank you," I told her as I handed Leia the locket. "Why do you need it anyway," she asked me. "We need to bring magic back, the necklace will help," I explained. "Well I'm going to help, already interrupted me slaying dragons," she said with sarcasm dripping from her voice. "So do you think it'll work," I asked Leia as she stepped up to the well. "Let's hope so," she said dropping the necklace down into the water.

Davids pov

Snow, who was cradling Neal, Killian, and I were in the waiting room of the hospital. We were waiting on news from a doctor about Emma's condition, but there was nothing. It was nearly one in the morning, but none of us were tired. Even Neal was wide awake and crying. Snow was trying to calm him but nothing was working. Killian sat in one of the hospital chairs with his hands in his hair and his elbows resting on his knees. Finally a young nurse came into the room. "Swan," she read off of a clipboard she was holding. The three of us jumped up and walked to where she was standing. "How is she? Is she going to be ok?" Snow asked. "She fractured her femur, broke her foot, cracked a few ribs and has a severe concussion. No permanent brain damage as far as we can tell. She had some internal bleeding but we were able to stabilize her. She's sleeping it off right now, she should be able to have visitors in a couple hours," she explained. "You're welcome to stay but those hospital chairs aren't the comfiest things, we'll call you when she's awake," she said. "Thank you," I said.

Leias pov

It worked. As soon as the necklace hit the water, thick purple smoke came rushing up, swallowing everything in its path. After a few seconds it cleared. "Next step, Regina's vault," I said to Henry and Jamie. "It's on the other side of the woods, it'll take us forever to get there," he protested. I just smiled and with a flip of my wrist we were there. "You can use magic," Henry asked looking around. "Yep," I said. "Woah," Jamie said looking around. All of a sudden there was a crash and then Regina ran into the room. "Henry," she said looking between the three of us. "Mom," he said hugging her. "What are you kids doing here I'm swamped with work," she said. "Like..." Henry asked. "Trying to figure out what the purple haze was, finding who ran Emma off the road, finding Gold, and his little puppets," she explained. Just then a half dressed Robin walked into the room- then without a word right back out. The room was filled with concealed giggles. "I'm, gonna, yeah," Regina said walking back to where Robin came from. "Okay what do we need here," Jamie asked. After a moment of searching I found it. "This," I said picking it up off the shelf.

Davids pov

Snow and I hoped out of my truck and walked towards the town line where Maleficent was standing. "What hell the was that," I snapped. "What are you talking about darling," Maleficent said acting innocent. "Cut the crap we know it was you who ran Emma off the road," Snow cut in. "Well, a deal is a deal. A little over 30 years have passed since that day, if I recall, 32 next week," she said. "Leave her alone," Snow said angrily. "You made the deal, you pay the price," she said. "I will get my payment," she stated. "Tick-tock tick-tock," she said moving her finger as if it were a clock before she disappeared, leaving me and Snow with the guilt of the deal we made all those years ago.

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