Chapter 22: Robin Locksley

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Emmas pov

It was late by the time we got to the hotel, so we went to our seperate rooms and I was so tired I didn't even change clothes. I was sound asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to the sound of Regina's alarm going off. Still exhausted I drug myself out to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. Regina was pacing back and forth in the living room. "Nervous," I asked putting the milk back in the fridge. "No, why would you think that," she said. Even without my superpower it was odvious she was lying. I just tilted my head and looked at her. "Ok, ok. I'm as nervous as hell. What's gonna happen when we do find out what happened to Roland and Marian. He'll be back but what about me? I can't go through all of that again," she blurted. "Regina, he only left because he didn't have a choice. He loves you," I said assuringly. She just smiled.

Back in Storybrooke

Davids pov

It was a nice day for once so Snow, Henry, Leia, and I went to the park. "I've never sword fought before," Leia said noticing the wooden swords in the back of my truck. "Really," I asked shocked. "Nope," she said with a shrug. "We better change that," I said handing her a sword. Before I even knew it she'd avoided all of my attempts and knocked my sword clean out of my hands. She started laughing. "Beginners luck," I said defeated. "I was lying, you've been teaching me since I could walk," she said still laughing.

Reginas pov

Ok this is really happening. I'm going to see him again. But what if after all this time he'll choose her? I was so nervous my palms were sweating. 'You almost ready," Emma asked looking up from her phone. "As ready as I'll ever be," I said. "We should get going, have the money?" she asked puting on her red leather jacket. "In my purse," I said putting on my own coat. "Then let's go," she said.

Robins pov

I was in a cell pacing back and forth. Roland and Marian are missing, I shouldn't have made that deal but I had to see her again. When was she going to get here? It'd been a few hours since I'd talked to her. "Robin Locksley," I heard a guard say outside of my cell. "Yes," I said. "Girlfriend's here to bail you out," he said unlocking the door. Then he led me to what I presumed was a waiting room.Then I saw her, she was on her phone. Then she looked up at me with her deep brown eyes. I can't even describe the joy I felt in that moment, in that momont, everything I was perfect. In that moment there was no place I'd rather be.

Emmas pov

I was leaning against the bug outside the police station while Regina went to get Robin. I'd forgotten what it was like in New York. My phone started rining. "Hello," I said pressing the phone to my ear. "Swan," I heard Killian say. "How's New York," he asked. "Cold, I can't wait to get home," I answered. "I can't wait either," he said. "We should be leaving soon," I said. "Can't wait," he said cheerfully. "I gotta go, Regina's walking out and I have to drive," I said haging up. Then we all got in the car and headed back home.

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