Chapter Twelve

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The clone breathed heavily as the robotic levers descended from the ceiling to take the armor off of his uniform. His bare arms were even thinner than he'd ever thought possible. It was spreading faster now. Hordak had received burns from the blast, but it was nothing that wouldn't go away in a few days. Hordak grasped the counter and forced his breathing to slow. He felt nauseous and his thoughts were wild and panicked, like a lightning storm. Imp hopped onto the table, wide eyed. He made some soft reassuring clicking sounds, but it didn't help with the mental scars.

Something snapped.

Something broke.

Then something huge crashed to the floor.

Hordak whirled around to the source. He bared his teeth. Entrapta had returned again? No doubt to try again at the useless machine, but to really come in unannounced after he'd told her not to? Honestly, what did he expect?

"Uh, hi," she whisper-called. Emily ducked behind a column.

Anger radiated through him. "Get out," he hissed and turned toward her, raising a fist. "Get out right..." Hordak gapped as another spasm hit him. The breath was stolen from him. This spasm was different than the ones before. There was no pain, just a darkness that crept through the corners of his vision. The strength drained from his body and was replaced with paralysis. The clone collapsed to the ground. The last thing he saw  was Entrapta racing toward him. Then his body shut down.

. . .

Hordak awoke with a start. Sweat beaded down his face, and his hair was matted and messy. His red eyes were wide and he panted for breath. The paralysis had worn off.

He looked down to find that he was in a dark blue blanket. He hissed and fought the folds of it, but it was too big, so he settled for glaring at it. The clone had been propped up against one of the columns of the room.

"Ta daaaaaa!" someone sang extremely out of key. Entrapta walked toward him with a tray in her hands. "I made you soup," she explained. "Soup always makes me feel better."

Her hair set the tray down in his lap. He curled his lip in disgust at the eight little china cups? Entrapta revealed a spoon filled with steaming fluid. Hordak backed away, only to be assaulted by seven more spoons. He snarled, and they retreated.

"Okay, I know one big bowl probably would have been better," Entrapta admitted, "but they're just so cute!"

The clone set the tray down on the floor besides his pet, who had been keeping vigil ever since Hordak lost consciousness. The pet hopped closer and gave the bowls a sniff. He pinched his nose and scrambled away. Hordak couldn't agree more. It smelled like she had discovered how to liquefy expired ration bars. Her hands were better with machinery than cutlery.

Entrapta sat on a bed of her hair. She looked at Hordak expectantly, and he turned away from her prying gaze.

Hordak grunted. "I am not discussing this," he announced plainly.

The clone reached back and found a hold for his hands. Slowly, he rose to his feet. Hordak tried to take a step, only to collapse forward. His legs simply could not support him anymore. Entrapta caught him with her pigtails before he hit the floor.

Hordak squeezed his eyes shut. Now she knew how weak he really was.

"You're armor," she hummed, studying the decay. "It's holding you together."

Her tone was not hostile or meant to poke fun. It was completely void of opinion, like a scientist.

Hordak pulled away. "It is none of your concern." He managed to stand up now, his eyes were sad and tired.

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