Chapter Three

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The next morning, Hordak had a virtual meeting with Sergeant Cobalt over the TV about the Force Captain Orientation. Every year, the sergeant had to update his orientation to match the current affairs.

The past three years in particular, Shadow Weaver's spent most of her time either watching her ward (AKA Adora) or recharging at the runestone. Whatever horrible things she did to obtain access to its power was coming back to bite her. Due to this lack of attention, Hordak's faith in her had begun to slip. If he could, he would have demoted her long ago for incompetence, but no one else was fit or able to replace her.

During the meeting with Cobalt, Hordak couldn't help but be amazed at how much the Horde officer had changed. When he first joined the Horde, he was just a kid. He was unruly, sarcastic, but he'd made up for it in an awesome ability to switch it off in order to get things done. He was a stellar teacher and mentor to the cadets, and he did not take his job lightely. Unlike Shadow Weaver, Hordak had never seen the officer slip in his status once. He would have been an optional replacement for Shadow Weaver, but he was needed at the training arena. There was no way they could to hire anyone better.

"During scouting, our soldiers had reported that the village of Thaymore had been lightly guarded and free of rebellion fighters," he announced as he pulled up visuals taken from the mission. "Our Force Captains are suggesting a raid on this town. The inhabitants will be hosting their Festival of the Harvest Moons in three days time. They will let their guard down for the celebration."

Hordak's fingers curled into claws. He'd always hated parties. They distracted soldiers and allowed them to stray from their assignments.

"Is there more to this plan?" Hordak asked.

"Yes," Cobalt replied. "We were thinking of bringing future Force Captain Adora. She would be an advantageous asset to our cause."

"She is quite new," the lord reminded him.

Cobalt nodded. "True, but she has shone more skill than any recruit before."

"Very well," Hordak nodded. "Do you believe the others of her ward are ready to see battle."

The sergeant shook his head vigorously. "Under no circumstances may any of them see war. Cadets Lonnie and Rogelio maybe, but Cadet Kyle..." he trailed off, muttering to himself. He cleared his throat and explained, "that boy can't do anything right."

"And I suppose Cadet Catra's time was poor as well?" he asked.

"Yes," Cobalt spat, and for a moment, Hordak could see the former sass in him peak out. "Cadet Catra is an abomination."

Hordak quickly agreed only Adora would be assigned to the siege of Thaymore.

"Thank you, Lord Hordak," Cobalt nodded. "I will inform Shadow Weaver of this update."

He clicked off.

Imp crept out from his hiding spot in the vents. He always hated it when Hordak had to call officers on the TV. Well, most of the time he hated it. Sometimes, he loved chewing through the wires and severing the connection right in the middle of things. Unlike everyone else in the Fright Zone, Imp wasn't afraid to give his master a rough time.

Hordak was a bit surprised at how long his pet had lived. It's been twenty eight years since the clone had met this creature, and it still seemed to have no age related limitations. Whatever it was had a significant lifespan.

Over the past few years or so, Imp had taken pleasure in becoming the official prankster of the Fright Zone. Many evenings, the creature would come crawling back through the vents with an evil grin on his face. Hordak would sigh and get back to work. He'd never know what disasters Imp caused since everyone knew better than to complain to Hordak about anything.

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