Chapter Twenty One

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The Horde wasted no time in conquering the rest of the coastal cities. With the capital gone, towns could expect no federal support.

From atop a sea cliff, Hordak admired a coral sea elf village. The delicate architecture in the coral was beautiful. The homes were so organic and natural.

Too bad it's in the way, he thought to himself.  With a raise of his laser cannon, he carved a huge chasm in the stone. An explosion split the city in half. The screams could be heard even from where he stood. He smiled coldly. He turned and ordered, "Advance."

Soldiers, robots, and tanks flooded the town. Hordak watched as everything was destroyed. The ice in his heart grew colder as he clenched his fists. It was the only way.

It wasn't long before the Rebellion made a weak appearance. From what he could see, it was the pirate Sea Hawk and Princess Nettossa. Even when Queen Glimmer popped out of nowhere, there wasn't anything she could do. The Rebellion regiments were only in there long enough to defend themselves and get the citizens to safety.

It wasn't much of a fight really. The Horde had just claimed yet another city. It wasn't long before Hordak spotted a white flag billowing in the wind. Fire crackled in the air all around him and he relished his work. Behind him, the rebel ship was sounding the retreat.

Hordak turned to see the ship farewell. They were too far out of range for him to fire, yet he could feel the presence of a smoldering, bitter glare. He smiled wickedly, knowing that somewhere on that boat, Queen Glimmer had sworn revenge.

. . .

Hordak's ship returned to the capitol to do one more surveillance check. Imp released himself from the confinement of the room to roam the deck. He'd already scored a few points when he scared a soldier into dropping his stun gun over the side of the boat. Hordak found such a thing amusing, so he let it slide.

The daytime brought the destruction of the city into a new light. Everything was gone. Small wisps of smoke climbed into the air. 

Their boat had docked on a tiny island overlooking the city. Hordak was thankful to rid himself of the motion sickness and quickly headed for land.

Imp perched on Hordak's shoulder, equally impressed. The clone drank in his victory, for it'd fuel so many more to come.

"Lord Hordak," someone hissed. Catra picked her way through the rocks. Her voice sounded more icy than it had in days. "I believe congratulations are in order."

Hordak turned back to her, an evil smirk on his face. "Yes. The Princesses are in utter disarray, abandoning territory, scattering before us like the cowards they are."

Catra nodded as she stared out at the destruction. "We're crushing them. Once you return to the Fright Zone, I'll march the rest of our troops on the coastal towns."

"No," he ordered a little too quickly. Catra tilted her head. "With Horde Prime's arrival imminent, I shall remain in the field to insure victory."

He will see me as a fighter. A coward no longer.

His secret motive came tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop it.

"Besides, of all the Princesses, Entrapta has yet to face me on the field of battle." His face couldn't help but stretch into a sly smile. His heart skipped a beat and the ice melted a little, but he refused to acknowledge why. It had been so long since he'd seen Entrapta. Maybe once he finally saw the Princess with her own kind, he'd finally forget. He could have proof that she was a traitor and never wanted anything more than his own destruction. Until then, he had to push her out of his brain. His claws subconsciously brushed against the crystal.

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