Chapter Six

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If Hordak had been angered by Adora's new allegiance, then he couldn't imagine what Catra was going through. For the next few days, he had to stop himself from working on the power source since he knew he'd probably destroy it out of spite.

To let out his anger, he posed a live meeting in his sanctum with Shadow Weaver, and all of those who were involved in the mission. He relentlessly pulverized Shadow Weaver with insults and threats to pick up the pace. He did this whenever he was enraged about something (which was often). After all, she knew about Adora being She-Ra the whole time and never informed him. 

The only person who seemed to be having a good time was Catra. She leaned against a column and was whispering to Force Captain Scorpia about something. Hordak could hear her purr even from where he stood. She kept making faces at the Second-in-Command, taunting Shadow Weaver behind her back.

While Hordak relentlessly bombarded Shadow Weaver, he failed to notice yet another presence in the room. From a grate in the vents, two eyes glowed.

And they weren't yellow.

. . .

"Lord Hordak," Force Captain Catra padded into the room. She put her hand on her hip and waited for her lord.

"Report Force Captain," Hordak growled from not far off. He abandoned his work to sit atop his throne and await Catra's report. She had requested a live meeting, which meant this was big.

Imp landed on the throne behind Hordak, and bounded to the floor.

Catra turned her gaze toward Hordak. Her purple ripped leggings appeared green in the lighting. If he thought Cobalt had had sass when he was a teenager, then Catra was ten times that.

"We've captured a Rebellion fighter from the infiltration mission," she explained. "She was hiding... in the air ducts of the Fright Zone."

Hordak shot Imp a how-in-the-universe-did-you-not-notice-a-Rebellion-fighter-in-the-vents? glare. The creature screeched and scampered off.

"A Princess no less," the Captain spat. Her tail lashed. "Her name is Princess Entrapta of the Kingdom of Dryl."

Hordak never really paid attention to Dryl since there was no runestone residing there. It wasn't as huge of an asset like if they captured Adora, but it'd have to do. Runestone or not, she'd have vital knowledge about the Rebellion.

Perhaps this will make up for Shadow Weaver's failure, he thought to himself. Maybe this mission would come away with some intell in the end.

"I give you permission to conduct the interrogation yourself," he promised. "You may bring one witness."

"And if she refuses?" Catra questioned.

Hordak's gaze narrowed. "Then you may use any lethal force necessary."

A couple hours later, after the interrogation had finished, Catra was pleased with her work.

"Those Princesses have no idea who they've left behind," she muttered.

. . .

Hordak received word that the Secondary Princess Alliance had dispersed. It didn't even last as long as the first disastrous one.

But it fell apart for the same reason, the lord thought. The Princesses believed that Princess Entrapta of Dryl was dead. Little did they know that she was still alive, being held prisoner.

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