Chapter Sixteen

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Hordak sat motionless in front of the broken portal. His claws traced along the runes in the First Ones crystal, a new habit.

Returning to his ruined sanctum wasn't new. Ever since the Princesses left the Fright Zone without a trace, he'd come here. For hours if not days, he'd just sit here. He could never lift his eyes from his broken creation.

A darkness formed inside him. A darkness he'd never felt before. It was a gaping hole in his heart, and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, it only cut deeper.

Something moved in the ruble, but Hordak still did not look up. Probably only Imp, he thought bitterly. Of course, deep down he knew it was far too large to be his pet.

Catra rounded a corner. She kicked aside the broken bonds that once held Adora prisoner.

"Hordak," she greeted, her voice echoing around the room. "Our troops are just sitting around. We need to talk about plans--"

"--Plans?" Hordak mused, but didn't look up. His face was etched in shadow and only his eyes glowed. All energy had been drained from him. "Your last plan was to set off the portal machine before it was ready."

Hordak should have been less focused on making the machine and more intent with research about the planet. None of his information had told him about the consequences of opening a portal on Etheria. He'd taken his experience in the wider universe for granted. When portals were opened there, it didn't cause time and space to redo reality, only to collapse in on itself and erase the world from existence. Etheria owed Queen Angella, leader of the Rebellion and Bright Moon, for saving them from Catra's deeds. Portals were gateways and could only be turned off from the inside. The queen had sacrificed herself and turned off the portal so reality could be restored. 

"Do you remember how that ended?" he questioned.

Catra rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Whatever," she growled. "It worked out for us? Didn't it? The Rebellion is in shambles. Their queen is gone." Her face twisted into a crooked sly smile.

Hordak stiffened at how cold she said it. She was the reason that Queen Angella was gone, and she could so easily say it? It's never that easy to let go, he thought bitterly.

"Now's our chance to gain the upper hand," she announced.

Hordak rose from where he sat, somehow finding the strength. He straightened himself to his full height. His shadow fell over the Force Captain. He realized something was different about Catra. There was an aura around her, and it had darkened ever since the portal. Then he realized it was something much similar. Her hair was flattened against her head, smooth and clear of tangles. She brushed her hair, something she never did before. Maybe it wasn't so easy for her to forget.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" he inquired. "When you couldn't even prevent the Rebellion from infiltrating the Fright Zone?"

Catra rolled her eyes again. "Like I said before, Entrapta..."

Hordak's eyes widened at the name. He cut her off with a blood-curdling cry of rage. His mind went dark as he whirled around, grabbed a frame to the portal, and hurled it at Catra in one swift move. He wasn't trying to aim and she was able to duck out of the way. The hole ripped a little more, letting in a cold gale of hate and spite. "I told you to never speak that name IN MY PRESENCE!"

Catra backed away as he strode closer. The crystal in his suit glowed bright pink.

He revealed his pointed teeth. "If you are so desperate for a task, then redouble our defences so that no Princess will ever set foot in the Fright Zone again." His claws clenched into fists.  So I never have to suffer like that again.

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