Chapter Five

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Hordak would have been more engaged in the fact that Princess Glimmer, Master Archer Bow, and She-Ra's Sword of Protection had all been captured in a single mission, but he was a little preoccupied.

The clone had made major strides in his research. He now knew how to combine the right formulas and materials to create the massive energy power source he needed. After all, ripping a gateway through the fabric of space would require a tremendous amount of energy. He had a plan, and this time it was going to work. Every day, he'd leave his sanctum covered in grease and oil from working tirelessly. Hordak was finally so close.

Oh, right. The Horde executed the most successful mission ever. Shadow Weaver insisted it was all her, and to avoid another huge distraction from his goals, he went along with it. Whether she came up with the plan or not, Catra was the one to fulfill the task.

Catra with the assistance of Force Captain Scorpia and Cadets Lonnie and Kyle.

Apparently, the alliance (as Hordak liked to call it) between the Horde and the Scorpion reign didn't stretch across the world. Even though Scorpia was no longer a princess, she was still invited for the all time Princess Prom. It sounded gross.

The Princess Prom was a huge ball that happened once a decade, hosted by a different kingdom each time. This year, the massive Kingdom of Snows had a winter wonderland theme. The Horde knew every princess would be there, including She-Ra and her pathetic followers.

Catra managed to convince her comrade, Scorpia, to finally attend. Scorpia didn't take pride in being a Princess, despite how much she'd loved her family. Catra came as her plus one, and they wrecked havoc with a little help from their surprise escorts Lonnie and Kyle. Scorpia would probably never be allowed to attend again, but it wouldn't matter. Hopefully by then, the ball would be terminated under new Horde laws.

When Hordak became informed of this success, he had been in the middle of rerouting a bunch of circuits and changing his machine's energy supply. He didn't entirely process the news at first.  He remained poised and collected on the outside, but his mind was traveling fast enough to trigger another defect spasm.

Is this really happening? He thought. With the capture of Princess Glimmer, the Rebellion's foolish leaders can become our puppets. Bright Moon will be crushed once and for all. We could conquer Etheira!

When a headache threatened to break loose inside his mind, he forced himself to stop the hurricane. When his thoughts died down, he warned Queen Angella and announced she had until the morrow's moonrise to surrender herself to the might of the Horde.

When Hordak checked in with Shadow Weaver, he saw out of the corner of the screen that she had the princess held in the chamber. He wondered if it was wise, but Shadow Weaver knew more about magic than he'd ever care to. She served him well over the past few years, and this victory will re-instill her status as an exceptional Second-in-Command. Maybe Hordak wouldn't wish to fire her anymore.

Princess Glimmer's beautiful purple and blue dress was in rags. Her unconscious body was suspended between metal stakes radiating Black Garnet magic. Hordak could tell as soon as she came to, she would experience unbearable pain with every attempt to move. Her cropped pink, sparkling hair was tangled and frizzy. Probably the worst part was her face, not because of her condition.

But because of how much she looks like... him, Hordak couldn't help but say to himself. A terrible feeling started brewing in his stomach, so he looked away.

Catra stood back as Shadow Weaver reported, arms crossed with a massive death glare pointed toward the sorceress. Her furry tail lashed behind her.

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