Chapter II: Reunited

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As the trio approached the camp a group of soldiers made way to stop them from advancing. "What business do you have here?" Ritsuka stepped up, "I'm Ritsuka and this is my servant Mash. We've come with Jeanne d'Arc to speak with someone who's around this area." The soldiers were in shock to hear and see Jeanne in flesh and blood. "The person we're looking for is in the town by the looks of it." One soldier lowered his weapon and ordered the others to do the same, "You must be talking about the General. I can take you to him, he's currently at the town's cemetery. I just don't think he'll be too pleased to be interrupted even if it's something important." The soldier ordered Jeanne and the Chaldeans to follow him as he walks off in the direction of the cemetery.
As they arrived the soldier stops short, "- remember that time when we were children and you handed me that poppey flower and I stuck it in your hair? I just want to go back to those peaceful days with you..." Jeanne had a shocked expression on her face. This voice sounded familiar to her. The soldier asked for them to remain there as he approached the mourning general. "Sir."
He groaned in annoyance, "What is it? Can't you see I'm preoccupied?"
"Sir it's just that you have some people who wish to speak with you. And I whole heatedly believe one of them would make you happy to see them."
"I highly doubt I'll be ecstatic to see anyone. But bring them here so that they may inconvenience me with more war pla.." Jeanne came out from behind the bush and there she saw him, the love of her life. Edgar stood paralyzed in disbelief of what his eyes are seeing. "Jeanne? Is.. Is it really you?" They walked closer to each other as he held his hand out to place on her cheek. As his hand gently held her face she smiled warmly. "Yes. Yes it is my love." His eyes began to swell up with tears. Soon they both embraced each other locking each other into a passionate kiss.
Mash and Ritsuka emerged, Mash began to smile warmly at the sight of two being happily reunited. "How romantic." She thought. As they broke from their kiss Edgar began to let all of his bottled up emotions lose, the floodgates were open, he began to cry on Jeanne's shoulder holding her close to him tightly. "It's really you. I can't believe that you're really here! I was so alone and lost without you, please don't ever let me go back into that empty void ever again. I beg of you!" Jeanne on the verge of tears continued to smile as she held her broken lover close to her. "Everything will be fine, I'm not going anywhere this time. You won't have to be alone again. I'm here with you." Edgar cried into her shoulder, "I missed you so very much." Jeanne began shedding tears as she broke her smile. "I've missed you too. I love you." Edgar smiled at the words, he looked Jeanne in her watery amethyst eyes and smiled at her. "I love you too my little papillon." Ritsuka and Mash smiled at the sight unaware of their hands meeting together, as their hands brushed against each other's they retract their hands back blushing as red as roses. Jeanne and Edgar broke from each other, regaining their breath and wiping each other's tears, he looked over at the Chaldeans and walked up to them. "So what brings you here?" Jeanne hugged his arm gently, "An evil version of Jeanne is going around trying to destroy France. She's cultivated herself an army of servants all of whom I can safely assume from the last time we were here, have been buffed with the Berserker class ability Mad Enhancement."
The wristband on Ritsuka's hand glowed as Dr. Archaman's rushed voice interrupted, "Ritsuka, Mash something happened with the rayshift  and it malfunctioned, we've got it under control now but there might be a slight chance of servant classes duplicating maybe at most two classes duplicating. So be on the lookout for an extra servant with a similar class." Ritsuka looked at Edgar, "I don't believe we have properly introduced ourselves. I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru and this is Mash Kyrielight. We're Chaldeans. And you must be?"
"General Edgar Cortez, I'm a Saber class servant. And as for this evil Jeanne, I'll aid you in your fight." Just then a roar echos through the air. Everyone turned to the direction of the monstrous cry as another soldier runs up to them, "Sir! Theirs a wyvern!" Edgar balled his fists, "She's here." Whispered Jeanne.
"Ritsuka, there seems to be two servants coming to the camp, has Saber joined you?"
"Yes he has." Archaman's voiced changed to pure joy, "Great! The chances of us winning are greater."

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