Chapter VII: A Love in the Air

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(⚠ Mature 18+, Lemon ⚠)

As Jeanne and Edgar make it back to the house Jeanne lays her back on the bed. She smiled as she pulled her loving husband closer to her, wrapping him in her loving embrace. He hovered above her, their lips inches away and his hands holding her wrists above her head on the bed.
Jeanne looks at Edgar with lust in her dark blue eyes, she was ready for him. She wanted him now more than ever.
They closed their eyes and pressed their lips together. Edgar let her hands free as he moved his hands around her back and loosened the straps holding her wedding dress tightly together, Jeanne blushed crimson red as her dress began to loosen up and slowly slip off of her. Her body was a beautiful sight to behold. Her skin was silky smooth to the touch, With every gentle touch her heart raced. She reached out and removed Edgar's suit. They kissed yet again their skin rubbing against one another, Jeanne's breasts pressed up against Edgar's chest making them both blush madly. He continued to remove the remainder of her dress as she unbuckled his pants.
"I can't believe this is happening. It's really happening. I'm finally making love to the man of my life. This sensation is wonderful." was all Jeanne could think about. They broke their kiss leaving a string of saliva connecting from tongue to tongue.
Before she knew it she saw his fully erect member readying for her. Jeanne looked into Edgar's eyes and without her needing to say a word he knew she was ready to accept him. She the lustful look in her eyes and smile, she nervously and slowly opens herself up to him. "I- I'm ready." She finally said, he finally slipped himself inside her, as he entered she let out a pained squeal. This was their first time, she never thought it to be this painful, but she was willing to endure it. Aside from the pain she felt how amazing he felt inside her. Jeanne's walls wrapped around Edgar's member tightly, he puts his hands on her hips and began to thrust gently.
Jeanne clenched herself up and let out a breathy moan, she pulls her lover closer and yet again they lock lips, with every thrust he takes she lets out a muffled moan, "I can't believe this isn't a dream." was what was running through Edgar's mind. All his dreams finally made to life. No gift or wish on Earth that the Holy Grail could summon would be as wonderful as the life he lived with his beloved Jeanne, his marriage and his moments at beginning his new family with the woman he loves more than anything. As these thoughts ran through his head Jeanne wrapped her arms around his back and almost dug her fingers into his back. As they broke their kiss he saw a look of ecstasy on her face, she was gluttonous for more. He provided and a wave of shock and pleasure filled the Maid of Orléans face.
Each moan was becoming more lustful with every thrust going into her. The only words that could escape her breath was the name of her lover, "I love you Edgar."
"I love you Jeanne." He placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her into one final passionate kiss. "He's.. He's hitting my womb with every thrust, it feels amazing. I don't ever want this to end." The world felt like it was fading around the two. They were connected in more ways than one and nothing was sure to sever this wonderful thing shared between the lovers. "Jeanne. I'm about to reach my limit!" Jeanne wraps her legs around him and locks her hands around his neck, "Go ahead, offer me the fruits of your labor!"
Edgar thrusted a few more times before succumbing to his natural instincts and the two breathed heavily, and in their moment, with their labored breathing, they spoke up, "I love you Jeanne."
"I love you Edgar." The two kissed once again before laying beside each other as Jeanne laid a hand on her stomach gently.

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