Chapter VI: A Fresh Start

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"No please! I beg of you to show mercy!" Jeanne Alter laughed maniacally as the bishop begged and pleaded, "You hear that Gilles? Cauchon wants me to show him mercy. Isn't that pathetic?"
"As pathetic as the believers and blind followers of the church Jeanne!" Cried Gilles Alter as ecstatic as ever. As Jeanne's hand bursted into flames she was interrupted by a booming and demanding voice calling from behind them. "Let me have a share of the satisfaction." From the shadows casted by the cathedrals monolithic ceiling emerged Edgar Alter. Cauchon gasped in fear as he attempted to crawl backwards as Edgar unsheathed his sword and walked towards the group. Berserkers Lancer, Archer, Saber, Assassin, Rider and Caster all stood aside as he walked past Jeanne Alter and towards Pierre, "I've been after this disgraceful bishop ever since he had you burned on a pyre. Dregs like him are undeserving of the power they hold, the influence they carry and life they take for granted. You'll get your chance at revenge Jeanne you know me to not be greedy enough to take it all for myself. I just want you witness my devotion to you."
Pierre can see the scornful look in Edgar's eyes, before him stood a vengeful spirit and a beautiful revenant, his acolytes dead from all corners of the cathedral. Edgar had raised his sword and overwhelming fear ran through the bishop, "No! No please don't! I can give you whatever you want!" Edgar's eyes scrunched into pure fury, "Don't you try to bargain your way out of it you old dog! Your fate was sealed as soon as you had the Saint of Orléans burned!" As he brought his sword down with all of his strength, Cauchon began to scream in agony.
Jeanne Alter had a sadistic grin on her face as her hand began to become engulfed in flames, though she had forgotten much about her past, one thing she hadn't forgotten, this man, nigh her lover is standing before her sharing righteous and divine justice with her against a common enemy.
Leonardo da Vinci sat beside Dr. Archaman who were both dressed formally, they were both smiling as the Father spoke "Do you Edgar Cortez take Jeanne d'Arc to be your lawful wedded wife?" He looked her in her beautiful azure eyes and nodded, "I do." Leonardo smiled gently at the statement, "And do you Jeanne d'Arc take Edgar Cortez to be your lawful wedded husband?" Archaman and the other Chaldeans at the Center leaned into or braced in anticipation for her response. Jeanne smiled warmly as looked back into her lovers brown eyes, "I do."
"By the power invested in me by the Lord I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." As the two bounded together the church erupted with jubilee, the Chaldeans, Archaman and Leonardo all cheered and celebrated. The parents of Edgar and Jeanne shedding tears of joy as they watched as their own children grow into adulthood. "Fou!" Cheered Fou as Ritsuka and Mash applauded their friends being brought back together by love. The newly weds then walked out the church and as Jeanne stopped just at the doorway she looked at her bouquet and tossed it behind her, the village women attempted to make a catch for the flowers but overflew them and landed in Mash's hands. Ritsuka's face glowed a cherry red as did Mash. "Your heart beats have accelerated! What's happening there!?"
"N-Nothing Dr!" Jeanne smiled then was caught unaware as she was being lifted off the ground. She looked to see her husband carrying her on his arms she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a quick, yet passionate kiss. The day they've both been dreaming of now come to life.

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