Chapter IV: The Night of a Hundred Swords

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The sun began to set, Lancer relentlessly attacked Rider. "Rider behind you!" He turned and avoided an arrow shot, the arrow hit Lancer in the shoulder, he grew frustrated and amped his attacks. Saber slowly opened his eyes as he sees Mash face to face with him, she was visibly concerned, her face lit up with glee as she ran over to take over Jeanne's fight, "Go to him. I'll take care of this." Jeanne looked over to Edgar and ran up to him.
She took his hand and held it up to her heart, she smiled warmly at him and he smiled weakly back. She felt the love and the pureness out of that smile, the same smile he gave her all those years ago. She took his other hand and placed them both in between his chest she firmly placed her hands over his and began to heal his wounds. She looked up at him to see flesh where his wound would be he looked at her, "Let's go stop that evil.." she smiled as he slowly got himself up to his feet. He sheathed his sword and drew a flag. Jeanne was happy to see he him holding the flag she gave him in his hands, he charged at Jeanne Alter. She glanced over her shoulder and moved as soon as he lunged his flag at her, "You're weak." She kicked him aside as she raised her sword, swords blackened with evil hovered above Edgar, he got up as quick as possible to dodge the falling swords. Jeanne Alter lunged at him but was stopped by Mash, Jeanne and Edgar came out from Mash's sides flanking the Avenger servant, she dodged their attacks as she jumped back Jeanne pounced on her. Jeanne Alter raised her sword to parry Jeanne's attacks, frustrated that she's forced into the defense she calls off the attack. Rider ceased to be shot at by Berserker Archer and Berserker Lancer lowered his weapon. He ran off info the woods as the soldiers who remained alive began to cheer, the Chaldeans and servants rendezvoused at the center of the camp. "Hey-o!" Cheered Rider. Jeanne rejoiced at the sight of another familiar face. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other hasn't it Rider?"
"You don't need to refer to me by my class, you know my name already." Jeanne chuckled lightly, "Very well Astolfo." His eyes sparkled at the sight of Edgar, he jumped up to him while still calling out to Jeanne, "Is this the man I've heard so much about last time we talked Jeanne!? You're lover boy?" Jeanne placed her hand over Astolfo's face, "Fiance, and you're making him uncomfortable." She pushed Astolfo away as Ritsuka caught him. Mash watched giggled a bit as she approached the group. "All me to formally introduce myself. I'm Mash Kyriellight."
"And I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash's master." Astolfo got up to Ritsuka's face and whispered in his ear, "Have you ever gotten lucky with her yet?" Ritsuka jumped back shocked, "Hey you never you know, one thing might lead to another and-" Astolfo was abruptly interrupted by Jeanne smacking his head. "Let's just get going before the townsfolk start to accuse Jeanne of being the Dragon Witch." As the night rose and the group gone the soldiers partied by their generals orders. Soon a figure that looks like Edgar began to walk up to the camp, one of the soldiers approaches the figure, "Sir? I thought you were out with the Chaldeans, Jeanne and and pink haired person what brings you back?" The silhouette raised his head, from the camps lighting he had a lighter skin tone and milky white hair color, his pupils shined a golden yellow and slowly unsheathed his sword, the soldiers flinched dropping his cup initiating a defensive response from the other soldiers who grabbed for their weapons.

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