Chapter XI: As on Heaven as on Earth Pt. 2

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As a sea a flames rush over to the Chaldeans Mash holds her ground as she casts her noble phantasm, Edgar and Jeanne Alter's servants all rushed into the field as Astolfo, Sieg, Amadeus and Marie, Jeanne and Edgar follow suit. The soldiers readied themselves for the order to attack. "You will perish here, Ritsuka Fujimaru. You will be expunged from this singularity." A clone suddenly kicked the sword out of Ritsuka's hand into and went for the attack. Mash turned to protect her master her shield clashing with the clones sword feeling the weight of his strength pushing down on her. She swung her shield leaving an opening and attacked the clone. Edgar Alter charged at them she parried his attack successfully and met with him eye to eye.
She saw the crazed look in his eyes. Dilated pupils and wide open eyes, a smile ear to ear, "He's far from redemption." Mash thought. Edgar rushed Edgar Alter stealing his attention away from Mash. She witnessed the two fight for their lives, "I will sanctify these consecrated lands you dare to step on!"
"Pierre." Said one soldier, "Our general reminds me of a poem. 'It is indeed a dark day, when a good man should go to war. For there is no wrath greater, no fury stronger,  no hatred purer, than one so kind and caring, should they take up the sword. For there'll be no kindness, no forgiveness, no mercy." They watched as Edgar Alter clashed his weapons with his Saber counterpart with all his fury. Avenger kicked Saber in his knee dislocating his leg, Edgar Saber collapsed onto the ground in agony he looked up at his Avenger counterpart looming over him raising his lance with malice in his eyes. Mash rushed to save Saber but was stopped by Jeanne, "I got this Mash!" Edgar Alter's killing blow was blocked by Jeanne as she stood between the Edgar's, though she struggled to hold him back as she nearly knelt as his overwhelming strength.
A loud screech pierced the skies, soon a blur of white, brown and gold swooped down on Edgar Alter knocking him to the ground. "Hey, hey!" Astolfo cheered. Jeanne tended to Edgar's leg. The lovers turned to Avenger who raised his arm, "Medusa!" A command seal dissipates from his arm as Medusa rushes to his aid, soon she begins to summon her noble phantasm, "Bellerophon!" Astolfo sighed and patted his Hippogriff's neck, "Come on Hippogriff, looks like we've got a fight to do." Medusa's winged horse took off as Astolfo's hippogriff followed suit. Jeanne Alter from a distance saw the mythical creatures fight against one another, she smiled devilishly as she summoned a wyvern to aid Medusa. Artoria looked up at the fighting ahead of her and with the effects of the command seal still taking place she slowly lifted herself up. Jeanne glanced at the king and set her free. Artoria raised the Holy Sword, Excalibur, as it glowed a majestic golden, "Jeanne!" Ritsuka's command seal summons Jeanne to his side who rushed to use her noble phantasm, "Luminosité..!"
"Calibur!" Ritsuka, Mash and everyone else hid behind Jeanne as she summons a barrier to shield them from the immense blast of Excalibur. Astolfo looks at the beam of light piercing through the skies almost forgetting the threat of Medusa and Bellerophon. "La Grondument du Haine!" As the blast comes to a close Jeanne sees a sea of flames charging at her, completely stunned all she could do was watch as her end came. She closed her eyes accepting her outcome, however she was pushed out of the way and as she opened her eyes she saw Edgar standing in her place as Mash rushes to save him. He mouthed to Jeanne as the flames grew closer, "I'm sorry." Before her eyes she laid helpless as she watched the spears punched through him like knife against butter. Her glistening watered eyes reflected the sight of her lover hanging off the ground blood dripping onto the ground beneath him "Requiem de Damnés!" Edgar Alter charged at the wounded body of his other self and raised his sword bathed in flames of hatred. As he swung his sword Mash blocked his attack but with such great strength, Mash was knocked onto her knee, Edgar Alter applied all his weight onto the sword as he continued to drive it into Mash's shield the heat of the flames began slowly melting her only means of protecting her master and her friends. "Jeanne!" Ritsuka yelled as he checked up with her, "Don't worry about me. Please master, save him!" Edgar's body dropped to the ground as the spears returned to the earth from where it came. Ritsuka ran up to him and noticed he miraculously hasn't begun to return to the Throne of Heros, "I got you!"
"Move insolent creature!" Edgar Alter swung Mash's shield aside and grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground, struggling for air, Mash tried to release his grip with her free hand, "Magnificent! Absolutely magnificent, splendid stupendous! Make them suffer!" Gilles Alter cried, with euphoria in his face, Edgar Alter looked irritated as he held Mash above him by her neck, he dropped her to the ground in complete annoyance, "Make sure they beg on their knees, their faces of pain is rewarding enou-" Gilles Alter was cut short as he heard a splat and felt cold metal pierce through his stomach, "You're just as big of a nuisance as they are putaine." Edgar Alter's clone vanished leaving Gilles Alter to collapse onto the floor writhing in agony in a fetal position, Tristan ran his fingers delicately through his bow a beautiful song rang through the air as Ritsuka ran to Mash for cover from the raining arrows.
Edgar Alter rushed at the now exposed Mash, his attack was blocked by the his recovering Saber counterpart, frustrated he he throws an underhanded punch into Edgar Saber's wound. As he collapsed Avenger continues forward to Mash he pushed her aside as he gripped Ritsuka by the neck.
"Senpai!" A wall of flames rose between Mash, "Ritsuka Fujimaru, do you know that little voice in your head that tells you 'Everything is going to be okay'? It lied." He raised his sword leveled to Ritsuka's chest. "But don't worry. It'll all be over soon." As Avenger runs his sword into Chaldea's final master, Ritsuka kicks him letting him miss the chest. He coughs blood as he feels the cold metal in his intestines. "Senpai!" Mash screams, Jeanne Alter thwarts her attempt at saving Ritsuka any further as she pounces on her. Just as Jeanne Alter raised her sword against Mash she was taken aback as Edgar Saber punched through torso with his lance. "Go Mash!" She runs off to Edgar Alter as told as Jeanne Alter collapses to the floor. "How could you!?"
"You're not the real Jeanne." He takes another stab at Jeanne Alter once more this time piercing through her heart. "The Jeanne I love would never go out of her way to commit malicious and downright evil things. Killing you was easy, nothing more than pure cleansing the world of evil." As Edgar Alter raised his sword once more to finally finish off the wounded master Mash strikes him in the side of his ribs sending him feet away, Jeanne arrives concerned for the master, "Jeanne can you heal him?" She shook her head, "I can only heal heroic spirits and servants."
"Jeanne!" She looked up to Ritsuka's wrist brace glowing to the sound of Roman's voice. "Look through Ritsuka's pockets he should have a medicinal pen!" She starts frantically searching through his pockets as Mash and Edgar Saber fight off Edgar Alter. She pulls out a white and red pen and once asked if it's the right one, Roman exclaims, "Yes that's it. Now take the cap off and punch it where his heart is, use some force if you must. He's not lost yet so I presume whatever pierced him it still in him right?"
"Okay good. We don't want him turning into a fountain. Now quickly inject him." Jeanne does as instructed and at the Chaldean command room Ritsuka's heart beat continues to beat slowly. Roman and da Vinci wait in anticipation, the entire room was silent until his heart beat began to increase more. And more. The room erupted into cheers and sighs of relief. Ritsuka awoke the holy maiden before him grey and blurry as the sounds of her calling out to him and the fight behind her distorted and sounding very distant. As he slowly began seeing color again he recognized the face in front of him. A man with red eyes and brown hair shows up before the two, "Let me help."
"No time just let me help."
"Ritsuka can you hear me? Are you okay?"
"Yeah everything is fine Roman."
"No everything's not fine. You guys need to take the sword out of him now and cover up his wound as quickly as you can." Sieg retrieves a roll of bandages from Ritsuka as Jeanne grips onto the sword, "I'm sorry master, please forgive me." She yanks the sword out of Ritsuka as he writhes in pain. Sieg gets to work right away encircling his torso right away covering up the wound left behind. "Great job you guys!" As Edgar Alter catches a glimpse of Ritsuka's recovery he grows more impatient and agitated. His attacks becoming more bashful and uncalculated. Edgar Saber takes the opportunity to begin his counter attack he orders the soldiers encircling the area to attack, the soldiers follow as order and to Avengers astonishment he begins swinging at them, "How!?"
"My men will always stay loyal to me. Your mistake was thinking they'll just follow you because you embodied all we fought for to the extreme."
"You absolute traito-" he looked behind him to see a soldier run a sword through him, he felt another as he feels the sword of his Saber counterpart becoming soaked in his own blood, "They never wanted to watch the world burn as much as we did." He chuckled as he cough blood in between as he slowly began to fade. "Nothing to say?"
"I've plenty, but not to be shared with the likes of any of you." He faded from existence as he lowered his sword in exhaustion, Mash walked up behind him placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm okay Mash. I don't need reassurance." Mash nods understandingly as she walks back to care for Ritsuka. Jeanne comes up slowly as she gently wraps her arms around her lover from behind, "I'm sorry Jeanne. For all the things I've done in my life without you. I've disappointed you."
"It's history we can't change I know you're a good person at heart. But please, once this is over let us live our lives happily together forever." Edgar smiled as he turned to face Jeanne "That was my part to say." Jeanne smiled as they shared one last kiss together.
Ritsuka seemed more better than before, as he got up on his own with the help of Mash and Sieg, Edgar walked up to Ritsuka with his hands behind him, "I want to thank you Ritsuka, for saving the singularity and for reuniting us once more. Wouldn't have happened without you, I want to offer you this in return." He hands over the Holy Grail to Ritsuka as everyone around him begins to slowly fade. Jeanne smiled at them as she held onto Edgar's arm, "Thank you once again Ritsuka."

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