Chapter VIII: A Harbinger of Salvation

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"This is inhumane! You will meet your demise!" Edgar Alter laughed as boisterous as he once did in his prime, "By whom? You? The Austrian pianist and Austrian born Queen of France who met her demise at the drop of a blade because the peasants hated her? I very much doubt that. You're not fighters, you're fodder for my training. Rejoice! At least you'll die with the comfort of knowing you're useful for something." Jeanne Alter came up to the revenant with a smirk upon her face. "How are things down here?"
"Everything is in control but I do have two things to ask of you." The fallen Maiden raised an eyebrow as she remarked, "You usually have good ideas when you need to ask me something. So let's hear it." Mash woke up energetic alongside Ritsuka, Mash rushes over to Edgar's place but was immediately stopped by an equally energetic presence. "Whoa! Where you off to?" Mash with a smile on her face replays back to Astolfo that she wants to make breakfast for everybody and wants to invite Jeanne, Edgar and his parents over for a grand meal. "And what's for dessert?" Astolfo chuckled while giving Mash a smile, Mash giggled as she walked out the door, "That's going to be a surprise." Jeanne opened her slowly as she woke she saw her loving husband embracing her, she smiled lightly as she gently kissed him. A knock on the door catches her attention as she gets up to put on clothes as she approaches the door. Mash stands there bright eyed and happy, "Morning Jeanne!" Jeanne smiled, "Morning Mash."
"Where's Edgar?" Jeanne turned her head over her shoulder, "He's sleeping right now." Mash gave a small infectious smile, "Oh sorry, I'm going to make breakfast at your parents place so I just want you both and his parents to come over and share a meal with everyone."
"That sounds nice, Mash, I'll be sure to tell them." As she closes the door Mash turns to see a woman of beauty up ahead. There's a mysterious presence of a servant nearby and it only gets stronger as the woman comes closer. Mash readies herself for the worst but sees it, wounds and bruises all over her. Fujimaru rushes outside as he spots the same woman as Mash does. "Pleasure to meet you." Ritsuka jumped as the unfamiliar startled him surprised Mash reacts as well, Edgar Alter chuckles at the response as Mash summons her shield, "Relax." Said the spectre, "If I wanted to kill you I would've done so very much with ease. But that's not why I'm here."
"Don't trust him it's an Avenger class servant, it's the Alter of the Edgar who walks beside you already, the master deception and lies, ruthlessness and an entropy of remorse for what he does!" Warned Archaman. The servant laughed joyously, "I haven't laughed like that in years, whilst I do enjoy the compliments you've given me I'm afraid that I'm not her for what you think I'm here for. I came to offer my hand in an alliance." A deafening silence fills the air between the four, da Vinci spoke up breaking the silence in confusion, "What did you say?"
"My servant, Mata Hari, and I, wish to join you in bringing down the Dragon Witch."
He sighed irritated but stood his ground, "When me and my servant were summoned we approached the Dragon Witch herself and pledged total allegiance to her in her ques. But along her entourage of acolytes she glared at me with fury in her eyes and threatened that if I were to ever present my face before her or her servants ever again she would have my head stuck above a burning Notre Dame and vowed she would leave the cathedral unharmed for such an occasion. And that treacherous dog Gilles de Rais vowed to use my intestines as a scarf. Mata suffered trying to protect me from that English wretch Lancelot when he lunged at me by Gilles command. So I came seeking for you and the Holy Maiden of Orléans herself to see about fixing up my servant." Dr. Archaman was persistent on distrusting the Alter as he consistently protested against it. "No don't do it!"
"Did I forget to mention I know exactly what town they're going to destroy how many will be there and what they've brought to destroy it?" Archaman leaned in his desk contemplating what choice to make, Leonardo patted his back gently to calm his nerves. "Very well, I'm putting my trust in you." The Alters ruby red eyes glistened with glee as Archaman's heart plummeted into a void. "He's dead, everything Olga worked for, gone. It's over."
From a town reduced to rubble as a forerunner of Avengers fury, Edgar Alter gently opens his eyes he drops the corpse as he smiles a deceptive grin. "They're coming." He muttered.

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