Chapter III: The Dragon Witch

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The group ran to the camp and as they arrived they saw a wyvern hovering over the defending soldiers. It spat acid over the fleeing men as they fell to the ground in immense pain. Dr. Archaman called out to Ritsuka, "Be careful there's two servants there." Saber unsheathed his sword, "Can you figure out what classes they are?"
"It's a Lancer and an Archer. Be very cauti- Hold it, there's another servant on the way." A loud screech pierces through the sky as a creature with the front half of an eagle and the hind of a horse. "Fou?" Whimpered Fou, Mash looked at her shoulder, "What are you doing here Fou? You were supposed to stay behind for this one."
"Fou!" cried the adorable little creature, Mash noticed the mythical creature attacking the wyvern as it's rider hops off to attack the servants. Jeanne squinted her eyes focusing on the new servant but was obstructed by the tents. Saber rushes into the chaos, sword drawn as he cries his lungs out. The two soldiers behind the group, Jeanne in a state of shock reached out to the three, "Wait! We don't know who's down there!" Defeated she summons her flag as Mash readies her shield. Ritsuka balls his fist and looks at Mash with determination. Mash smiled at him and nods as Ritsuka yells, "Let's go!" Jeanne and Mash charge into the camp as Fou runs behind them.
As Saber arrives he sees a pink haired warrior fighting his camps aggressors. "If she were an enemy my men would've been wiped out quicker." He begins to attach the Archer in aid of this new servant. The Archer tries to distance herself to have a better shot of Saber but is relentlessly attacked by Saber's forces. "Such a stupid mistake for an archer to make. To try and go one on one with a swordsman at close range." Archer, now frustrated, swings her bow at the soldiers, she looks up at the Saber to see him charging her. She blocked his attack, and looked over her shoulder to see Mash flying at her, feet first. Archer was knocked a few feet back she struggled to stand back up. "Saber please use me as a shield I'll try to get you as close as possible."
"Got it." Mash advances Archer as Saber follows behind her. Archer backs away firing frantically and as soon as they get close Mash calls out to Saber, he jumps over her and attacks Archer from overhead. Ritsuka and Jeanne come up to the Lancer in a battle against the new servant, Jeanne notices the white strand of hair within the field of pink. "Astolfo?" He turns to look at Jeanne and waves at her with a smile on his face. "Hey Ruler! Long time no see!"
"Rider!" Astolfo stops and for a split second blocks Lancers attack "We can't let him get killed by Lancer!" Jeanne rushed in to Riders assistance. Lancer glances at Jeanne and summons a wall of spikes emerging from the ground. From the other side of the wall she can hear the summoning of more spikes and the death grunts of soldiers, as she broke through her eyes widened at the sight of a forest of corpses impaled from their anal cavities through their mouths. Ritsuka came through and was taken aback by the unholy sight. He felt his stomach churn as he couldn't stand to see what he had saw.  Jeanne placed her hand over her heart, as it began to glow a warm light so did Astolfo, as his wounds began to heal. The hippogriff clawed at the wyverns face, the beast roared a cry of power as it reached around to bite at the annoying prey. It turned itself to face the mythical creature and flew at it head first and opened it's hungry jaws, the hippogriff dodged just in time and in retaliation claws at it's face once more. A talon scratched at the wyverns eye, it landed roaring in pain, blinded it began to thrash in pain swinging it's tail and neck around destroying the camp below it. Mash in a panic lifted her shield to block the thrashing wyverns random swings and was launched across the camp. "How dare you hurt my precious pet." Saber looked around and was struck by a sword. "Saber!" Cried Mash. Jeanne and Astolfo turned to Mash's cries, Ritsuka ran up to Jeanne, "Go I'll stay with Astolfo." She nodded and ran to Mash.
As she approached the two she saw a wounded Saber and Mash running to protect him. She looked around and came face to face with the Dragon Witch herself. "How weak." She raised her sword against the weakened Saber. Pumped with adrenaline, Jeanne dashed to stop her Avenger counterpart from killing Saber. "Move aside Ruler."
"I won't let you hurt him. I won't let you get near him." She knocked Jeanne Alter back and raised her flag pole. Jeanne Alter gripped her sword tightly as she eyed down her former self.

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