Chapter IX: The Crucible

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"Why are we working with the bad guy version of Saber?" Whined Astolfo, "Because he has inside knowledge of who we're fighting against." Chimed Ritsuka, Edgar Alter grumbled in an upset voice, "Nice to know that's all I'm here for." Ritsuka laughed nervously and stated apologetically, "I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean it that way!"
"Don't worry, I'm not offended, just having my patience tested." Saber glared daggers at his Avenger counterpart as Jeanne and Mash looked worried at the revenant. Mata Hari broke the tension and silence when she saw that her master was being distrusted , "F- From what I know at this town we're going to be going up against a Berserker Lancer Vlad III, Berserker Archer Atalanta, and Caster Gilles de Rais." Edgar Alter's face scrunched into anger.
Edgar Alter opened his eyes as Lancelot howls and growls with fury as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Marie Antoinette break free from their enclosure. Enraged he unsheathed his sword, "Down you beasts!"
"You will not address me as such!"
"Nobility such as you isn't deserving of the loyalty. I'm far more bigger than you'll ever be, a Queen who's been hated by her country is nothing more but a beast!"
"Marie! I can hear them coming, our friends are here to save us." Mozart was joyous after hearing their footsteps get closer and closer, "Kill them."
Amadeus and Marie stopped celebrating in shock and terror of what the fallen man had commanded, "Kill them now Vlad, what can a pianist and a Queen with no experience with fighting do to you what you won't to them? Lancelot, burn this place to the ground." Lancelot growled and rushed into destructive chaos amongst the town. "I guess I best better be on my way then, spruce myself up for the final battle they want, don't I? It's not very gentleman like to keep his guests waiting. Have fun Marie, Amadeus! I know I will."
Astolfo pointed over to the column of black smoke looming over the French countryside, "That's either a really big campout with food or something bad. Either or we should probably check it out." Annoyed, Edgar Alter pushed Astolfo's arm away from his shoulder, "So this is what's coming to kill me? What a joke. Gilles de Rais is more intimidating than them." As the group arrived to their dismay the town before lay wasted, a forerunner of Avengers fury. "Aaaarrrrrthuuuuuurrrr!" Roared Lancelot, he lunged at Jeanne and before he could land his sword, Edgar Saber blocked his attack and pushed for the assailant. All the others prepared for what's to come soon a voice emerged from the rubble. "We are in need of assistance, I cannot play my Requiem in the heat of the moment such as this."
"That voice, it must be Amadeus!" Exclaimed Mash, "Fou!" Fou ran up to the rubble as Mash chased after him. As Mash and Ritsuka climbed the rubble they find Amadeus and Antoinette fighting up against Vlad III, Marie glaced at the Chaldeans and shined her smile, "Ritsuka, Mash!"
Outside of everyone's view, Edgar Alter's clone walked up to Edgar Alter, he swung at the clone as it disappears into thin air in one hit. He lifted his hand as his command seals began to glow, "Mata Hari, make sure the fighting does not end there until Jeanne and Berserker Saber Artoria Pendragon arrive." A seal dissipates from his hand, the light breeze from the disappearance of the seal was enough to drop his sleeve revealing half his arm covered in command seals, "Tristan, Oda, Medusa, by my side." Three seals vanish from his arm as Berserker Archer Tristan, Berserker Rider Medusa and Berserker Oda appear behind him, "Yes master?" Medusa asked softly, "Assist Mata Hari with keeping the fight active till Artoria and Jeanne arrive, and Medusa.." he turned to the servants "Refrain from using Petrification, Jeanne doesn't need to her victims turned into stone."
"Very well, master." Medusa and Oda rushed into the desolate town as Tristan readied his bow and left to an isolated spot, Avenger stood there, looking back at the direction of the town. "There'll be nothing left of humanity when I'm done. Ritsuka Fujimaru."

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