Chapter X: As on Heaven as on Earth Pt.1

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"Arrrrrrrrrrrthuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr!" the former Knight of the Round Table raged on as his attacks on Jeanne where more aggressive, Edgar continued to attack Lancelot to aggravate him but nothing he did could grab the knights attention, "Duck!" Edgar looked around and saw a well dressed red eyed brown haired man charge past him , he quickly dodged the attack as the man continued his attack and severely wounded Lancelot, he howled in anger and pain as he backhanded the man from his sight, Jeanne turned to look at the man and her eyes widen in shock, "Sieg?" Astolfo perked up with glee, "Sieg?!" The moment was ruined as Marie flew into sight as Vlad III began to drop attack her, instinctively Astolfo threw himself in between the two blocking Vlad's attack.
A musical note played a beautiful tone as an arrow landed by Astolfo, he flew back from the shot, as he landed on his back he looked up to see the soldiers from the camp looming above him, "Hey you're Edgar's soldiers! Care to give us a hand?" He gave them a perky smile but to his surprise they only responded with hostility. He dodged the soldiers attack as they had the town surrounded. "What do you think you're doing!?" Edgar readied his weapon as Edgar Alter laughed joyously, "So my coteries have arrived just in time." Furious Edgar turned to his Alter counterpart, "In time for what and what is the meaning of this!?"
"Why for the grand finale of course, who would want to miss out? You're soldiers are mine now, you never fit to run an army, you are the part of me that should've died long ago. I know it sounds sordid but your men found me as the more suitable general and it only took killing 1/3rd of the camp for them to figure that out." He looked over to Sieg and smirked deviously, "Fate must be playing a prank on me or is that a filthy homunculus in my presence?" Sieg eyed down the fallen general, and gripped his sword tightly, Ritsuka and Mash readied themselves as did Jeanne and Edgar, Amadeus readied his Requiem, and Marie prepared for the oncoming battle as Astolfo preped his blowhorn. A wall of flames arose before the group and from the rubble that Edgar Alter stands on Jeanne Alter and King Artoria Pendragon arrive Ritsuka noticed something off about the King, she's reluctant to even be there, she even seems to be cuffed. Jeanne Alter cackled as her servants as well Edgar Alter's servants came together, Gilles de Rais cheered on from the side as he emerged from a house unscathed by the carnage, "You all shall feel our fury and hatred. Whether you have good or bad intentions you shall not get in our way! Now go! Go Jeanne! Make them feel pain! Make them feel what injustice feels like!" She smirked, "Yes Gilles." She lifted her hand and ordered Berserker Saber to fight, but to her dismay she resisted. Irritated Edgar Alter lifted her face, "You forget who your master is? You will fight when commanded to, it's pointless to resist the command seal. Remember, you're not a king here, you're merely a tool for our victory, and I'd appreciate it that you don't get in the may of that goal. So get off your heroic power trip and get down there and do what you were commanded to!" He looked over to the Chaldeans, Ritsuka examined Edgar Alter, "Something seems off about him." He remembered back when he first presented himself to the group, "What's wrong senpai?"
"It's all in his eyes, he wasn't merely brainwashed he lured us in with supposedly a clone, perhaps?"
"You've seemed to have figured it out Fujimaru." Ritsuka stepped forward, "I can't let you continue doing what you're doing!" Edgar Alter chuckled, he soon erupted into full blown laughter, "I like you Ritsuka, I haven't laughed this hard in such a long time and you helped me find that humor once again. Alas I feel human once more. Such a shame I must kill you." He unsheathed his sword and gripped the blade firmly before sliding the edges across his palm. He tossed his blood soaked sword at Ritsuka, he watched as the cursed sword landed on the floor by his feet, "Why?" as his hands reluctantly gripped the handle he saw visions of Edgar slaughtering Burgundians citizens with no remorse but rather with pure ecstasy, "Because when I fall it'll be by my own blood, so you wouldn't have to shoulder the weight of all the lives I've taken. You should be grateful for my consideration." Artoria looked up as Edgar Alter took his stance with his lance. He smirked as he summoned a clone at his side, Ritsuka watched as they charged at him zig zagging one another. He blocked an attack from one of them he examined his eyes carefully, "Brown? But it was red when I first met his other clone."
"Senpai!" He turned to see Avenger lunge at him "Golden eyes are the real him." Mash blocks Avengers attack as Ritsuka swiftly defeats the clone, he quickly glances at Edgar Saber, "Brown eyes as well, I guess the clones we're made to look like him in his prime before becoming an Avenger, and red eyes must mean the clone is under his direct control." Jeanne desperately rose her flag to grant him a defense boost, Jeanne Alter grew annoyed by outside interference and rose her flag to grant Edgar Alter a attack boost, pumped with strength and adrenaline he kicks Mash out of his way, he charges straight to Ritsuka and swings his lance, the blow from their weapons clashing knocks him on his rear end, Avenger takes his advantage to jam his weapon into the Last Master but to his shock Ritsuka rolls from danger, "I refuse to go out easily. I will show you the power of human endeavor."
"Then let us show you what human hatred can accomplish." He lifted his lance and unfurled his banner "Bathe my enemies in a sea of fire o' murderer mine, Fléau de la bouche de l'enfer!"
"Manifest yourself, Lord Camelot!"

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