Chapter 6 - Mischief Managed

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Juniper had to control the urge to throw something across the room when she turned the last page of the book and realized it had all been for nothing. All the spells she had separated were not powerful enough to remove the curse of Sonnets of a Sorcerer, and the ones she thought might help, Flitwick prohibited their use. And even then, she still wanted to read it just as much.

Before returning it, Ophelia gave it a look, and Juniper hoped that maybe a fresh pair of eyes could encounter a charm she had missed. But Ophelia only remarked the same ones she had picked, and a new wave of despair rushed over her as she tossed it harshly on top of her desk. And so, she decided to give it back the next day.

Mondays were already long and hard to survive just by themselves, but that one in particular lasted considerably more, according to Juniper. Her classes were getting difficult, and she hardly got time to hang out with her friends in between the hours she spent in the library studying for the O.W.L's, or looking for a miracle to read some cursed sonnets.

Time seemed to pass at a snail's pace, and Juniper was done trying to remove a tooth from a Fanged Geranium after receiving several bites on the back of her hands. Margaret was by her side, handing her some of the teeth she collected from her flower when the Herbology professor was not looking. In front of them sat Maverick and Judson, who were competing to see who could gather more fangs.

When the class ended, Juniper was the first one to stand up and leave the greenhouse. She was quickly followed by Judson, and then Maverick and Dawn, who were discussing some strategies for the Quidditch training session he was going to host later in the afternoon. Judson took out his hat and threw it on his pack as they walked through the corridor, with the intention to go to the lake and revise some theory together.

"You coming, Callister?" Asked Maverick, gesturing to the entrance of the castle.

Juniper shook her head. "I'll catch up later."

"Let me guess," started Maverick, "you're going to the library."


Judson rolled his eyes. "The sonnets, again?"


"Start studying for Herbology. It'll be for the best, long-term speaking," recommended Judson, before beginning his walk to the other way with Maverick.

"If I knew where to start I would've already finished," answered Juniper, shuddering at the mention of Herbology.

Dawn let out a little giggle as they left the castle, leaving her alone in the middle of the hallway.

Pack in shoulder, Juniper dragged her feet all the way to the library. The Book of Charms and Spells weighed on her, and she could not wait to get rid of it. She did not know why, but the book being a waste made her feel some kind of way she could not put her finger on. As she strode past the main desk and toward the back of the library, an idea occurred to her.

Juniper took out of her bag the book and stared at it, hesitant. The face of Sirius Black showed up in her mind, and for a second she considered the idea of giving it to him instead. He wanted it, so why not?

Perhaps that was the reason it felt like a burden. Maybe he would have given it a proper use. However, she swore to Judson she would not ever give it to him, and probably Sirius would not even remember the situation at all. She sighed, and sternly left the book on the shelf before returning to the reception.

She was fast to leave the library, shooting a smile at Madame Pince on her way out. Juniper's mind was all over the place, and it annoyed her deeply. She only returned a book, so why did she feel as if throwing up? Had she made the right choice by leaving it there?

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