Chapter 19 - Juniper

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Juniper and Judson laid on the floor, beside the wide-opened window, in the hopes that the little breeze would cool them off

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Juniper and Judson laid on the floor, beside the wide-opened window, in the hopes that the little breeze would cool them off. But that wasn't working.

It was the end of the first week of July from a very hot summer. By far, the hottest Juniper had ever experienced. She had been staying at Judson's house in Ireland for the entire week, but Cassia was expecting her back by Saturday night. Maverick's pleas to his parents hadn't worked: he hadn't been given permission to go until the second week of the month, which made Juniper feel sad, because she really wanted to spend the summer with both of her friends. But she reminded herself that she could go again after having spent some time with her mother, so the wait wouldn't be that agonizing.

"I think the breeze is actually burning me," breathed Judson. Juniper sighed. "Want to get the water slide out?"

"Okay," said Juniper, but none of them stood up.

Juniper bursted out laughing, and slowly got up before helping Judson.

They ended up in the kitchen, drinking iced water and some ice cream Judson's mum had made. They really didn't fancy going outside.

Last afternoon at Judson's home was shorter than the others. Juniper woke up way after Judson did, as usual, and found him reading outside in the garden. She joined him and spent the morning sunbathing, trying to enjoy every second left she had until leaving Ireland. After lunch, however, it was so hot that they decided to stay inside and try themselves to follow the instructions to prepare ice cream. It turned out that Judson was a pretty good cook, and they could enjoy the homemade strawberry flavoured ice cream while watching some telly.

But even when the sun came down, the weather was not cooling off. Juniper had tied her long hair up in the hopes that every little fresh breeze would cool the nape of her neck after Judson and her had spent the afternoon dancing to whatever song popped in the radio.

Later that day, Mrs. Ogden asked if they could go buy some stuff for dinner. Judson suggested taking the bikes out and riding around the town's square. Juniper agreed, even though she hadn't been on a bike before. She enchanted it so it could never lose balance, and together they rode through the streets of Cork, feeling the wind tangling in their hairs and brushing their cheeks.

They arrived at the market and left the bikes outside. It was quite a small shop compared to the ones Juniper was used to visiting. Its walls were painted in green and the door had a sign that read push. Juniper frowned. Did Muggles really need a sign to be reminded of how to open a door?

Judson let her go in first before exploring the aisles together. They grabbed everything Judson's mother had written on the list for them plus two extra canned soft-drinks.

With their hands full, they approached the main desk and dropped the items in front of the cashier, a boy with a mustard cap and a white tank top. Juniper watched as Judson counted the Muggle money and gave it to him until she started to feel observed.

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