Chapter 12 - The Dog's Mess

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CW: mentions of violence and panic attack. dms are always open if you need/want to talk.

Fifth year Ravenclaws were in History of Magic class with the Hufflepuffs. As usual, more than half of the students were sleeping on their desks, while another group was busy with other subjects' schoolwork. Only two people were paying attention to the Witch Hunts of the 14th Century lesson, both Ravenclaws: Judson and Juniper.

Nevertheless, the effect of a first period of a Monday was even dozing Juniper off. The handwriting on her parchment was gradually becoming unreadable line by line, and the ink smeared the side of her left hand.

She had been writing what Professor Binns was saying with her eyes closed, when the door creaked open and someone came inside. Juniper turned around and saw James Potter, who had led himself in. Everyone but the professor noticed the entrance of the boy.

Juniper turned around, rolling her eyes and focusing again on Professor Binns' words. Ophelia, who was sitting on Juniper's right, saw how James approached Juniper and tapped her shoulder, attempting not to catch too much attention. When she turned to face him, she saw that the boy had bags under his almost fallen eyes, and was pale and taut.

"Callister," muttered James, trying hard enough so that only she could hear him. "You need to come with me."

"What is it?" she wondered. "Better be important, I'm kind of in the middle of something."

James got nearer Juniper's ear and whispered, "It's... Moony business."

Juniper didn't have to think twice. She got up and out of the classroom, following James. She took deep breaths while walking at a fast pace and massaging her temples. She had to shake her worst thoughts away, especially the ones regarding last night's full moon.

They reached the hospital wing faster than ever, yet suspiciously silent. That was getting to Juniper's head. When was the last time James had been in silence for that long?

Before she could blast open the infirmary's door and let herself in, James grabbed her by the arm and pulled her aside.

"I—you need to know what happened last night before you enter," James stated with difficulty. Juniper covered her mouth, imagining the worse.

"He's had worse nights," he warned, hoping to calm down the girl, "but this sure wasn't a good one. And, there's another thing... It's—er—Snape actually has—he knows."

Juniper frowned in utter confusion. But her expression and her heart began to shrink at the interpretation of the words which came out of James' mouth. Her breath hitched as James tried to explain the disastrous events of the night before without breaking down.

"So... Sirius told Snape about Remus? On a full moon?" asked Juniper in disbelief, hoping that she had, perhaps, gotten it wrong. But James nodded.

"I don't know what was he thinking, really," murmured James, as if he was the one who had done something wrong, "I was able to get Snape out of there, but barely. He isn't hurt or anything, though."

"But you are..." said Juniper under her breath, noticing James' slow way of talking and appearance once more. The boy was pale, sweating, and seemed as if he hadn't slept for days. James shook his head.

"It's nothing," he said nervously, "some of the Whomping Willow's branches caught me, but I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine," disproved Juniper, "you have to get checked."

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