Chapter 36 - Starstruck

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They ended up distributing the sleeping bags along the entire living room. Juniper and Sirius picked the corner farest away from the window, not wanting the sun to disturb them in the morning—that was if the storm gave in during the night.

Sirius laid by her side, locks of raven hair covering his forehead, small gushes of air coming out of his parted lips. The sun made his porcelain-like skin shine, and Juniper thought he looked godly. He was so pretty, even when he was asleep.

Juniper looked around, finding a set of empty bags spread on the floor. She squinted her eyes towards the clock on the wall. It wasn't as late as she believed it was, yet she could hear the sound of conversation outside.

Sirius's arm caught her off guard, as it wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Hello?" she muttered, his face so close to hers their noses brushed. Juniper couldn't hold herself any longer and kissed him. Sirius returned it, but then he pulled back and sleepily hummed.

"Morning, love," he said, trying to bury his face on the crook of her neck. Juniper felt a shiver run down her spine. Laying on the floor and hugging each other through the sleeping bags felt like a new level of intimacy Juniper was more than comfortable with.

Juniper sneaked an arm under his, her fingers finding his hair, and brushed them slowly through his locks. Sirius's hot breath tickled her skin, and she sensed her cheeks turn red.

A loud thud made them jump on their place. Juniper turned her head to see Jagger running to the window, barking excitedly. He stopped just before colliding with the glass, and grabbed with his mouth his little ball before dashing away again to Maverick's distant calls.

"As much as I adore that dog," Sirius said with annoyance, "he surely knows how to ruin a moment."

Juniper laughed as Sirius detangled his arm from her and sat up. She held the urge to grab his hand and put it again around her and sat next to him, nudging his arm.

"It's not his fault we just came back from the realm of the dead."

Sirius let out a bark-like laugh, still drowsy and hoarse, and pressed a kiss on her cheek. "Let's find out if our presence was missed, then."

After making themselves look somewhat presentable, they walked out the enormous glass windows and to the garden, where everyone else was hanging out. James, Peter and Remus sat around the unlit bonfire, Lily handing them biscuits from her spot on the floor.

"They're alive!" James exclaimed dramatically, throwing his head back to look at them. Sirius rolled his eyes and stole the chocolate biscuit Lily was about to give him.

"Good morning, I guess," Remus said. Juniper saw past his innocent smile, and stuck her tongue out at him before going to greet her own friends.

Little flowers popped up from the ground at uneven intervals, bringing the picture to colour. The day was growing warm, as if it hadn't been a storm the night before. Juniper hated when the weather changed like that, because now not only she felt her skin sticky, but was also sweating.

"Oi, June!" Judson waved from a distance. He was kneeled next to Jagger, patting his head in an attempt to distract him from the ball on his hands. When the dog spotted Juniper, he snatched the ball from Judson and ran to her. Merlin, that animal had way too much energy.

"I made lemonade, if you want some?" Ophelia offered her. She had been sitting under a tree until she saw her arrival. Juniper agreed, and she disappeared inside the house. Maverick approached to pat his dog and nudged her in the arm, pointing at Judson with his head.

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