Chapter 7 - The Predictability Of The Unknown

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The four boys exited the Gryffindor Tower under the invisibility cloak, led by Remus, who was walking ahead while using the map.

After dodging Peeves by going through another corridor and hiding from Mr. Filch, they found themselves by the statue of a one-eyed witch. Remus tapped the hump with his wand, and said, "Dissendium."

The hump opened, and showed a large and dark passageway. Remus slid in first, and waited for his friends to get down one by one without James' invisibility cloak.

"Sweet Godric, this map is amazing!" cried Peter after being the last down, getting up from the floor and jumping in excitement.

"This here is our greatest masterpiece," said James, kissing the map from Remus' hands. "Come on, then. To the Three Broomsticks we go!"

It took them a couple of minutes to get to Hogsmeade. They exited the tunnel inside of Honeydukes' cellar, from where they would usually steal sweets from the sealed boxes. They silently went up and out through the back window, leaving no trace.

Even though it was a Sunday night, the pub was open and full of witches and wizards. The four teenagers were welcomed by a roaring fire that created a cosy environment, and was even a bit warmer than they would have liked. They took out their coats as they sat on a table behind the stairs, so no one would see them from the main entrance.

Madam Rosmerta, a blonde and green-eyed witch, landlady of the pub, approached the group and greeted them gladly.

"Evening boys," she saluted, winking at them. "I was starting to worry, and wondering if you were even coming. Potter here told me you'd pop by earlier."

"Sorry, love, we had some errands to run," apologized James.

"Oh yes, very important errands. Not at all illegal."

"Anyway," laughed Rosmerta, "first round of Firewhiskey courtesy of the house, in honour of the birthday boy. I'll be back."

Rosemerta came back a couple of minutes later with their drinks, just as promised. Rounds of Firewhiskey and butterbeer kept coming every half an hour, until they were one of the last ones in the pub.

It didn't take long for them to start chatting about whatever stupidity came out of their mouths. The latest topic of conversation? Who would they snog with from each house. They completely disregarded Slytherin, but there were still three others.

"Who, from Ravenclaw?" Asked James, leaning on the table and tapping his fingers on top of it. "Wormtail?"

"Don't know, mate," he thought out loud, leaning on his chair. "Maybe Dawn?"

"Dawn Boot? The chaser?" James laughed. Peter nodded, afraid. "She'll kick your fucking rat butt if you step one yard near her. Amazing player, though. I wish she was on our team."

"Afraid of losing the house cup, I see?" Sirius teased.

"No," he huffed, "she's a great player, but I'm of course better."

"Moony?" Sirius asked, jabbing Remus' leg with his knee. "Your turn."

Remus tensed up at the touch, and cleared his throat. "Er, no one."

"At all?" Gasped Peter.

"That can't be right. There must be someone good enough for you, eh, Moony?" James teased, pushing him with the side of his arm. He was clearly drunk.

Remus shook his head.

"Not even from Gryffindor?"

"Oh." Remus glanced at Sirius, who wobbled his eyebrows at him. Remus sighed as he thought of a lie to say. "Yes, uhm, Mary," he said in a determined tone.

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