Chapter 28 - Fears

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"Hexing is one thing, but hitting?!" shrieked McGonagall from across the desk in her office. "Mr. Black, you've outdone yourself once again."

"Happy to impress you one more time, Minnie," he said, a charming smile on his face. His skin was still bruised, but he'd forcefully managed to heal most of his injuries, which were not as big and swollen as the hour before.

"A hundred points have been already taken from you by professor Slughorn," she explained as her quill wrote on a parchment beside her. "I just need to know, why did you punch him?"

"Needed to stretch my muscles a bit." He shrugged. McGonagall tried to take the truth out of him with her eyes, but it had no effect on Sirius.

"Can I take a biscuit?" he requested as he stood up. McGonagall lifted a denying eyebrow at him. "Might help me heal faster."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey. She'll help you heal properly." She rose from her seat and signalled at the door with her head. "Eat the biscuit on your way there."

Sirius stuffed the biscuit in his pocket and left the office, forcing a smile. The second he was out in the cold hallway, he let out a pained sigh and rubbed a hand through his cheek. He'd had worse than a couple of punches, but it was evident Lucius Malfoy knew his ways.

Completely ignoring Professor McGonagall's words, he went straight to the Gryffindor Tower. James and Lily were chatting in front of the fireplace, sitting in armchairs next to each other. Sirius walked tiredly to them and tossed James the biscuit. Lily turned around, and gasped when she took in his appearance.

"Sirius what happened?" she asked, preoccupied.

"Thought you were going to a party not the freaking war," James said, scrunching his forehead.

"Just a little family reunion. I'm fine," Sirius said, throwing himself on the couch. He glanced at Lily with a smirk on his lips, "How's McKinnon, Evans?"

"Oh. She's upstairs with Mary. I should probably go and join them now," Lily stammered, getting up and dusting off her skirt. She gave James one last glance and, waving goodbye, she made her way towards the spiral staircase.

"Yeah. Good night," James said before returning his attention to his friend.

Sirius remained quiet as James inspected his face with a critical eye. He felt too tired to even make up a joke about it.

"Spill it. Who was it? Was it Avery? Snape?" asked James, rubbing his knees and leaning forward, riling up. "We can go and jinx them now. I'll grab my cloak and we'll get to their room—"

"I've already taken care of it." Sirius ran a hand through his face, his head thrown back. "It was Lucius. He said some stuff. I punched him."

"What did he say?"

"Shit as always. He thinks I still associate with their nutters club because I was with June," his voice slowed down as he spoke. Sirius frowned, the words finally sinking in. "Like she is somehow involved with their cause as well."

"You know that isn't true," James reassured him in a firm tone. "Have you ever heard of the Callister family in your house?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"That's it, then. I'm sure he just said it to mess with you."

"Yeah," Sirius began, but he wasn't convinced. "Anyway, I had to go to Minnie's. I brought you a biscuit, aren't you gonna eat it?"

"Blimey, I forgot!" James exclaimed, and threw the biscuit in his mouth, savouring every bit. "I'm bloody jealous. How does she always give you these, but when I ask she brushes me off?"

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