Chapter 14 - Mind Over Matter

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Juniper glanced at all the stuff she had taken out of her satchel, scattered above the bench in which she was sitting on. Wrinkled rolls of parchment, bent quills, and empty ink bottles were the first thing she saw and was determined to get rid of.

She was sitting outside the library, waiting for Remus—just as she had promised. They were going to spend the afternoon at the shore of the Great Lake, but first he had to finish the project he was working on with Lily. Since the full moon was near, Juniper suggested walking down with him, being familiar with the bone ache Remus suffered before every transformation. Remus had insisted that it was not necessary, but she was determined to come with him anyway.

With a flick of her wand, Juniper vanished all the rubbish that had been weighting her bag and smiled to herself. She had begun sorting the rest of the papers in piles—one for the class notes and another for general thoughts, ideas, or useless doodles—when the library door creaked open.

Remus and Lily walked calmly towards Juniper, who quickly collected the two piles and stashed them into her satchel again. Lily waved cheerfully at her, and after explaining she had to help Marlene with her homework, she left them alone for the afternoon.

Without a hurry, Remus and her headed outside, clutching tight to their coats and with Juniper's arm looped around his. Juniper asked him about his mum and dad, and offered a pumpkin biscuit Cassia had sent her that morning. She felt that she was doing a great job distracting Remus' mind from his problems and pain.

The figures of Maverick and Judson talking by their designated tree appeared in sight. Sitting on a blanket and around a fire lamp, they waved and smiled as the pair drew close. Juniper slumped down beside Maverick, who was nearer to the warmth of the dim fire, and huddled up closer to his side.

Judson just sat there, legs spread, back on the tree. His feet moved around the lamp as he tried to warm them up a bit. Remus approached and laid beside him, touching him from the shoulder all the way down to their elbows.

"Fancy a fag?" asked Maverick, holding up the little box in front of Juniper. When she denied, he turned to Remus, and offered him one as well. Remus shook his head, reaching for his pocket.

"Cheers, but I've got mine," he said, taking out his wand and litting up a fag. Maverick shrugged and followed, not even bothering to offer one to Judson, since he didn't smoke.

"Have you ever listened to Muggle music, Lupin?" Maverick blew smoke out of his mouth and took another puff of his cigarette.

"What do you think of me? That I'm some posh, pureblood, wizard git with zero knowledge of the world around me?" Remus gasped, placing a hand on his chest.

"Basically, yeah," giggled Maverick. "Callister is."


"Well, I'm not. None of that," he clarified. "Mum likes music."

"That was not the question, you posh, pureblood, wizard git," teased Maverick. He blew the smoke out, and Judson waved it away.

"He loves The Beatles," interrupted Juniper, heating up her hands in front of the fire lamp.

"You do?" Judson turned his head and looked at him right in the face.

Remus nodded, extinguishing his cigarette on the sly after a last blow.

"I absolutely love The Beatles! They're amazing."

"The Rolling Stones are better," coughed Maverick.

"You're mental," they said at the same time. Juniper laughed.

"You clearly haven't heard them, then."

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